[go: nahoru, domu]

« Papyrus Rhind » : différence entre les versions

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→‎Contenu : 47 - 51
Ligne 234 :
|| Dans le problème 47, Ahmes est particulièrement insistant pour representer le plus de chaînes élaborées de fractions comme [[Eye of Horus|Horus eye]], autant qu'il le peut. A Comparer aux problèmes 64 et 80 pour des préférences de représentation similaires. Par souci de brièveté, "quadruple" a été réduit à "q." dans tous les cas.
| 48 || Comparaison de la superficie d'un disque de diamètre 9 à celle de son carré circonscrit, dont la taille d'un côté est également de 9. Ratio de la superficie du disque au carré? || <math> \frac{64}{81} </math> || L'énoncé et la solution du problème 48 explicite clairmeent la méthode d'approximation de l'aire d'un disque, utilisé précédament dans les problèmes 41-43. Cependant, elle ne vaut qu'une approxiation de [[Pi]]. La l'énoncé original du problème 48 implique l'utiliation d'une unité de surface connue comme ''setat'', auquel un contexte est ajouté dans les problèmes suivants.
| 48 || Compare the area of a circle with diameter 9 to that of its circumscribing square, which also has a side length of 9. What is the ratio of the area of the circle to that of the square? || <math> \frac{64}{81} </math> || The statement and solution of problem 48 make explicitly clear this preferred method of approximating the area of a circle, which had been used earlier in problems 41-43. However, it is of course [[Pi|erroneous]] . The original statement of problem 48 involves the usage of a unit of area known as the setat, which will shortly be given further context in future problems. For the moment, it is cosmetic.
| 49 || OneLe khet isest aune unitunité ofde lengthlongueur, beingégale equal toà 100 cubits. Also,Aussi aun "''cubit strip"'' isest aune rectangularmesure strip-measurementd'aire of arearectangulaire, beingcorrespondant à un rectangle de 1 cubit bypar 100 cubits, orou 100 square cubits (or a physical quantity of equal area)carrés. Considerer Considerun aterrain rectangularrectangulaire plot of land measuringde 10 khet bypar 1 khet. ExpressExpression de itssa areasurface <math> A </math> inen termstermes ofde ''cubit strips''. || <math> A = 1000 \;\;\; cubit \;\;\; strip </math> || -
| 50 || One squareUn khet iscarré aest unitune ofunité areade equallongueurs toégale oneà un ''setat''. ConsiderConsidérer aun circledisque with ad'un diameterdiamètre ofde 9 khet. ExpressExpression itsde areasa superficie <math> A </math> inen termstermes ofde setat. || <math> A = 64 \;\;\; setat </math> || ProblemLe problème 50 isest effectivelyen afait reinforcementl'application ofsimple 48'sde 64/81la ruleformule forde acalcul circlede la superficie d'sun area,cercle whichbasée pervadessur thele papyrusratio 64/81 énoncé au problème 48.
| 51 || A triangular tract of land has a base of 4 khet and an altitude of 10 khet. Find its area <math> A </math> in terms of setat . || <math> A = 20 \;\;\; setat </math> || The setup and solution of 51 recall the familiar formula for calculating a triangle's area, and per Chace it is paraphrased as such. However, the papyrus' triangular diagram, previous mistakes, and translation issues present ambiguity over whether the triangle in question is a right triangle, or indeed if Ahmes actually understood the conditions under which the stated answer is correct. Specifically, it is unclear whether the dimension of 10 khet was meant as an ''altitude'' (in which case the problem is correctly worked as stated) or whether "10 khet" simply refers to a ''side'' of the triangle, in which case the figure would have to be a right triangle in order for the answer to be factually correct and properly worked, as done. These problems and confusions perpetuate themselves throughout 51-53, to the point where Ahmes seems to lose understanding of what he is doing, especially in 53.
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