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Reproducing The Results in The Paper


We list the links to download and compile each tool for comparison below:

We use various tools to process and analyze the data we generate using each tool. The following tools must also be installed in your machine:

We suggest using Conda to install these tools with their specified versions, as almost all of them are included in the Conda repository.

Please make sure that all of these tools are in your PATH


Make sure to download the ONT official training dataset using the following:

$ rubicon download --training # will download ONT dataset 

Evaluated species reads can be downloaded using rubicon download --organism. The datasets will be downloaded under ~/rubicon/rubicon/data/organism

Evaluated reference files can be downloaded from https://bridges.monash.edu/articles/dataset/Reference_genomes/10198815

For the human genome, we download reads from https://labs.epi2me.io/gm24385_2020.11/, while the reference genome is available at https://github.com/marbl/HG002.

We also provide references under reproducibleEvaluation/reference_files

$ cd reference_files
$ bash download_reference.sh

Trained models are available under reproducibleEvaluation/models

$ cd models
$ bash download_bonito.sh
$ bash download_crf-fast.sh
$ bash download_crf-sup.sh
$ bash download_rubiconqabas.sh
$ bash download_staticquant.sh
$ bash download_rubicallmp.sh
$ bash download_rubiconnoskipfp.sh
$ bash download_dorado.sh
$ bash download_sacall.sh
# Causalcall can be downloaded from their official git repo https://github.com/scutbioinformatic/causalcall

Now that you have downloaded all the datasets, we can start running all the tools to collect the results.

Training a Model From Scratch

Train a model from scratch.

rubicon train path_to_store_trained_model -f --full --batch 64 --no-amp --epoch 100  --temp 2 --alpha 0.9 --type rubiconqabas-mp --teacher

--type type of model to use {rubiconqabas-mp,bonito, staticquant}.

      Use rubiconqabas-mp to train QABAS model.

      Use bonito to train our Bonito_CTC model.

      Use bonitostaticquant to train models that are statically quantized.

           To change weights and activation precision: Update layer_weight_bits and act_bits variables in rubicon/arch/bonitostaticquant.py

--teacher flag will perform training using knowledge distillation (KD).

--temp temperature for KD (default=2).

--alpha alpha for KD (default=0.9).

-struct passing enables structured channel pruning, else unstructed element pruning.

-l1 choose pruning weights using L1-norm, else weights are randomly selected.

We ran QABAS using the following command to get rubiconqabas-mp for 96 hours.

rubicon qabas path_to_store_search_data -f --chunks=30000 --batch 64 --no-amp --epoch 100 --reference_latency 7500 --applied_hardware aie_lut --nas proxy --rub_ctrl_opt --rub_arch_opt --rub_sched --default

SkipClip with Knowledge Distillation

Once rubiconqabas-mp model is trained, then apply SkipClip to achieve 'RUBICALL-MP'

rubicon skipclip path_to_store_rubicall-mp  --pretrained path_to_trained_rubiconqabas-mp -f --full --batch 64 --no-amp --epoch 100  --temp 2 --alpha 0.9 --type rubiconqabas-mp

--teacher_directory add teacher path (default=models/bonito).

--full full the complete dataset.

--temp temperature for KD (default=2).

--alpha alpha for KD (default=0.9).

--type performs SkipClip on QABAS generated model.

--skip_stride changes the stride at which the skip connection should be removed.

rubicon skipclip path_to_store_rubicall-mp  --pretrained reproducibleEvaluation/models/rubiconqabas/ -f --full --batch 64 --no-amp --epoch 100  --temp 2 --alpha 0.9 --type rubiconqabas

Basecalling a Specie

Download our generated basecalled reads

$ cd models
$ bash download_reads_bonito.sh
$ bash download_reads_crf-fast.sh
$ bash download_reads_crf-sup.sh
$ bash download_reads_causalcall.sh
$ bash download_reads_dorado.sh
$ bash download_reads_rubicall.sh
$ bash download_reads_sacall.sh

Or perform basecalling on a set of raw reads. Make sure models are available under reproducibleEvaluation/models and evaluated organisms under ../../data/organism

cd reproducibleEvaluation/basecalled_reads
python run_basecalling.py specie_dir model_dir modeltype

specie_dir is the path to specie reads (Can be downloaded using rubicon download --organism)

model_dir is the path to a specific model, which are under reproducibleEvaluation/models

modeltype depending upon the model

      crf-fast for bonito_crf-fast model

      crf-sup for bonito_crf-sup model

      bonito for bonito_ctc model

      rubiconqabas for model after QABAS

      rubiconskiptrim for model after RUBICALL-MP

      rubiconnoskipfp for model after RUBICALL-FP

      sacall for bonito_ctc model

      staticquant for model after statically quant models

To run all the models that we evaluate, simply run the command below.

cd reproducibleEvaluation
python run_all.py

Basecalling Accuracy Analysis

For basecalling accuracy, we align each basecalled read to its corresponding reference genome of the same species using the state-of-the-art read mapper, minimap2. We use basecalling-comparison scripts.

cd reproducibleEvaluation/basecalling_accuracy_analysis

Note we do not perform nanopolishing in ~/reproducibleEvaluation/basecalling_accuracy_analysis/basecalling_comparison/analysis_scripts/analysis.sh

Make sure reference files are in the same folder from where you execute the script as reference$i.fasta. Where $i is the name of the species (e.g., reference_Acinetobacter_pittii_16-377-0801.fasta)

cd reproducibleEvaluation/basecalling_accuracy_analysis
$ bash download_reference.sh

