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Dart Conference 2018

Dart Conference

Including Flutter and AngularDart

January 23-24, 2018

Dart's mission is to make it possible to build next-generation user experiences — on the web, on iOS, on Android, everywhere. DartConf is the premier event that connects Flutter and AngularDart developers together, and to the Google engineers who work on these projects.

Watch talks
Venice Beach, LA Venice Beach, LA
1 Track 1 Track
2 Days 2 Days
1 Party 1 Party
+16 Talks 14 Talks
350 Attendees 300 Attendees
Tim Sneath

Keynote speaker

Tim Sneath Google

Tim Sneath

Tim Sneath Google

Keynote speaker

Tim Sneath leads product management for Flutter and Dart, working from Google’s office in Seattle. He recently joined Google after seventeen years leading client platform and developer teams at Microsoft. You can read more about his journey to Google here. In his spare time, he plays the piano, battles with the New York Times crossword, and attempts to persuade his mother that computers aren’t out to get her.

Matt Sullivan

Let’s live code in Flutter

Emily Fortuna & Matt Sullivan Google

Emily Fortuna

Emily Fortuna & Matt Sullivan Google

Matt Sullivan

Let’s live code in Flutter

To kick off DartConf, let’s live code a Flutter app from start to finish We’ll look at designing a UI using hot-reload, pulling in data over a network and even accessing some native code for those tricky platform-specific APIs. Let’s see how far we can get building an app in half an hour!

About Emily

Emily is a Senior Software Engineer on the Dart team. When not hacking on compilers and evangelizing the awesomeness of Flutter, she can be found working on improving fairness in Machine Learning or acting on the stage and screen. She is an avid member of the nerdy joke appreciation society.

About Matt

Matt leads developer relations for Flutter from Google’s Mountain View campus. He recently joined the Flutter team, having spent three years working on Android and Wear. He’s a bit of a language geek, and is thoroughly enjoying adding Dart to the portfolio of languages to write cool thing in. When he’s not hacking on Flutter, you’ll probably find him in the gym wearing far too many fitness sensors.

Alex Doroshko and Jaime Wren

Effective Dart + IntelliJ

Jaime Wren, Alex Doroshko Google / JetBrains

Alex Doroshko

Jaime Wren, Alex Doroshko Google / JetBrains

Jaime Wren

Effective Dart + IntelliJ

This talk will be a live demo showing the capabilities of the Dart support on the IntelliJ Platform-based IDEs. We’ll briefly talk about the the Dart Analysis Server, show some of the core IntelliJ actions and features all users should know, show off the AngularDart and Flutter support.

About Jaime and Alex

Jaime Wren is a Googler who works on the Dart tooling stack.

Alexander Doroshko has been a happy IntelliJ IDEA user since 2003 and even a happier IntelliJ IDEA / WebStorm developer since 2008. As a Dart support lead in JetBrains, he is passionate about implementing smart IDE features for developers

Eugenio Marletti

It’s bigger on the inside: mind-bending scrolling in Flutter

Eugenio Marletti Clue

Eugenio Marletti

Eugenio Marletti Clue

It’s bigger on the inside: mind-bending scrolling in Flutter

How does scrolling work in Flutter? Is there more than one coordinate system? The Great Scrollables Refactor: legend or reality? Can you alter the laws of physics? What the hell is a “sliver”? Bigger inside what?

Join us to get a viewport to another dimension, where we'll scroll past the answers to the above enigmas (and more)!

About Eugenio

Eugenio is a passionate developer who takes every "it can't be done" as a personal challenge – and is not afraid to find creative solutions while doing so.

He's been stuck in a love/hate relationship with the green droid since 2011, culminating in him moving to Berlin in 2014 to join Clue as Lead Android Engineer.

Lately, he's been allegedly reported to do be abusing the Kotlin language, when he's not too busy preaching about how Flutter is “the solution to every problem in life”.

Brian Egan

Keep it Simple, State: Architecture for Flutter Apps

Brian Egan

Brian Egan

Brian Egan

Keep it Simple, State: Architecture for Flutter Apps

Let's go on a journey! We'll start with a basic Counter Widget, building up to a complex app with shared state across multiple screens. Along the way, we'll explore common patterns for managing application state and discover the building blocks provided by Dart and Flutter for this purpose. Then, we will learn how to put these blocks together to form a reactive application that’s easy to test and reason about. As a reward for our journey, we will be granted the powers of time travel, allowing us to move back and forth throughout the States of our application! This talk is perfect for folks who have used Flutter a bit and are interested figuring out the best ways to structure their applications.

