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Files using Copyright 2023 Google LLC & Apache License Version 2.0:



All commands are expected to be run from within the callouts/python directory.

Quick start

The minimal operation of this Python-based ext_proc server requires the grpcio python package as well as the protobuf generator tool buf.

The prefered method of installation is through a virtual enviornment, venv. To set up the virtual enviornment run:

cd service-extensions-samples/callouts/python
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Then the packages can be installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

buf can be installed from here.

The proto library files are generated with buf using:

buf -v generate \
  https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy.git#subdir=api \
  --path envoy/service/ext_proc/v3/external_processor.proto \

The default template file buf.gen.yaml will not generate pyright compatible proto stubs. If you plan to develop callouts with a similar type checker and not just build them, we suggest you run the command with the alternative development template using --template=buf_dev.gen.yaml:

buf -v generate \
 https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy.git#subdir=api \
 --path envoy/service/ext_proc/v3/external_processor.proto \
 --include-imports --template=buf_dev.gen.yaml

You may need to run python -m pip uninstall ./protodef after re-generating the proto files to get the linter to update.

The proto files are then installed as a local package:

python -m pip install ./protodef

We install the proto files as a local package to allow for absolute imports within the generated python code.


Example servers can be started from the extproc/example/<...> submodules. For example the grpc service_callout_example server can be started with:

python -m extproc.example.grpc.service_callout_example

The server will then run until interupted, for example, by inputing Ctrl-C.


Examples for various styles of callout server are located under extproc/example/.

Developing Callouts

This repository provides the following files to be extended to fit the needs of the user:

Making a new server

Create a new python script server.py and import the CalloutServer class from extproc/service/callout_server.py

from extproc.service.callout_server import CalloutServer

Just from importing the server class we can make the server run by creating a new instance and calling the blocking function run :

if __name__ == '__main__':

Calling the server like this wont do much besides respond to health checks, for the server to respond to callouts we create a custom class extending CalloutServer.

Make a class extending CalloutServer.

class BasicCalloutServer(CalloutServer):

There are a few callback methods in CalloutServer provided for developers to override:

  • on_request_headers: Process request headers.
  • on_response_headers: Process response headers.
  • on_request_body: Process request body.
  • on_response_body: Process response body.

These functions correspond to the oneof required field in a ProcessingRequest and required response field of a ProcessingResponse.

When a given type of data is received the corresponding function is called on this server. To hook into that call, override the method, for example in BasicCalloutServer:

class BasicCalloutServer(CalloutServer):
    def on_response_headers(
      self, headers: HttpHeaders,
      context: ServicerContext) -> HeadersResponse:

A few things to note here, we are stongly typing our variables with the expected types. This requires the following imports:

from grpc import ServicerContext
from envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2 import HeadersResponse
from envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2 import HttpHeaders

See Using the proto files for more details.

Each of the callback methods provides the given data type as an input parameter and expect the corresponding response to be returned. For example on_response_headers:

There are methods specified under extproc/service/callout_tools.py that will help in creating a response to the callout. Import those with:

from extproc.service.callout_tools import add_header_mutation

With the callout from before we can add the foo:bar header mutation on incomming reponse_headers callouts:

class BasicCalloutServer(CalloutServer):
    def on_response_headers(
      self, headers: HttpHeaders,
      context: ServicerContext) -> HeadersResponse:
        return add_header_mutation(add=[('foo', 'bar')])

add_header_mutation also has parameters for removing (remove) and cache clearing (clear_route_cache). See extproc/service/callout_tools.py.

The callout server uses the logging module. By default this means that nothing is logged to the terminal on standard use. We reccomend setting the logging level to INFO so that normal server opertation is visible.

All together that is:

import logging
from grpc import ServicerContext
from envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2 import HeadersResponse
from envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2 import HttpHeaders
from extproc.service.callout_server import CalloutServer

class BasicCalloutServer(CalloutServer):
  def on_response_headers(
    self, headers: HttpHeaders,
    context: ServicerContext) -> HeadersResponse:
    return add_header_mutation(add=[('foo', 'bar')])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Saving to file server.py the callout server can be run with:

python -m server

Additional Details

CalloutServer has many options to customize the security information as well as port settings. The default CalloutServer listens on port 8443 for grpc traffic, 8000 for health checks and 8080 for plaintext traffic. Please see the CalloutServer docstring for more information.

The on_request_headers and on_request_body methods also accept ImmediateResponse values as a return value.

CalloutServer also contains a process method that can be overriden to work directly on incomming ProcessingRequests.

Using the proto files

The python classes can be imported using the relative envoy/api path:

from envoy.service.ext_proc.v3 import external_processor_pb2

For example to import the HeadersResponse class:

from envoy.service.ext_proc.v3.external_processor_pb2 import HeadersResponse

Alternative Install Methods

Without venv

Alternatively, the packages can be installed through the package manager:

sudo apt-get install python3-grpcio -y

And the protobuf library with:

python -m pip install ./protodef


Installing the protodef package to your system outside of a venv could cause unintentional side effects.

Without installing the proto code as a local package

Alternatively, rather than installing through pip, the proto code can be placed in the root of this project and imported directly.

buf -v generate \
  https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy.git#subdir=api \
  --path envoy/service/ext_proc/v3/external_processor.proto \
  --include-imports \
  -o out && \
mv ./out/protodef/* .


Tests require packages from the requirements.txt file as well as the requirements-test.txt file, installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-test.txt

All tests can then be run with:



The basic Docker image contains arguments for pointing to and running python modules. For example to build extproc/example/basic_callout_server.py into a run-able Docker image:

docker build \
  -f ./extproc/example/Dockerfile \
  -t service-callout-example-python \
  --build-arg copy_path=extproc/example/basic_callout_server.py \
  --build-arg run_module=basic_callout_server .

--build-arg specifies the following:

  • copy_path: Path of python files required on the docker image.
  • run_module: The module to run on startup.

The image copies extproc/example/basic_callout_server.py to the base directory and runs it as basic_callout_server.

The image can then be run with:

docker run -P -it --network host service-callout-example-python:latest

In this example, using the -P flag tells docker to connect the exposed ports to the local machine's ports. Setting --network host tells docker to connect the image to the or localhost ip address.


The docker image is set up to pass command line arguments to the module when specified. This also requires that the example is set up to use command line arguments like in basic_callout_server.py

For example:

docker run -P -it --network host service-callout-example-python:latest \
  -- --combined_health_check

Will run the health check for basic_callout_server combined with the main grpc server.

Custom Docker Files

If the baseline docker file does not contain the required complexity for a given use case. A custom image can be created and branched from the provided Dockerfile. The file is internally split up into two steps, the base image and the example specific image.

For instance, the jwt_auth example requires an additional python library. The Dockerfile within that example directory installs that package as part of the image setup.

To build the jwt_auth example we first build the base image:

docker build \
  -f ./extproc/example/Dockerfile \
  --target service-callout-common-python \
  -t service-callout-common-python .

and then the jwt_auth image:

docker build \
  -f ./extproc/example/jwt_auth/Dockerfile \
  -t service-callout-jwt-example-python .