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Kossuth Square with Great Synagogue
Hassan Jakovali's mosque in Pécs
Not to be confused with Peć.

Pécs[dead link] (PEH-ch) is a town in the south-west of Hungary. Pécs is the administrative and economic centre of Baranya County. The city has a Mediterranean atmosphere and is treasure trove of science, arts and sacrality. It had famous and glorious periods. Here are several values of the Roman times, the Middle Ages, the Turkish occupation and the development of the middle-class are built on one another or next to one another such as Gothic, Renaissance, baroque dwelling houses, Christian churches and Islamic houses of prayer, mosques and minarets, baths and public buildings. It's also an active university city, with some 20,000 students enrolled at the University of Pécs, approximately 4,000 of whom are international students.



Located on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains. The heritage of the past goes back to the neolithic age. The territory always provided good essential conditions for the different ethnic groups who settled down here, which is proven by the archaeological findings excavated here. Founded as Sopianae 2000 years ago by the Romans (most relics date back to the this period) and known as Fünfkirchen by the Germans.

After the period of migration, St. Stephen founded an episcopate in Pécs around 1009.

Pope Urban signed the foundation document of the university during the reign of Lewis the Great, in 1367. Consequently the town of Pécs became the seat of the first university of Hungary.

Today's Pécs is a pleasant small (but still one of the largest in Hungary) university town that has largely escaped the ravages of both communist-era architecture and modern-day mass tourism. In 2000, the Early Christian Necropolis of Pécs was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is one of the European Capitals of Culture in 2010.

Get in


By train


There are frequent trains to Pécs from Budapest's Déli and Keleti stations (and vice versa) - see Hungarian Railway Timetable. The trip is rather scenic, and can be as fast as 2 hr 40 min on an express train, but several hours longer by local clunker. Most international train trips to/from Pécs must be made with a connection at Budapest, with the exception of Zagreb, which can be reached with a connection at the border town of Gyékenyés.

By bus

  • 2 Bus Station (Autóbuszállomás Pécs, Pécsi Távolságiautóbusz-állomás), Nagy Lajos király útja (Northeast 600m of Railway Station), +36 72 502-500, fax: +36 72 311-055. Season ticket Cashdesk M-F 06:30–18:00, 06:30–12:00. Numerous buses from all directions (including from cities in northern Croatia) serve the city. Buses to Budapest's Nepliget station operate numerous times daily (timetable), though the trip is slower than the train, and far less scenic or comfortable.

By plane


Get around


The core of Pécs is small enough to cover on foot, but for those who wish to explore the town, there is a cheap and efficient bus service, single tickets are available for Ft 400 from the driver or Ft 300 from the many kiosks dotted around the city. Make sure you have tickets, the bus inspectors have no mercy and will fine clueless foreigners.

In the city there is Bolt taxi as well as Volan Taxi and Euro Taxi are both safe.



Holy Places

Inside the Catholic Church on the main square (once the Mosque of Pasha Ghazi Quasim)
Love padlocks in down-town
  • 1 Early Christian monuments (Kora keresztény síremlékek), Multiple ( Szent István tér, Apáca utca) (in the Old Town, close to Csontváry Museum). Remains of Sopianae, the Roman city of some 8-10,000 people in Pannonia Province, are found at several points below the inner city. The most important one is the Early Christian Necropolis, a World Heritage site dating back to the 4th century and the largest necropolis remaining in the European provinces. Seven of the burial chambers are open to the public under the name Cella Septichora; the main visitors’ complex includes Cella Septichora, the Peter-Paul Chamber (Péter-Pál - sírkamra), the Chamber of Jugs (Korsós sírkamra), a baptismal chapel converted into a burial site and chambers III, IV, XIX and XX. Many of the chambers are unadorned; some have surviving figurative and geometric frescoes dating back to the date of their construction and similar to Roman catacomb paintings in their style and symbology, including the St. Peter and Paul Chamber with one of the earliest depictions of Virgin Mary. A unique feature of the site is the presence of two-level chambers, which served a dual role for burial site (cubiculum) and ceremonies (memoria). The Chamber in Apaca Street was built in 390. Early Christian Necropolis of Pécs (Q927535) on Wikidata Early Christian Necropolis of Pécs on Wikipedia
  • 2 The Mosque of Pasha Qasim (Gázi Kászim pasa dzsámija - Belvárosi Plébániatemplom), Széchenyi István square, 2 (Near to Hotel Főnix), +36 30 474 0175. Built on site and from the stones of Saint Berthold’s gothic church by Pasha Qasim the Victorious, the Turkish character of the church was restored during the most recent, early 1940s renovations. Inside the building, which functions as a Catholic church, frescoes depicting quotes from the Qur’an from the 16th century are visible. The other mosque in the city, built by Yakovali Hassan, is in Kórház Square at the western terminus of the main pedestrian street, and is also open for visit when not in religious use by the city’s Muslim community. Mosque of Pasha Qasim (Q932746) on Wikidata Mosque of Pasha Qasim on Wikipedia
  • 3 Cathedral (Pécsi bazilika és székesegyház), Szent István tér 14 (Right north of Early Christian monuments), +36 72 513030. The Cathedral of Pécs dates back to the 11th century and the times of Peter Orseolo, second king of Hungary. Bearing the traces of the Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance periods as well as the Turkish conquest when it was partially used for storage. It was renovated in Rococo and Classicist styles, but gained its modern form in the 1880s, when it was mostly restored to its imagined Romanesque origins, destroying much of the subsequent decorations. On John Paul II’s papal visit in 1990, the Cathedral gained the rank of Basilica Minor.


