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Last active November 1, 2024 02:19
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Optimal Evaluation in 1 Minute or 10 Minutes or 10 Years

Optimal Evaluation in 1 Minute (or 10 Minutes) (or 10 Years)

Short Version (1 minute)

A prerequisite to intelligence is the ability to find a program that explains a pattern. Programs are functions. To test a candidate program, we need to implement a "function evaluator". The problem is: all modern programming languages are sub-optimal "function evaluators", which, in the context of search, leads to massive slowdowns. To implement an optimal interpreter, we need to: 1. postpone the execution of expressions, to avoid wasted work, 2. cache the result of postponed expressions, to avoid duplicated work, 3. incrementally copy cached structures, to ensure 1 and 2 don't interfere. Haskell almost achieves this, but falls short on 3, because it is unable to incrementally copy lambdas. To solve this, we introduce the concept of a "superposition", which allows multiple versions of a term to exist simultaneously. This ensures that no work is ever wasted or duplicated, allowing us to optimally interpret (or compile) a given language.

Long Version (10 minutes)

A prerequisite to intelligence is the ability to find a program that explains a pattern. Programs are functions. To test a candidate program, we need to implement a "function evaluator". The problem is: it turns out all modern programming languages are sub-optimal "function evaluators"! For example, consider the following Python expression:

arr = [9999 ** 2, 42]

When running this program, Python will gladly compute 9999**2, even though that expression isn't ever used. That's wasted work. In a large space of random programs, the number of unnecessary computations is massive - thus, the amount of wasted work in naive program search is colossal, making it very slow. But what if we could prevent all that waste?

Here's the plan: let's "postpone" computing expressions for only when they're needed. So, for example, in the program above, we'd only compute 9999**2 if we printed it to the screen - which we don't, so it is never computed. By designing an interpreter around that idea, we'd never evaluate unnecessary expressions, greatly speeding up our computation. Except for a small problem: postponing, turns out, can accidentally cause duplicated work. For example, consider:

mul2 = lambda x: x + x

If we blindly postpone the execution of 9999**2, the program above will evaluate to:

(9999**2) + (9999**2)

Which will compute the same expression twice. That's terrible! Postponing let us avoid unnecessary expressions, at the cost of computing necessary expressions twice, which is equally bad. Is all hope lost? Not yet. Here's an idea: what if we also cached the result of a postponed expression? For example, in the same program:

mul2 = lambda x: x + x

We could first apply mul2, postponing 9999**2 in a "cached thunk":

cache x = 9999**2
print(x + x)

Now, since x is clearly used, we could then proceed to compute 9999**2, copy the result, and perform the addition. That wastes no work! So, is that all? Are we optimal yet? Well, almost... but now we need to decide how we evaluate cached expressions. For example, consider:

cache xs = [10 ** 2, 20 ** 2, 30 ** 2]
print(xs[0] + xs[0])

In this case, the cached expression has many sub-expressions that also need to be evaluated. How do we proceed? If we just evaluate the whole expression and "memcpy" the entire result, we'll compute 20 ** 2 and 30 ** 2, which aren't used. That's not good. If we, instead, copy first, and evaluate later, then, we'll have:

cache xs = [10 ** 2, 20 ** 2, 30 ** 2]
print(xs[0] + xs[0])
print([10 ** 2, 20 ** 2, 30 ** 2][0] + [10 ** 2, 20 ** 2, 30 ** 2][0])
print((10 ** 2) + (10 ** 2))
print(100 + 100)

Which not only copies the whole array unnecessarily, but also computes 10 ** 2 twice. Seems like we're back to the same issue! Fortunately, it turns out there IS a proper way to do it: just copy incrementally. Like this:

cache xs = [10 ** 2, 20 ** 2, 30 ** 2]
print(xs[0] + xs[0])
cache xs = [100, 20 ** 2, 30 ** 2]
print(xs[0] + xs[0])
cache xs = [20 ** 2, 30 ** 2]
print(100 + 100)

Notice how we never computed 20 ** 2 or 30 ** 2, and only computed 10 ** 2 once. That's perfect!

