[go: nahoru, domu]

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138 lines (96 loc) · 3.59 KB


File metadata and controls

138 lines (96 loc) · 3.59 KB
.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

CAN BUS tools

Functions and classes

.. autofunction:: cantools.database.load_file

.. autofunction:: cantools.database.dump_file

.. autofunction:: cantools.database.load_string

.. autofunction:: cantools.database.load

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.can.Database

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.can.Message

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.can.Signal

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.namedsignalvalue.NamedSignalValue

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.conversion.BaseConversion

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.diagnostics.Database

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.diagnostics.Did

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.diagnostics.Data

.. autoclass:: cantools.database.UnsupportedDatabaseFormatError

.. autoclass:: cantools.tester.Tester

.. autoclass:: cantools.tester.DecodedMessage

   .. data:: name

      Message name.

   .. data:: signals

      Message signals.

Coding style

The coding style for this package is defined as below. The rules are based on my personal preference.

  • Blank lines before and after statements (if, while, return, ...) (1), unless at beginning or end of another statement or file (8).

  • Two blank lines between file level definitions (2).

  • Space before and after operators (3), except for keyword arguments where no space is allowed (4).

  • One import per line (5).

  • Comments and doc strings starts with capital letter and ends with a period, that is, just as sentences (6).

  • Blank line after doc strings (7).

  • Maximum line length of 90 characters, but aim for less than 80.

  • All function arguments on one line, or one per line.

  • Class names are CamelCase. Underscore is not allowed.

  • Function and variable names are lower case with underscore separating words.

    import sys
    from os import path                     # (5)
    from os import getcwd                   # (5)
                                            # (2)
                                            # (2)
    def foo(bars, fum=None):                # (4)
        """This is a doc string.            # (6)
                                            # (7)
        fies = []                           # (3)
        kam = path.join(getcwd(), '..')
                                            # (1)
        for bar in bars:
            if len(bar) == 1):              # (8)
                fies.append(ham + 2 * bar)  # (3)
                                            # (1)
        # This is a comment.                # (6)
        if fum in None:
            fum = 5                         # (3)
            fum += 1                        # (3)
                                            # (1)
        fies *= fum                         # (3)
                                            # (1)
        return fies
                                            # (2)
                                            # (2)
    def goo():
        return True

Tips and tricks

Virtual CAN interface setup in Ubuntu:

sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set vcan0 mtu 72         # For CAN-FD
sudo ip link set up vcan0