Ancient Christian tombchapel 'gave' World Heritage title to the City
  • 4 Archaeological Exhibition (Early Christian Mausoleum, Régészeti Kiállítás), Széchenyi tér 12. (By buses 34, 35 and 36 from the railway station – get off at Barbakán bus stop and walk two minutes through Esze Tamás Street to Szent István Square.), +36 72 213719, . Apr-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-17:30; Nov-Mar: Tu W Su 10:00-15:30, F Sa 10:00-16:30. The upper part of the two-storey building was a chapel while the lower part, decorated with murals depicting scenes from the Bible, functioned as a burial chamber. Museum shop. Guide available. Adult Ft 1700, reduced Ft 900. Entrance fee included visiting the Cella Septichora Visitor Centre (2014).
  • 5 House of Arts and Literature (Művészetek és Irodalom Háza), Széchenyi tér 7-8, +36 72 510628, fax: +36 72 510629, . An exhibition hall different - mostly contemporary - exhibitions in 'Elaphat building complex' in the Hoitsy house (late Baroque, end of the 18th century), and the Piatsek house (second half of the 19th century). Events: classical chamber music, jazz, and world music presentations, chamber theater and literary programs. House of Arts and Literature (Q1213548) on Wikidata
  • 6 Csontváry Museum (Csontváry Múzeum), Janus Pannonius u. 11. (Centre), +36 72 310544. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. This museum houses the largest collection of visionary painter Tivadar Kosztka Csontváry. A pharmacist by trade, Csontváry became a self-educated painter after receiving a vision at the age of 27 with a voice announcing “you will be the greatest sunway painter, greater than Raphael!” Gradually abandoning his civilian profession, he travelled the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East as well as the Dual Monarchy for inspiration, and painted strange vistas of vivid colour in a unique style that has traces of post-impressionism and expressionism, but defies classification. Csontváry has been praised by Dalí as the second greatest painter of the century after himself. A must-see. Ft 1200.
  • 7 Ethnographic Exhibition (Néprajzi Kiállítás), Rákóczi u. 15. (East of Museum of Natural History), +36 72 315-629. Tu-Sa 10:00-16:00. It presents the material and spiritual culture of Hungarian and ethnic minority groups of Baranya county. Here is the second largest textile collection of Hungary. Ft 500.
  • 8 Gyugyi Laszlo Collection (Gyugyi-gyűjtemény), Zsolnay Vilmos utca 37 (Next to Miner Museum), +36 72 500350, +36 20 2354722 (Mobil), . Apr-Oct: Tu-Th Su 10:00-18:00, F Sa 10:00-19:00; Nov-Mar: Tu-Th Su 10:00-16:00, F Sa 10:00-17:00. Laszlo Gyugyi's private collection. It covers two period of art era is historicism and secession. There are some of the most beautiful ceramics of the 'Golden Age' of Zsolnay Factory. Guided tour available by appointment Ft 5000. Adult Ft 1400, reduced Ft 700. Photo/Video ticket Ft 500. Gyugyi Collection (Q1029764) on Wikidata
  • 9 Modern Hungarian Gallery I (Modern Magyar Képtár I), Káptalan u. 4., +36 72 514040. Tu-Sa 10:00-16:00. Amerigo Tot Museum. Martin Ferenc Museum. A collection of works of Ferenc Martyn (Kaposvar, 1899 - Pécs, 1986), sculptor, painter, graphic designer, illustrator
  • 10 [dead link] Modern Hungarian Gallery II (Modern Magyar Képtár II), Papnövelde u. 5. (Next to Miner Museum), +36 72 514040, fax: +36 72 514042, . Tu-Sa 10:00-16:00. A permanent exhibition of the Modern Hungarian Gallery presents the broadly interpreted 20th and 21st century Hungarian Art, paintings, sculptures, installations. Ft 500.
  • 11 Miner Museum (Mecseki Bányászati Múzeum), Káptalan utca 3 (Old Town), +36 30 2185659, +36 99 338902, . Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00 (winter until 16:00). The Mining Museum of Pécs located in a part of the former wine cellar storage system with several levels below where they show eliminated coal and uranium mining relics of the region. Adult Ft 300, reduced Ft 150.