Appropriate reference files are under reproducibleEvaluation/reference_files The human reference genome v0.7 is available at https://github.com/marbl/HG002

#run the analysis using the script below
python reproducibleEvaluation/basecalling_accuracy_analysis/run_eval_pipeline.py path_to_basecalled_reads

To analyze the results, run the following command. Pass the path to generated _read.tsv file.

python3 analysis_scripts/get_median_identity.py <generated_basecalled_reads.tsv>

Downstream Analysis: De novo Assembly

We construct de novo assemblies from the basecalled reads and calculate the statistics related to the accuracy, completeness, and contiguity of these assemblies. To generate de novo assemblies, we use minimap2 to report all read overlaps and miniasm to construct the assembly from these overlaps. We use miniasm because it allows us to observe the effect of the reads on the assemblies without performing additional error correction steps on input reads and their final assembly. To measure the assembly accuracy, we use dnadiff to evaluate 1) the portion of the reference genome that can align to a given assembly (i.e., Genome Fraction) and 2) the average identity of assemblies (i.e., Average Identity) when compared to their respective reference genomes. To measure statistics related to the contiguity and completeness of the assemblies, such as the overall assembly length, average GC content (i.e., the ratio of G and C bases in an assembly), and NG50 statistics (i.e., shortest contig at the half of the overall reference genome length), we use QUAST.

cd reproducibleEvaluation/denovo_assembly/
bash download_analysis_data.sh #download necessary data
#Run assembly for each basecaller. E.g., below, we run for bonito. In the same way, run for rubicall, crf-fast, causalcall.
cd reproducibleEvaluation/denovo_assembly/bonito

Run dnadiff and quast:

cd  reproducibleEvaluation/denovo_assembly/analysis
#Runs dnadiff and quast to generate all the results regarding the assembly and overlap statistics. 

Similarly, for the human genome, follow the below instructions. Please make sure run_dnadiff and run_quast, points to proper location:

cd reproducibleEvaluation/denovo_assembly/human_analysis

It outputs the result at the end to the standard output.

Downstream Analysis: Read Mapping

We basecall the raw electrical signals into reads using each of the subject basecallers. We map the resulting read set to its reference genome of the same species using the state-of-the-art read mapper, minimap2. We use the default parameter values for mapping ONT reads using the preset parameter -x map-ont. We use the stats tool from the SAMtools library to obtain four key statistics on the quality of read mapping results: the total number of mismatches, the total number of mapped bases, the total number of mapped reads, and the total number of unmapped reads.

cd reproducibleEvaluation/read_mapping_analysis
python run_minimap.py ref_path fasta_path sam_out_path
#run minimap
#ref_path is the path of the reference (references available under reproducibleEvaluation/reference_files)
#fasta_path is the path to basecalled read (generated basecalled reads available under: reproducibleEvaluation/basecalled_reads)
#sam_out_path path to store files needed for sam tools

Run samtool on generated files.

cd reproducibleEvaluation/read_mapping_analysis
python run_samtools.py sam_dir_path out_dir_path
#run samtools
#sam_dir_path path to store files needed for sam tools
#out_dir_path path to store samtool results

Read stats for mismatches, bases mapped, reads mapped, and reads unmapped

cd reproducibleEvaluation/read_mapping_analysis
python read_stats.py

Download human genome analysis:

cd reproducibleEvaluation/read_mapping_analysis
bash download_human_samtools_results.sh

K-mer Counting Analysis

We analyze the occurrence of k-mer (i.e., substrings of length k) in a given sequence of basecalled reads and their assemblies. We use BBMap to collect the number of unique k-mers and the frequency of each unique k-mer in a given sequence. During our analysis, we vary the value of k from 15 to 31. Based on our empirical analysis, we set the k value for our evaluated bacterial species to 15, where we observe distinct peaks of unique k-mers.

To collect distinct k-mers (as sequences) and the number of times each distinct k-mer appears, run the following on generated reads and assembly with proper paths for BBMap, Reads/Assembly, and output path


To generate a k-mer frequency histogram (used to find peaks and threshold to generate over and under-represented k-mers), run the following on generated reads and assembly with proper paths for BBMap, Reads/Assembly, and output path


Generate the k-mer list that appears less than a certain threshold:

run_under.sh <threshold> <k-mer-file for read/assembly>
For example:
run_under.sh 10 k-mer_compare_15/basecalled_read/bonito/serratia_marcescens_17.out # setting threshold=10 for serratia_marcescens_17 reads generated using bonito basecaller

Generate the k-mer list that appears more than a certain threshold:

run_over.sh <threshold> <k-mer-file for read/assembly>
For example:
run_over.sh 10 k-mer_compare_15/basecalled_read/bonito/serratia_marcescens_17.out # setting threshold=10 for serratia_marcescens_17 reads generated using bonito basecaller

Find the intersection of under and over-represented k-mers between reads and assembly using the following script:

run_intersect_k-mers.sh A.over B.over common_kmer.over
# A from read set, B from assembly for the same dataset and basecalling

Run the above script for both .over and .under for each dataset and basecalling pairs. Then count the number of lines in common_k_mer.over. Use the common count to take its ratio with either read set and assembly for the over/under k-mers from the same basecalling+dataset.


We provide the generated ONNX (Open Neural NetworkExchange) file for RUBICALL_MP.

We estimate the performance of AIE-ML by calculating bit operations (BOPs) that measure the number of bitwise operations in a given network from its ONNX representation and consider the total number of supported operations per datatype on AIE-ML.


You will find the high-quality figures that we included in the paper. We also provide scripts to generate these figures.