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Deploying locally

If your project depends on the Google.Cloud.Functions.Hosting package, your function can run locally either by starting it through Visual Studio or by running dotnet run from the command line. If your project contains multiple functions, you must specify which one you want to host either via command line arguments or environment variables. The port to serve on can also be specified via the command line or environment variables.

See the README for configuration details.

(If you aren't using the hosting package, your deployment procedure may be slightly different. See the packages documentation for details about what the hosting package does, and considerations for writing functions which don't use it.)

Deploying to Cloud Run

Running the Functions Framework is equivalent to running a regular ASP.NET Core application as far as infrastructure is concerned. This means you can run functions on Cloud Run with ease.

There are detailed instructions for C# available as part of the Cloud Run documentation:

The instructions apply to functions in exactly the same way as any other Cloud Run application, with the same Dockerfile configuration. The PORT environment variable will be supplied by Cloud Run. If your project contains multiple functions, the simplest approach is to specify an environment variable in your Dockerfile, with a line like this:

ENV FUNCTION_TARGET HelloFunctions.Function

Deploying to Google Cloud Functions

Deployment to Google Cloud Functions is easy with the gcloud command line. See the general deployment documentation for more detailed information; this page is only intended to give simple "getting started" instructions. In general, deploying a .NET Functions Framework function follows the same procedure as deploying a function written in every language. The .NET-specific aspects are:

  • The runtime should be specified as dotnet6
  • The entry point should be specified as the name of the function type, including namespace (e.g. HelloFunctions.Function)

The command line options are used to specify how the function is triggered.

HTTP functions

HTTP functions are deployed using --trigger-http. For example:

gcloud functions deploy hello-functions --runtime dotnet6 --trigger-http --entry-point HelloFunctions.Function

On successful deployment, details of the deployed function will be displayed, including the URL. Visit the URL in a browser to invoke your function.

CloudEvent functions

When you deploy a function listening for a particular event, you have to specify the event trigger as part of the deployment (instead of --trigger-http as above).

Sample triggers

Replace any bold italic parts with your project ID, bucket name and so forth.

Trigger type Payload type Sample command line options
Cloud Storage operation StorageObjectData --trigger-event google.storage.object.finalize --trigger-resource my-gcs-bucket
Pub/Sub message MessagePublishedData --trigger-topic my-pubsub-topic-id
Firestore event DocumentEventData --trigger-event providers/cloud.firestore/eventTypes/document.write --trigger-resource 'projects/my-project/databases/(default)/documents/my-collection/{document}'

Notes for the Firestore trigger:

  • The quotes around the Firestore resource are to avoid having to escape the parentheses in (default).
  • The {document} part at the end intentionally has braces. You can change the document part if you wish; it's just the wildcard name.
  • At the time of writing, the wildcards extracted into event.params as described in the documentation are currently available in the FirestoreEvent class via the Wildcards property. This is subject to change, as it's inconsitent with other Functions Frameworks.

Triggering an HTTP function with a Cloud Pub/Sub push subscription

HTTP functions can work as the endpoints for Cloud Pub/Sub push subscriptions. If your function implements ICloudEventFunction or ICloudEventFunction<MessagePublishedData>, the Functions Framework will adapt the incoming HTTP request to present it to your function as a CloudEvent, as if you had deployed via --trigger-topic. The requests for push subscriptions do not contain topic data, but if you create the push subcription with a URL of https://<your-function>/projects/<project-id>/topics/<topic-id> then the Functions Framework will infer the topic name from the path of the HTTP request. If the topic name cannot be inferred automatically, a topic name of projects/unknown-project!/topics/unknown-topic! will be used in the CloudEvent.

Note: the Functions Framework code to adapt the incoming HTTP request works with the Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator, but some information is not included in emulator push subscription requests.

Deploying a function with a local project dependency

Real world functions are often part of a larger application which will usually contain common code for data types and common business logic. If your function depends on another project via a local project reference (a <ProjectReference> element in your .csproj file), the source code for that project must also be included when deploying to Google Cloud Functions. Additionally, you need to specify which project contains the function you wish to deploy.

In a typical directory structure where all projects sit side-by-side within one top-level directory, this will mean you need to deploy from that top-level directory instead of from the function's project directory. You also need to use the --set-build-env-vars command line flag to specify the GOOGLE_BUILDABLE build-time environment variable. This tells the Google Cloud Functions deployment process the path to the project to build and deploy. Note that the GOOGLE_BUILDABLE environment variable value is case-sensitive, and should match the directory and file names used. Additionally, note that the value is the path to the project, not a .NET assembly name or namespace. (In many cases these will be the same, but not always.)

When deploying a function with multiple projects, it's important to make sure you have a suitable .gcloudignore file, so that you only upload the code that you want to. In particular, you should almost always include bin/ and obj/ in the .gcloudignore file so that you don't upload your locally-built binaries.

See the multi-project example documentation for a sample deployment command line, as well as sample projects.

Deploying a function with an internal NuGet dependency

Similar to the above description, real world functions may depend on internally-hosted NuGet packages. While the Google Cloud Functions build system doesn't have access to the internal packages, they can be fetched (as .nupkg files) as part of a pre-deployment step, included in a subdirectory of the function's source directory, and referenced via a nuget.config file.

Unlike the example with multiple projects, the deployment command line doesn't need to be changed for this. It would be feasible to combine the two techniques, using a directory containing all the packages used by all the local projects.

See the local NuGet packages example documentation for more details.

Deploying a .NET 8 function

You can build and deploy .NET 8 functions with the Functions Framework using the Cloud Functions "2nd gen" version.

First, edit your project file to target the net8.0 target framework moniker. Just change this line in your project file:


to this:


If you do this within Visual Studio, you may be prompted to reload the project. If you aren't prompted to do so, but see spurious build failures, simply unload the project and reload it - or restart Visual Studio.

Next, when deploying, you need to specify the dotnet8 runtime instead of dotnet6, and specify the --gen2 command line option to deploy on Cloud Functions 2nd gen. So for example:

gcloud functions deploy dotnet8-test \
  --gen2 \
  --runtime dotnet8
  --entry-point TestDotnet8.Function