  • 12 Museum of Natural History (Természettudományi Múzeum), Szabadság u. 2. (Located on south part of the Old Town), +36 72 213419, . Tu-Sa 10:00-16:00. Adult Ft 500, reduced Ft 250.
  • 13 Local History Exhibition (Várostörténeti Kiállítás), Felsőmalom u. 9. (on eastern part of the Old Town), +36 72 310165, +36 72 514040, . Tu-Sa 10:00-16:00. The exhibition on the history of Pécs, between 1686 and 1948, in a former tannery house. On the first floor there are two interiors: one in biedermeier-style and a sitting-room from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.In the exhibition there are objects, documents, photos, interiors, models of buildings and the town. The intimate court of the tannery can add to the visitors' impressions. Gift shop. Adult Ft 700, reduced Ft 350 (2014).
  • Pink Zsolnay Exhibition (Rózsaszín Zsolnay Kiállítás), Zsolnay Vilmos utca 37 (take bus to the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter: 2, 2/A, 20, 20/A, 21, 31, 31/A, 43, 60 - Get off at "Zsolnay Negyed" or bus 27, 40 - Get off at "Bóbita Bábszínház" or "Csillag utca"), +36 72 500350, +36 20 2354722 (mobile), . Apr-Oct: Tu-Th Su 10:00-18:00, F Sa 10:00-19:00. Nov-Mar: Tu-Th Su 10:00-16:00; F Sa 10:00-17:00. The best of everyday objects for visitors. Each piece is unique. Guided tours can be ordered, available in different languages. Adult Ft 1200, reduced Ft 600 (2014).
  • Planetarium of Pécs (Planetárium Pécs), Zsolnay Vilmos utca 37. (See at 'Pink Zsolnay Exhibition'), +36 72 500350, +36 20 2354722 (Mobil), . Th-Su: according to schedule. Offers substantial pastime for all ages. 45-person capacity. You can do time travel into the past and the future. Ft 1100/700 (2014), in foreign language: Ft 4000 per group.
  • 14 Puppet Museum and Theater, Felsővámház utca 50, +36 72 210301, +36 20 9675999 (mobile), fax: +36 72 211791, . M-F 09:00-16:00, Sa 09:00-18:00. This is an interactive Puppet Museum. Children can try out the old puppets, learn more information about the techniques of puppets. Guided tours are available. Ft 400. Bóbita Bábszínház (Q854838) on Wikidata
  • 15 Renaissance Stonework (Reneszánsz Kőtár), Káptalan u. 2, +36 72 514046. Tu-Sa 10:00-16:00. Ft 500.
  • 16 University History Collection (Klimo Collection, PTE University Library, University History Museum, Egyetemtörténeti Gyűjtemény), Szepesy Ignác utca 1-3., +36 72 501600, +36 72 22651, fax: +36 72 325552, . Apr-Oct: M-F 09:00-15:00, Sa 08:00-16:00. Nov-Mar: M-F 09:00-15:00. In the University Library. Here can be seen the valuable Klimo-collection Ft 500.
Garden of Zsolnay Museum
  • 17 Vasarely Museum (Vasarely Múzeum), Káptalan St 3 (next to Miner Museum in the Old Town), +36 30 8738129 (Mobil). Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Dedicated to the works of Victor Vasarely, founder of the op-art movement. Faux-threedimensional paintings, gobelins and "kinetic statues". One of the three collections of Vasarely's work besides Gordes (France) and Budapest. Ft 1200.
  • 18 Zsolnay Museum (Zsolnay Múzeum), Káptalan utca 2 (Centre, north of Vasarely Museum), +36 72 514040. An exhibit on the life, times and decorative ceramics of Vilmos Zsolnay and the Zsolnay Ceramic Factory. The lustrous eosin glaze and colourful pyrogranite developed in the 1870s has given the Manufacture its fame and a Grand Prize at the 1878 Paris World Exhibition. Eosin had gained particular significance in Hungarian Art Nouveau, and became a popular material for public and private buildings as well as art objects. Although the fortunes of the company have been uneven, with world wars, family troubles, nationalisation in 1948 and the mass production of industrial ceramics, the hand-painted charm of the brand survives. The museum collects the lustrous ceramics of the Zsolnay legacy in chronological order in addition to plans, documents and other relics of this cornerstone of the city’s industrial heritage. Ft 1200.