About Brian

Brian Egan is a Montana boy living in Berlin, Germany. He previously worked on popular web and Android applications for SoundCloud and Zappos. He now spends his time writing open source Dart code, developing his business, and scuba diving as often as possible. He is the author of and contributor to several Dart libraries, including RxDart, redux, flutter_redux, and flutter_architecture_samples. He’s currently exploring several different architectural patterns with Flutter, and hopes you will join him for the ride!

Paolo Soares

Flutter / AngularDart – code sharing, better together

Paolo Soares Google

Paolo Soares

Paolo Soares Google

Flutter / AngularDart – code sharing, better together

How many times did you have to implement the same app on Android and iOS? Even though it might give you a sense of pride of accomplishment, doesn’t it feel like a waste of time? Flutter immensely helps with that, but what if you also have to implement a web app? But hey! AngularDart is also based on, well, Dart, so how much code can we share among Flutter and AngularDart apps?

Turns out, it’s a lot.

On this talk, we’ll present a simple pattern for defining the business logic of your app, then write Android, iOS and AngularDart apps where almost all business logic is shared.

About Paolo

Paolo is a Software Engineer on the AdWords Express team at Google, having previously worked on mobile testing infrastructure and the dark arts of iOS test tooling, including the EarlGrey testing framework.

He thinks life’s too short to be spent solving the same problem multiple times, so he’s helping his teammates at Google to figure out how share as much code as possible among Android, Angular and iOS apps with Flutter.

Faisal Abid

From Zero to One - Building a real world Flutter Application

Faisal Abid Zoom.ai

Faisal Abid

Faisal Abid Zoom.ai

From Zero to One - Building a real world Flutter Application

In Zero to One, we’ll explore the architecture of a complex Flutter application. We’ll work our way through the whole flow of the application, implementing WebSockets, Sqlite, In-App payments, a robust REST API and various native platform integrations. We’ll look at lessons learned and challenges you may face while building a real world Flutter app.

About Faisal

Faisal is a Google Developer Expert, Entrepreneur and Engineer. He is a programming language enthusiast and loves solving software engineering challenges across the stack. Currently Faisal is a Senior Engineer at Zoom.ai, as well as working on side projects in Machine Learning, Android, Dart and Flutter.

Vyacheslav Egorov

Making Dart fast on mobile

Vyacheslav Egorov Google

Vyacheslav Egorov

Vyacheslav Egorov Google

Making Dart fast on mobile

No matter whether you are developing or deploying your Flutter application it ends up running on the Dart VM. How does Dart VM run your code? Is there any difference between development and deployment configurations? Learn about all the things Dart VM team is doing behind the scenes to ensure that your applications are fast and slim.

About Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav Egorov is a software engineer at Google Aarhus, where he is working on the Dart VM. His interest is primarily focused on the technology behind virtual machines and compilers. Vyacheslav also contributed to V8 JavaScript engine and LuaJIT. Before joining Google he worked on a Java VM with an ahead-of-time compiler at Excelsior LLC.

Matan Lurey

What's new with AngularDart

Matan Lurey Google

Matan Lurey

Matan Lurey Google

What's new with AngularDart

Upcoming and already landed changes to AngularDart that have focused on smaller code size, more predictable performance, and faster incremental builds in order to let you to create an awesome Dart web application.

About Matan

Matan Lurey is a software engineer in Google MTV, where he works on AngularDart and Dart infrastructure inside of Google. Before the Dart team he worked on the very first large-scale Dart and AngularDart project.

Matthew Smith & John Ryan

Flutter & Web - Unite your code and your teams

Matthew Smith & John Ryan AppTree Software

Matthew Smith

Matthew Smith & John Ryan AppTree Software

John Ryan

Flutter & Web - Unite your code and your teams

In our talk, we'll demonstrate our approach for maximizing the sharing of code between your web and mobile apps. We'll also discuss how it has improved our product, team, and changed the way we think about hiring.

About Matthew and John

Matthew is the CTO of AppTree Software where he focuses on making it easier to build, deploy and support enterprise software. Matthew has led large scale mobile projects for the Associated Press, Comcast, Stanford University and others. In his free time, Matthew surfs the Oregon coast.

John Ryan is a developer at AppTree Software based in Portland, Oregon. He is focused on sharing code across Web, Android, and iOS using Polymer and Flutter. He has previously worked on the Spreadsheets team at Workiva and is the co-author of Redux.dart and the author of Dart By Example.

