[go: nahoru, domu]

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GEP-1867: Per-Gateway Infrastructure

  • Status: Standard
  • Issue: #1867


Gateways represent a piece of infrastructure implemented by cloud load balancers, in-cluster deployments, or other mechanisms. These often need vendor-specific configuration outside the scope of existing APIs (e.g. "size" or "version" of the infrastructure to provision).

Today GatewayClass.spec.parametersRef is available to attach arbitrary configuration to a GatewayClass.

This GEP will explain why that is not sufficient to meet common use cases, and introduce a new field - infrastructure - to address these cases.

Related discussions: * Support cluster-local Gateways * Scaling Gateway Resources * Manual deployments * Merging Gateways * In Cluster Gateway Deployments


  • Provide the ability to configure arbitrary (implementation specific) attributes about a specific Gateway.
  • Provide the ability to configure a standardized set of attributes about a specific Gateway.

Why not GatewayClass parameters?

GatewayClass.spec.parametersRef is the existing mechanism to configure arbitrary fields on a Gateway. However, this introduces operational challenges when configuring Gateways.


As a Gateway manager (with RBAC permissions to a specific Gateway) I should be able to declaratively make changes to that Gateway without the need for access to cluster-scoped resources (GatewayClass) and without affecting other Gateways managed by the same GatewayClass. This has been previously discussed in this issue.

As a cluster scoped resource, GatewayClass does not meet this requirement. This restricts customization use cases to either a few pre-provisioned classes by the admin, or running in an environment where the "Infrastructure Provider" and "Cluster Operator" are the same roles. The distinction between these roles is explicitly called out on the homepage.

Custom Resource

parametersRef is entirely a generic implementation-specific meaning. This means implementations will either need a custom CRD or use untyped resources like ConfigMap. Neither of these have any consistency between implementations. While there will always be some vendor-specific requirements, there are also a number of configuration aspects of a Gateway that are common between implementations. However, these cannot currently be expressed in a vendor-neutral way.

The original motivation behind parametersRef was for implementation specific concepts, while portable comments could be added into the API as first-class fields, but this has not been done (yet).

Additionally, there is hesitancy to use a CRD (which leads to CRD proliferation), which pushes users towards untyped ConfigMaps which are not much better than annotations. The scoping, as mentioned above, is also a bit awkward of a cluster scoped resource pointing to a namespaced object.

Separation of concerns

While there is value out of providing class-wide options as defaults, there is also value in providing these options on the object (Gateway) directly.

Some parallels in existing APIs:

Policy Attachment offers a hierarchy of defaults and overrides, allowing attachment to GatewayClass and Gateway. This is similar to our needs here, but representing infrastructure configuration as a "Policy" is a bit problematic, and the existing mechanisms have no hierarchy.

In core Kubernetes, Pods declare their requirements (for example, CPU requests) inline in the Pod resource; there is not a ResourceClass API that abstracts these further. These higher level abstractions are handled by layered APIs (whether this is a CRD, an admission webhook, CI/CD tooling, etc). This allows users the flexibility to easily configure things per-pod basis. If the infrastructure admin wants to impose defaults or requirements on this flexibility, they are able to do so (in fact, LimitRanger provides a built in mechanism to do so).

Dynamic Changes

Currently, the spec recommends GatewayClass to be used as a template. Changes to it are not expected to change deployed Gateways.

This makes usage problematic in a declarative way. For example, if I wanted to represent a version field and change that to trigger an upgrade, I would need to create an entirely new Gateway.


In order to address the concerns above, I propose a standard infrastructure API is added to Gateway.

The exact fields are out of scope for this GEP and will be handled by additional GEPs. One example GEP already depending on this is GEP-1651.

The fields as defined below are, at time of writing, the existing fields covered by this GEP. More fields may be added as needed.

type GatewaySpec struct {
  // Infrastructure defines infrastructure level attributes about this Gateway instance.
  // Support: Extended
  // +optional
  Infrastructure GatewayInfrastructure `json:"infrastructure"`
  // ...

type GatewayInfrastructure struct {
  // Labels that SHOULD be applied to any resources created in response to this Gateway.
  // For implementations creating other Kubernetes objects, this should be the `metadata.labels` field on resources.
  // For other implementations, this refers to any relevant (implementation specific) "labels" concepts.
  // An implementation may chose to add additional implementation-specific labels as they see fit.
  // Support: Extended
  // +optional
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxProperties=8
  Labels map[AnnotationKey]AnnotationValue `json:"labels,omitempty"`

  // Annotations that SHOULD be applied to any resources created in response to this Gateway.
  // For implementations creating other Kubernetes objects, this should be the `metadata.annotations` field on resources.
  // For other implementations, this refers to any relevant (implementation specific) "annotations" concepts.
  // An implementation may chose to add additional implementation-specific annotations as they see fit.
  // Support: Extended
  // +optional
  // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxProperties=8
  Annotations map[AnnotationKey]AnnotationValue `json:"annotations,omitempty"`

  // ParametersRef is a reference to a resource that contains the configuration
  // parameters corresponding to the Gateway. This is optional if the
  // controller does not require any additional configuration.
  // This follows the same semantics as GatewayClass's `parametersRef`, but on a per-Gateway basis
  // The Gateway's GatewayClass may provide its own `parametersRef`. When both are specified,
  // the merging behavior is implementation specific.
  // It is generally recommended that GatewayClass provides defaults that can be overridden by a Gateway.
  // Support: Implementation-specific
  // +optional
  ParametersRef *LocalParametersReference `json:"parametersRef,omitempty"`

type GatewayClassInfrastructure struct {


Modifying pod labels via infrastructure.labels could result in data plane pods being replaced (depending on the implementation). The way in which the pods are replaced is implementation specific and may result in downtime. Implementations should document how they handle changes to infrastructure.labels.

API Principles

For any given field, we will need to make two decisions: * whether this should be a first-class field or a generic parametersRef. * whether this field should be configurable on a Gateway and/or GatewayClass level

The choice to use an extension (parametersRef) or first-class field is a well known problem across the API, and the same logic will be used here. Fields that are generally portable across implementations and have wide-spread demand and use cases will be promoted to first-class fields, while vendor specific or niche fields will remain extensions. Because infrastructure is somewhat inherently implementation specific, it is likely most fields will be Extended or ImplementationSpecific. However, there are still a variety of concepts that have some meaning between implementations that can provide value to users.


At this time, no fields defined as part of this GEP are exposed via status.