  • 19 Television tower (Tv-torony), Misina tető (North 2km - To visit the impressive TV tower catch bus 35 or 35A to Misina (the last stop), from the Train Station or Kórház Tér (Hospital Square).), +36 72 336900. M-F 09:00-19:00, Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 09:00-19:00. provides a nice panorama on the city, on the neighbouring Mecsek Mountains, and on the hills in the south. Ft 950.
  • Love padlocks. Padlocks are affixed to fences in downtown, on the street running from main square to the cathedral. These public fixtures by sweethearts symbolise everlasting love.
  • 20 Bishop's Palace and Archives (Püspöki Palota és Levéltár), Szent István tér 23..
  • 21 Western Wall Promenade of Castle (Nyugati várfalsétány), Klimó György utca 19-23.

Further afield

  • 22 Baja (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈbɒjɒ]) (East in Bács-Kiskun County). This is a local commercial centre and the provider of public services such as education and healthcare. A small cosmopolitan town (pop. 37 000) with some minorites such Germans; Croats; Serbs; Slovaks and Romanis. Also there are some museums and art galleries. The city churches representing the variety of religion.
  • 23 Gemenc Forest Nature Park (Gemenci Erdő), Porboy (Pörböly) (NE 40 km - mostly of Baja direction buses stop here (from Pécs)). This is part of the Danube-Drava National Park, and it is a nature reserve. Enjoy a ride on the Gemenc Forest Train. Visit the Karapancsa Castle and Farm. Water sports. Forest Walking. Birdwatching. Danube Swamp Forest. Also from Baja take a Pleasure-boat Trip on the Danube River to and around Gemenc Forest.
  • 24 Harkány (Croatian: Harkanj) (south 30 km - buses from Pécs ~every second hour (06:00-18:00),). Medical waters. One of the most famous city spas. Tourinform Office: Kossuth Lajos utca 7, Tel/Fax: +36 72 815910, Mobile=+36 30 2687488
Castle Siklós
  • 25 Siklós (Serbian and Croatian: Šikloš/Шиклош) (south 30 km - buses from Pécs ~every second hour (06:00-17:00)). Highlights: Siklos Castle (13th-16th century), including museums, torture chamber; Gothic Franciscan monastery (15th century), including ceramic creative house; Malkocs Bey Mosque built in the 16th century. For relax there is the Thermal Spa Siklós. Taste the local products of this excellent wine region. - Máriagyűd (a couple kilometres northwest of Siklós) is famous Marian shrine and place of pilgrimage
  • 26 Szigetvár (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈsiɡɛtvaːr]; Croatian: Siget; Turkish: Zigetvar) (buses and train from morning until dusk hourly from Pécs - toward west 30 km in Baranya county). The main sight is the Castle (Museum) founded in Celtic times (Ft 800; daily 10:00-20:00, 2011). Some monuments could be see in the town from Turkish times (16th-18th century). Ali Pasha Mosque now St. Roch's Church, on the Zrinyi Square (1588, 1788). St. Anthony of Padua Franciscan Church (1736). Turkish House (Hungarian: 'Várospince' means town basement), originally caravanserai, Bástya Street (Tu-Sa 10:00-16:00). Salt House (Sóház), also known as the White House or Stagecoach station, built in 1790s. Turbéki church, in the outskirt 3 km away, in site where today's church stay, is buried Sultan Suleiman the hearts and internal organs, and above it a gilded domed octagonal tomb built, this is one of the Muslim pilgrimage site in Europe, on the day of Ascension this is a pilgrimage place for local Hungarian, German and Croatian Catholics.
  • 27 Villány (German: Wieland, Croatian: Viljan, Biljan, Vilanje, Serbian: Vilanj / Вилањ), Baranya county (south-east 30 km). Sights Teleki and Wine Cellar Museum, Church Hill quarry (Conservation Area). Event: the Villany wine festival (early Oct). Outdoor: the Villany-Siklos Wine Road. The Sculpture Park


The La fanfare en pétàrd roams around the town during the University Days since 2009.


