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Slim Framework on App Engine for PHP

This sample demonstrates how to deploy a very basic Slim application to Google App Engine for PHP. For a more complete guide, follow the Building an App tutorial.


Before running this sample:

Create a project (if you haven't already)

Deploy to App Engine

Deploy with gcloud

gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
gcloud app deploy
gcloud app browse

The last command will open https://{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}.appspot.com/ in your browser.

Application Components

The application consists of three components:

  1. An app.yaml which sets your application runtime to be php81.
  2. A composer.json which declares your application's dependencies.
  3. An index.php which handles all the requests which get routed to your app.

The index.php file is the most important. All applications running on App Engine for PHP require use of a front controller file.