[go: nahoru, domu]

Manuscript Acceptance

For submission of final version, a Microsoft WORD source file needs to be included in the submission; no hard copy of the manuscript text is required. An electronic version of each figure is REQUIRED at this stage. Acceptable file formats for digital artwork are TIFF, EPS, PDF, JPEG, and AI files ONLY. Details on figure format requirements from our Printer are described in Digital Art Guidelines. Multi-paneled figures presented on separate pages will be charged as individual figures. Figures in acceptable file formats, WORD source file, and all required forms must be sent promptly following manuscript acceptance or publication delays will result.

For color artwork, if more than one color is used, please choose colors that are far enough apart on the color spectrum in order to preserve maximum color distinction (e.g., black and some blues, as well as red and some oranges, can be difficult to distinguish when artwork is scaled for the journal page). Please also avoid using very light colors, such as pale yellow, since these tend to fade out and reproduce poorly. Use Helvetica typeface in point sizes no smaller than 8 pt and no larger than 10 pt, except for the main callouts (e.g., A, B, C), which should be 12-pt bold capital letters. Figure graphics should be proportionate to font size of text (e.g., axes labels), as figures are resized for publication.

In cases where manuscripts have been written in LaTex-type programs and absolutely cannot be provided in Word (.doc) with equations in MathType or Word Equation Editor, then submit the .tex and .bib files along with a FINAL PDF to match. (A FINAL PDF MUST accompany the final LaTex file.)

Page Proofs

Genome Research will send all page proofs electronically to corresponding authors. Digital eProofs (which include instructions and query sheet), together with an Author Packet of forms to be signed, will be distributed to corresponding authors online in PDF format. Please remember that color artwork in eProofs and in the journal online is processed in RGB, though color artwork that appears in the print journal is processed in CMYK. (As noted in Online Manuscript Submission, authors are expected to have reviewed both color artwork formats onscreen prior to final artwork submission.) Note that colors viewed online depend to some extent on each monitor's resolution settings (likewise with printers), so some variation in color and contrast between the submitted image and the published artwork in print and online may occur. Each eProof will be e-mailed by our compositor to the corresponding author. Authors must review their eProofs within 48 hours.

eProofs are considered the final form of the paper and corrections at this stage incur charges, so authors are encouraged to keep changes to a minimum. Ensuring that the details of formatting and nomenclature have been followed prior to final acceptance will greatly reduce the need for changes at this stage. If additional data or substantive changes to the text, figures, or tables need to be made at this stage, they must be approved by the hsussman{at}cshl.edu.

Authors are required to return their marked-up eProofs and a typed list of corrections (noting PDF line of correction) to CSHL Press/Production. The preferred method of returning the marked-up eProofs and correction list is via e-mail to journals{at}cshl.edu.

Author Fees, Open Access Option, and Transformative Agreements

A $1500 article processing charge (APC) applies to all accepted papers, effective with papers published in the April 2021 issue. eProofs are considered the final form of the paper; authors are encouraged to keep changes to a minimum.

Authors from HINARI countries who do not have research funding and are unable to meet these charges may apply for APC waivers. These waivers are discretionary and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for waivers must be made prior to manuscript submission; requests made during the review process or after acceptance will not be considered. To request a waiver (again, prior to manuscript submission), please contact journals{at}cshl.edu and include Gen Res Waiver Request on the subject line. Waiver status will have no effect on acceptance and publication of submitted papers.

In addition, Genome Research offers an Open Access option whereby authors may pay a surcharge of $3700 to make their paper freely available online immediately upon publication.

If your institution has a Transformative License Agreement with CSHL Press at the time of manuscript acceptance, your publication fees may have been prepaid. The appropriate Creative Commons license plus Open Access designation will be applied to your paper. Please seehttps://www.cshl.edu/cold-spring-harbor-laboratory-press/journals/transformative-agreements/ for more information. For a list of participating institutions seehttps://www.cshl.edu/cold-spring-harbor-laboratory-press/journals/institutions-with-current-cshl-press-transformative-agreements/.

No other fees are levied, including for the hosting of Supplemental Material on the journal’s server.

Please note: Effective with the April 2021 issue, charges for author alterations (AA’s) in page proofs and revised color art have been eliminated.

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