Colourful lights on the walls of the Barbican of Pécs during Sétatér festival in September.
  • National Theatre Festival.
  • University Days: (April) a raw of events for the students of University of Pécs and the citizens of the city as well. Main events include the student rector election and the 4-day music festival including international artists like Tito & Tarantula in 2010.
  • ICWiP (International Cultural Week in Pécs): (end of June, beginning of July). One of the most well-known thematic festivals in the Alps-Adrian area. It is about building an international community of young, open-minded, ambitious people.
  • International Adult Puppet Festival: (usually in June). Held in every third year, the international festival hosts puppet theatres and artists from around the world. Shows are played on several spots, often on the streets of the downtown.
  • Rockmaraton:. July. Rock and metal music festival with bands from Hungary and outside the country. For 2018: day pass Ft 3000-7000, 3-day pass Ft 14 000, week pass Ft 17 000.
  • Fishing on Orfű Alterfest: (June) 3-day music festival with bands only from Hungary. The festival is located in a camp site in Orfű, a small village 15 km from Pécs. There is hot shower and clean toilets on the area. During the festival there are bus shuttles from Pécs to the site every hour.
  • Sétatér festival: (September) an almost one-month-long festival with music performances, bungalows of wine cellars and artisan shops along the streets of down-town.
  • World Winesong festival: (end of September). A festival for winesong choruses of only male singers from around the world.


  • Zsolnay porcelain: Colourful glazed items produced by the Zsolnay Ceramic Manufacture, often with a distinct Art Nouveau character, are the best known products of Pécs, remarkable for a distinctive green-gold glaze named eosin. Pieces from before the war are also found in antique stores on Király and Ferences Street; of special note from recent designs is the charming jewellery collection by Katalin Zoob.
  • Villány wines: wines from the Villány wine region, especially full-bodied reds, are counted among the best in Hungary. The region was at the vanguard of reviving traditional winemaking methods and implementing quality standards after 1990, a process encouraged by family vineyards and by strategic investors. Wine producers have also turned towards quality tourism, as well as introducing the “Villány Classicus” and “Villány Premium” labels to designate quality wines reflecting the best of the terroir – the former emphasising the characteristics of the wine region, the latter of specific hills or valleys. In addition to world types (Cabernets, Blaufränkisch, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Blauer Portugieser and Syrah), the less known Kadarka and Zweigelt are also cultivated.
  • Local crafts and art: A selection of wares produced by local craftspersons and artists can be sampled at “Remekek Háza” on the main square (of special interest are the bookbinders’ wares) and “Belső Kert Galéria” in a small courtyard opening from Király Street for mainly playful pieces. Other art galleries and antique stores are found in the inner city as well. Also notable is Elegáns Divat, a main street store selling quality off-the-rack womenswear based on traditional 19th and early 20th century Hungarian designs.


  • 1 Market Hall (Vásárcsarnok), Bajcsy Zs. u. 25 (Right west of bus station), +36 30 3302874. M-F 05:00-17:00, Sa 05:00-14:00; organic market on Th F and Sa 06:00-14:00. The atmosphere is simply unforgettable. Local fresh products. Try sausage of Majos, farmer cheese of Ormánság, extremely good quality Naturale 100% berry juice, thick sausage of Pellérd.

Shopping Centres

  • 2 Arkad (ÁRKÁD Üzletház), Bajcsy-Zs. u. 11., +36 72 523-100.
  • 3 Atrium (Átrium Üzletház), Király u. 76. (East), +36 72 213411.
  • 4 Colonia Passage (Colonia Passage Üzletház), Citrom u. 2-6. (near Pécs Árkád Park), +36 72 333653.
  • 5 Merchants House (Kereskedők Háza), Rákóczi út 46., +36 72 327127.
  • 6 Pécs Plaza (Pécs Plaza), Megyeri u. 76. (S 1 km), +36 72 550360. M-Sa 10:00-20:00, Su 09:00-18:00; Other opening times: CBA supermarket: M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-19:00, 'Smile Country' Playhouse: daily 10:00-20:00, Post office: M-F 10:00-20:00, Sa 10:00-19:00, Su 10:00-14:00. Bookshop, Cinema





In general, the budget traveler would do well to seek out self-service canteens (of which there are plenty) near his place of accommodation. These offer authentic (though of course not spectacular) dishes at very low prices, and offer a great opportunity to get acquainted with Hungarian cuisine in the company of locals. They tend to be only open for lunch, however, and many close on weekends. They're frequented mostly by workers on lunch break, senior citizens, and students, all of which are looking for cheap but decent meals.