This interleaved "postponed expression + incremental cloning" approach is provably optimal. That is, an interpreter designed that way is guaranteed to never 1. compute unused expressions nor 2. compute the same expression twice. And that's fast! This is what "optimal evaluation" is all about. But there's still a last catch... what if the cached expression is, itself, a lambda? For example, consider:

cache fn = lambda x: x + 10 ** 2
print(fn(1) + fn(2))

Take a moment to reflect about the program above. How do we avoid computing 10 ** 2 twice? Since we're postponing computations, we can't execute 10 ** 2 yet (we don't know if it will be used). Thus, the best we can do is just copy the function, and proceed like:

print((lambda x: x + 10 ** 2)(1) + (lambda x: x + 10 ** 2)(2))
print(1 + 10 ** 2 + 2 + 10 ** 2)
print(1 + 100 + 2 + 100)

Here, clearly, 10 ** 2 was evaluated twice, wasting compute. So, how do we avoid that in a classical programming language? It turns out we can't, and this is the exact moment when all languages in the world - even Haskell, which does all the tricks above - become sub-optimal. That's because there is no way to "incrementally copy" a function without expanding our universe, just like we need to expand real numbers with imaginary units to solve certain equations. I call that extension "superposition". Here's how it goes:

cache {fn0,fn1} = lambda x: x + 10 ** 2
print(fn0(1) + fn1(2))
cache {fn0,fn1} = {x0,x1} + 10 ** 2
print((lambda x0: fn0)(1) + (lambda x1: fn1)(2))
cache {fn0,fn1} = {1,2} + 10 ** 2
print(fn0 + fn1)
cache {fn0,fn1} = {1,2} + 100
print(fn0 + fn1)
cache {fn0,fn1} = {1 + 100, 2 + 100}
print(fn0 + fn1)
cache {fn0,fn1} = {101, 102}
print(fn0 + fn1)
print(101 + 102)

Here, instead of caching "fn" directly, we cached a superposition of its future copies: "fn0" and "fn1". Then, we proceeded to incrementally copy its binder (lambda x:), while keeping its body (x + 10 ** 2) intact. As a result, its variable, x, became a superposed variable, {x0,x1}, which was bound to its two partial copies (lambda x0: and lambda x1:). This has the unintuitive consequence that some lambdas are now bound to variables that occur outside of their bodies! That looks forbidden, but is actually fine: in the end, just like imaginary numbers, everything cancels out, and the final result is correct: 203. And the good news is: we arrived at that result without ever computing 10 ** 2 twice.

A lazy interpreter that implements caching and superpositions this way is guaranteed to never compute any unnecessary expression, and never duplicate any necessary expression. In other words, it is an optimal evaluator for the language it interprets (or compiles). This has some crazy, yet beautiful consequences. For example, in an optimal evaluator, we can implement addition by repeated increment:

def add(x, y):
  for i in range(x):
    y += 1
  return y

And, despite looking embarrassingly inefficient, it performs as well as the "add-carry" algorithm (!!!). Regarding real-world applications, in situations where there is an exponential amount of redundant computations that are generated by some simple procedure - for example, church-nat exponentiation, discrete program search, and certain forms of ray tracing - optimal evaluation can yield potentially massive speedups. I personally believe clever usage of superposition can result in the design of algorithms that solve hard number theory problems like the DLP - but, of course, that's my speculation.

Expert Version (10 years)

If you're interested in the underlying theory behind optimal evaluation, start by reading The Optimal Implementation of Functional Programming Languages, by Andrea Asperti and Stefano Guerrini. If you want to explore this model of evaluation, Bend is a practical programming language that will be optimally evaluated, but note that, in its current version, it isn't lazy yet - this will arrive later this year (2024). For now, you can use HVM1 directly.

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v nice explanation. the question of course is : how much extra work does this need? For example to get cache {fn0,fn1} = lambda x: x + 10 ** 2 you need to know that this is going to be used exactly twice. hard (sometimes impossible) to do.

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