Eric Woerner

Power of AngularDart and Trustwave’s Customer Portal

Eric Woerner Trustwave

Eric Woerner

Eric Woerner Trustwave

Power of AngularDart and Trustwave’s Customer Portal

Discover how Trustwave is taking advantage of AngularDart to build out a large-scale customer portal across multiple development teams. No matter if your developers come from a JavaScript or Java background you will see how they will come up to speed quickly. We will dive into how Trustwave is using AngularDart to build elements across multiple teams and taking advantage lazy loading, routing, angular components, IDE tools and using pub to automate builds quickly for delivery.

About Eric

Eric Woerner is a VP of Product Engineering at Trustwave, where he leads multiple teams and helps develop the portal infrastructure inside of Trustwave using many technologies. He is a Dart and AngularDart enthusiast and loves solving large scale engineering challenges.

Leaf Petersen

Evolving Dart: Leaving the ocean and learning to fly

Leaf Petersen Google

Leaf Petersen

Leaf Petersen Google

Evolving Dart: Leaving the ocean and learning to fly

From its origins as a language that was designed around being a fairly dynamic, just-in-time compiled browser language, Dart is evolving towards being a more statically typed, ahead-of-time compilation friendly language with killer support for writing user interface intensive client side code. Learn more about how Dart has been changing, and how we see it continuing to evolve over the next few years.

About Leaf

Leaf Petersen is a software developer at Google, working on the Dart language. His background is in optimizing compilers and type systems.

Kevin Moore

How to build good packages for Dart and Flutter

Kevin Moore Google

Kevin Moore

Kevin Moore Google

How to build good packages for Dart and Flutter

Best practices, do’s and don’ts. Reference talk for anyone wanting to build and release a package. Setting high bar. Rewarding existing package authors by recognizing their work and thanking them for it.

About Kevin

Kevin is a Product Manager at Google. He works on Dart's web tools and frameworks and helps drive the overall Dart ecosystem.

Jacob Richman

Flutter Inspector

Jacob Richman & Phil Quitslund Google

Jacob Richman

Jacob Richman & Phil Quitslund Google

Phil Quitslund

Flutter Inspector

The Flutter Inspector makes it easy to inspect the state of a running Flutter UI understanding how widgets are structured and what values they currently have. In this talk I’ll cover some common use cases where you should be using the Flutter Inspector to be more productive as a Flutter user.

About Jacob and Phil

Jacob Richman is a developer on the Dart team in Seattle focused on developer tools for Dart. In the past he has e worked on chrome devtools integration for Dartium and the Dart Dev Compiler.

Phil Quitslund is a developer on the Dart team in Portland, focussed on developer tools for Dart and Flutter. His background is in programming languages and environments.

  • Day 1 January 23
  • Day 2 January 24
10:00 Keynote Tim Sneath Google
10:45 Evolving Dart: Leaving the ocean and learning to fly Leaf Petersen Google
11:45 Let’s live code in Flutter Emily Fortuna Google Matt Sullivan Google
12:15 Flutter & Web - Unite your code and your teams Matthew Smith AppTree John Ryan AppTree
12:45 Making Dart fast on mobile Vyacheslav Egorov Google
13:15 LUNCH  
14:15 How to build good packages and plugins Kevin Moore Google
14:45 What's new with AngularDart Matan Lurey Google
15:15 Power of AngularDart and Trustwave’s Customer Portal Eric Woerner Trustwave
16.15 Lightning talks​ (not streamed)​ Various
10:00 Flutter Inspector Jacob Richman Google Phil Quitslund Google
10:30 Keep it Simple, State: Architecture for Flutter Apps Brian Egan
11:00 Effective Dart + IntelliJ Jaime Wren Google Alexander Doroshko JetBrains
12:30 From Zero to One - Building a real world Flutter Application Faisal Abid Zoom.ai
13:00 Flutter / AngularDart – code sharing, better together Paolo Soares Google
13.30 It’s bigger on the inside: mind-bending scrolling in Flutter Eugenio Marletti Clue
14.30 Unconference 1 Various
15.30 Unconference 2 Various
16:30 GO HOME  


The Dart Conference will take place at the beautiful Google Los Angeles campus, just 5 minutes’ walk from creative and artistic Venice Beach.

The Google LA campus features the iconic, Frank Gehry-designed Binoculars Building.

Google Los Angeles
320 Hampton Dr, Venice, CA 90291
United States

View in Google Maps

January 23-24

Google Los Angeles
320 Hampton Dr, Venice, CA 90291

Limited seats