In the city centre

  • 1 Kappuciner Étterem, Ferencsesek ut.. A small, old-fashioned establishment offering various dishes for weekday lunch -- the grilled chicken is quite good. Ft 700 - 1300 (May 2019).
  • 2 Kinai Étterem (English: Chinese Restaurant), Citrom u. 4. Self-service Chinese food at rock bottom prices, open 10:00 - 22:00 seven days a week. See also Lili Kinai Bufe in the city center. Ft 650 - 1000 (May 2019).
  • 3 Casablanca, Irgalmasok utcája 20. Wonderful kebab and gyro spot in the city center. Open until 4:00 on Fridays and Saturdays, making it great for some post-clubbing kebab.
  • 4 DZ Street-Food, Mátyás király u. 1.
  • 5 István Cellar, Kazinczy u. 1.

Near the city centre

  • 6 Xavér Étterem, Alkotmány ut.. A large self-service restaurant just outside the city centre, always packed with locals and popular with students as well. A great place for a quick, cheap, and authentically Hungarian lunch. Only open for lunch. Ft 800 - 1600 (May 2019).
  • 7 Új Police Étterem (English: New Police Restaurant), Vargha Damján u. 5. Self-service restaurant attached to a local police station, and therefore frequented by many police officers, but plenty of locals as well. Ft 800 - 1200 (May 2019).


  • 8 Crystal restaurant, Citrom u. 18. Elegant, modern restaurant in Citrom street opposite post office; small interior yard in good weather. Broad variety of dishes, mainly Italian and Hungarian; a good bet for lighter fare. Regular tasting menu offers based on seasonal availability. Service friendly and informal; region-exclusive wine selection narrow but good. Three-course meal approx. Ft 3000–5000 (Aug 2010)..
  • 9 Bagolyvár restaurant, Felsőhavi dűlő 6. Spacious hotel and restaurant on Havihegy with unique folk art-inspired organic architecture, charming collection of pottery and antique household objects; splendid view of the city from open-air terrace. Mainly a selection of traditional dishes, typically served in abundant portions; a separate range of Transylvanian Székely specialties and superb homemade strudels. Three-course meal approx. Ft 3000–5000 (Aug 2010)..
  • 10 Tettye restaurant (Tettye Vendéglő étterem), Tettye tér 4. 19th-century restaurant on Tettye Hill with large interior and beer garden. Danubian Swabic specialties include lung and liver casserole with bread dumplings, cabbage and beans with spare ribs and goose leg with onion-potato garnish. Portions of main dishes are excessive and should not be underestimated. Somewhat old-fashioned with both virtues and flaws of traditional cooking. Three-course meal approx. Ft 2500–3000 (Aug 2010).
  • 11 Replay Cafe (Replay Café), Király u. 4. A wide variety of dishes; grill.
  • 12 Semiramis Garden Panoráma, Havi-hegyi út 1. Cafe with a good selection of Arabica coffee, chocolates and assorted sweets.
  • 13 Makár Óbester Étterem, Középmakár dűlő 4, +36 30 493 7016, +36 30 979 1600 (wedding info), . 07:00-10:00 and 14:00-22:00. A restaurant is in a quiet green area, a few minutes away from the University of Pécs and 2.2 km from the historical city-centre. It offers a variety of Hungarian and International cuisine. The restaurant has 150 seats, in connection with barbecue terrace, banquet hall, tavern, park. €8-16 (May 2019).


  • 14 Elephant Restaurant and Pizzeria, Jókai tér 6.
  • 15 Eleven vinotéka & bár, Széchenyi tér 7, +36 70 411 7555. Wide selection of prestigious Hungarian wines.



Even in a country of oenophiles, Pécs is known for its wines and sparkling wines. The famous wine of the Mecsek hills called cirfandli.

In the early evening students gather in Király street, Széchenyi square, and Kossúth square in the city centre. For late night clubbing, try Pécsi Est Cafe, a nightclub quite popular with university students, or ask the taxi drivers at Kossúth tér where to go. They are the most up-to-date source about night life. Bars close around midnight, while clubs are open until around 04:00 or 05:00.

Although beer is not as important culturally as in Germany or in the Czech republic, these days younger generation drinks more beer than wine. Pécs has its local beer Szalon and Pécsi beer.

