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Training Resnet50 on Imagenet Dataset using OneFlow.

Quick Start

1. Prepare Traning Data

For quick start, you can download the mini-imagenet to train resnet50 on single device. If you want to train resnet50 with the complete imagenet dataset, please see the following instructions.

2. Train on single device

Oneflow supports execution in eager mode or graph mode.

Eager Execution

bash examples/train_eager.sh

Graph Execution

bash examples/train_graph.sh

3. Distributed Training

Prepare Ofrecord for The Full Imagenet Dataset

please refer to: https://github.com/Oneflow-Inc/OneFlow-Benchmark/tree/master/Classification/cnns/tools.

Oneflow launches the distributed training the same way as Pytorch. For more details, please refer to the docs: https://oneflow.readthedocs.io/en/master/distributed.html?highlight=distributed#oneflow-distributed

But for know, we have only tested the distributed training on single node with 8 devices.

Train FP32 Model with Distributed Data Prallel

bash examples/train_ddp_fp32.sh

Graph Training for FP32

bash examples/train_graph_distributed_fp32.sh

Graph Training for AMP (auto-mixed precision)

bash examples/train_graph_distributed_fp16.sh

explaination of command parameters for train.py script

									Use the NHWC dataformat.
									Train resnet50 with eager distributed data parallel.
									Train resnet50 with graph mode.
									Whether to enable amp training.
									Use gpu to decode the data packed in ofrecord, only supported in graph mode. 
									Whether to scale gradient when training in fp32 with graph mode. 
									Whether to skip the valution and the end of the traning epoch.
									Whether to zero-initialize the last BN in each residual branch.
									Whether to save the parameters right after the initialization.
									Whether to print the time stamp.
									To use the synthetic data, only for testing the throughput, no need to provide the real data.

--label-smoothing LABEL_SMOOTHING
									label smoothing rate.
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
									learning rate of sgd.
--load-path LOAD_PATH
									load the model provided by user after model initialization.
--momentum MOMENTUM
									SGD momentum.					
--num-devices-per-node NUM_DEVICES_PER_NODE
									The device number, must be the same for each node.
--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS
									How many epoches to train the resnet50.
--num-nodes NUM_NODES
									The number of nodes to launch the distributed training.
--ofrecord-part-num OFRECORD_PART_NUM
									ofrecord part numbers.
--ofrecord-path OFRECORD_PATH
									The ofrecord path of imagenet dataset.
									The total number of training samples.
									The total number of validation samples.
--print-interval PRINT_INTERVAL
									The intervals of iters to print the loss during tranining.
--save-path SAVE_PATH
									Path to save the checkpoints during training.
--train-batch-size TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE
									Train batch size of each device.								
--val-batch-size VAL_BATCH_SIZE
									Val batch size of each device.		
--warmup-epochs WARMUP_EPOCHS
									The number of epoches to do the warmup learning rate scheduling.	

4. Inference on Single Image

Download Pretrained Models for Imagenet

wget https://oneflow-public.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/model_zoo/cv/classification/resnet50_imagenet_pretrain_model.tar.gz
tar zxf resnet50_imagenet_pretrain_model.tar.gz

Inference with Eager Execution

bash examples/infer.sh

Inference with Graph Execution

bash examples/infer_graph.sh


1. Model Compare

Compare Resnet50 model on different training mode (Graph / Eager)

bash check/check.sh

Compare results will be saved to ./results/check_report.txt Compare info txt will be saved to ./results/default

Compare Results Picture

bash check/draw.sh

The pictures will be saved to ./results/pictures