  • Művész Presszó. This alternative culture pub has a good range of Hungarian artisan beer specialities. Although it is a bit on the margin of down town, it is worth trying its fine quality beers which are selected from all over Hungary by its owner. With a bit of luck or preparation, it is possible to take part in their occasional beer tasting. Note that it is necessary to book in advance.


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BudgetFt 10 000
Mid-rangeFt 10 000-19 000
SplurgeFt 19 000



Private rooms and apartments are widely available. There's also a number of small hotels in the centre. Enquire at the tourist office.

During the summer months some student dormitories open for foreign visitors, this is the cheapest accommodation (~Ft 3800 per night incl. tax). There is five really cheap and nice hostels in Pécs, see below.

  • 1 Boszorkany Hostel (Boszorkány kolesz), Boszorkány út 2. (NW 0.6km - 'Rokusdomb quarter' - It is at the foot of Mecsek Hill and it takes a 10-minute walk to get to the city centre, but you can get there by taking bus no. 30, no. 32 and no. 37 which ones leave from the local railway station), +36 72 512640, . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Student dormitory open to travellers in July and August. Every two double rooms share a bathroom, a toilet and a fridge. Every room has broadband internet access for free: 100Mbit/sec. You can park your car here for free, too - just a few minutes far from the center. Single/double Ft 5500/7000, two-bed dorm Ft 4000 p.p..
  • 2 Central apartment (Lóránt apartman), Széchenyi tér 2 (Center), +36 20 9402222, . It is a nice apartment with fully equipted kitchen and bathroom. Wifi, Tv. Single/double From Ft 7500/10000.
  • 3 Nap Hostel Pecs, Király utca 23-25 (Center), +36 72 950684, . It is in the main pedestrian street of the historic city centre. The hostel is in a building of eclectic architecture built in 1885. The rooms are spacious and colourful, the bathrooms are modern and there is a fully equipped kitchen for you to use. From the balcony, you can have a beautiful panoramic view of the whole city and of the Mecsek Mountains. Mobile: +36 30 2770733 8/6-bedded room (bunk beds, shared bathroom), €10/13. 6-bed room (standard beds,shared bathroom) €15, double with shared bathroom €44/room.
  • 4 Berg Toboz Pension, Fenyves sor 5., +36 20 3337040, . It is in a quiet calm and decent place in the greenbelt out off the downtown on the hill. Free Parking, WiFi. Single/double/triple Ft 7000/10 000/13 000; Breakfast Ft 1000.


  • 5 Agoston hotel (Ágoston Hotel), Ágoston square (from the railway station: take the bus 38 or 38/ A to 'Ágoston square'), +36 72 212893, +36 72 510496, fax: +36 72 212893, . Rooms for 40 people. Shower bath, toilet, air-conditioning, cable TV, telephone, Internet connection (Wi-fi), hair dryer, medical mattresses; spare bed. Single/double/triple/quad €35/49/60/75.
  • 6 Hotel Főnix (Főnix Szálló), Hunyadi út 2 (In the center (20 m from Széchenyi Square)), +36 72 311-680, +36 70 6473161, . Ideal for families and for business travelers as well. 13 rooms. Single/double/triple/Family room (2-4 people) Ft 8000/14 000/17 000/14 000-22 000.
  • 7 Delanta Pension, Komlói út, 30 (At the crossroads of Budapest-Komló. Around 3 km east from center), +36 72 538 111, fax: +36 72 538110, . The pension has 14 rooms, a smaller and a bigger family-apartment, and a closed parking possibility. Single Ft 7500-10 000, double Ft 8400-11 000, all tax included.
  • 8 Hotel Laterum (Laterum Konferencia és Wellness Hotel), Hajnóczy József utca 37-39 (W 2.5 km close to the Third Theatre of Pécs), +36 72 252113, fax: +36 72 252131, . In the western part of Pécs. Hotel Laterum has been a provider of youth and group tourism for over 15 years, while also serving as a meeting place for both international and domestic conferences, various events, weddings. Single/double from Ft 14 000/22 000.
  • 9 Hotel Rácz, Kálvária utca 6 (east 500 m), +36 72 510 067. In the Historian City in the neighborhood of the Castlewall. Just a few minutes from the city, along the road #6 and it is also easy to access with public transport. Single/double from Ft 8000/14000.
  • Separé cellar accommodation Villány (Szeparé pinceház szállás), Villány, Zrínyi Miklós u. 17, 7773, [],


  • 10 Arkadia Hotel (Árkádia Szálloda), Hunyadi út 1. (Center), +36 72 512550, fax: +36 72 512551, . LCD TV, telephone, bathroom, key card lock, air conditioned, minibar, high speed internet access, Wi-Fi Single/double Ft 16 500/20 000.
  • 11 Hotel Fenyves Panoráma, Szőlő u. 64 (north 1 km from center), +36 72 211429, fax: +36 72 315996, . A family atmospheric three-star hotel, which is on the hillsides of Mecsek by the pine forest, right above the centre of the town. Single/double Ft 12 000-18 000/23 000, suite Ft 46 000.
  • 12 Hotel Makár Sport & Wellness, Középmakár dűlő 4 (west 1.5km), +36 72 224400, +36 30 4009252, . Most of the rooms can have spare beds so the biggest capacity reaches 100. All the rooms are at high standard, equipped with modern furniture, bathroom, air-conditioning, minibar, cable television and telephone. From €55/66 (standard room 3-star), from €75/96 (superior room 4-star).
  • 13 Hotel Therapia (Hunguest Hotel Kikelet, Art & Fit Hotel, Restaurant and Wellness), Málics Ottó út 1 (North one km from center. Next to Hotel Fenyves Panoráma), +36 72 510 125, . At one of the most scenic spots of the Mecsek Mountains, directly above the downtown of Pécs. The hotel offers a unique view onto the town and the neighbouring hills. Single/double Ft 23 500-30 000/27 500-35 000.
  • 14 Hotel Sopianae (Boutique Hotel Sopianae), Felsőmalom str. 24, +36 72 517770, fax: +36 72 517779, . Mobile: +36 30 637-8444 - free facilities: internet connection in each room, fitness equipments, at request breakfast room service. - Additional facilities: half board dinner (at the nearby Fiáker Restaurant), closed parking, sauna, bathrobe, biliard room, massage, laundry. Single/double/triple Ft 13 500-18 000/19 000-21 300, suite Ft 21 000/24 000.
  • Puchner Castle Hotel (Puchner Kastély), Rákóczi Ferenc Ut. 22 (in Bikal), +36 72 459 546, fax: +36 72 459 549.

Stay safe


Generally, Pécs is rather quiet during the night compared to other European cities, and crime to tourists is limited to pickpocketing or possibly prices, bills and taxi fares cheats.

Downtown is safe to walk, even after midnight. Even though it is forbidden by law, there are some beggars on the streets of downtown. They might be annoying to some, but they do no harm.



Pécs is a very active city, partially because of its educational base. The University of Pécs[dead link] offers wide range of programs including Arts, Economics and Business Administration, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine, Music, Pharmacy, Life Sciences and Education. Throughout the year students from all around Hungary and around the world come here to study.

The city also has a wide range of high school programs, most of which are highly specialised in areas such as humanities, sciences and engineering and more.

Stay healthy


As everywhere in Hungary, tap water is drinkable.

Private health care providers are high quality; dentistry and physiotherapy are cheaper than in Western Europe. Still, though, check the price with the provider before you confirm the appointment. Most doctors have some English or German skills.

Pharmacies are everywhere; however, many cannot maintain an adequate reserve of medicines. Another problem might be communicating with the pharmacist, as most of them speak only Hungarian. Some rusty Latin might come handy quite unexpectedly.



Pécs has 4G from all Hungarian carriers. As of Sept 2021, 5G has not reached the city. WiFi is widely available in public places.

Go next

  • Baja (90 km toward northeast) — This is a local commercial centre and the provider of public services such as education and healthcare. A small cosmopolitan town (pop. 37 000) with some minorites such Germans; Croats; Serbs; Slovaks and Romanis. Also there are some museums and art galleries. The city churches representing the variety of religion.
  • Gemenc Forest Nature Park — This is part of the Danube-Drava National Park, and it is a nature reserve. Enjoy a ride on the Gemenc Forest Train. Visit the Karapancsa Castle and Farm. Water sports. Forest Walking. Birdwatching. Danube Swamp Forest. Also from Baja take a Pleasure-boat Trip on the Danube River to and around Gemenc Forest. Start your tour in Ecotourism Centre in Pörböly village.
  • Harkány (26 km toward south, buses every hour or more) — European famous medical waters. Also can be visit on a day tour
  • Szekszárd (61 km toward northwest, take one of the couple daily bus to here) — Famous wines.
  • Szigetvár (35 km toward west buses and trains every hour or more), — The main sights is the Castle (Museum) founded in Celtic times. (More up in 'further afield').

This city travel guide to Pécs is a usable article. It has information on how to get there and on restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.