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#How To Use

With Docker

  • get docker image
mvn package docker:build


docker pull styletang/rocketmq-console
  • run it (change namesvrAddr and port yourself)
docker run -e "JAVA_OPTS=-Drocketmq.namesrv.addr= -Dcom.rocketmq.sendMessageWithVIPChannel=false" -p 8080:8080 -t styletang/rocketmq-console

Without Docker

  • require java 1.7

  • 0.you may can't download rocketmq-tools 3.5.8 from remote maven repository. just git clone rocket-mq to local disk and then maven install it for download is slow,you can change maven's mirror(maven's settings.xml)

              <name>aliyun maven</name>

    if you use the rocketmq < 3.5.8,please add -Dcom.rocketmq.sendMessageWithVIPChannel=false when you start rocketmq-console

  • 1.change the rocketmq.namesrv.addr in resource/application.properties.

  • 2.mvn spring-boot:run

#Deploy Plan

we will deploy the first rocketmq-console-ng use rocketmq-tools 3.5.8(or 4.0.0),base on rocket-console,thanks didapinche.com


    1. we use spring-boot + bootstrap + angularjs

something to improve

    1. clean code (checkStyle codeStyle to be done)
    1. international
    1. compress fe'resource
    1. navigation bar can improve
    1. write operation need confirm,action show the detail result
    1. layout/UI should improve
    1. change to spring-boot

something to fix

  • query Message by topic and time is not accurate, will lost some message
  • consumer can consume the message when topic has been deleted
  • can't show producerList,we can only query a online producer use topic and groupName,not easy to use.
  • resetOffset should be improve,online consumer can return the reset result but offline's can't
  • we can't set clusterName when create topic or consumer
  • when create a new consumer,if not be consumed,can't be found in consumerList

something to add

    1. dashboard



  • clean code (checkStyle codeStyle to be done) -- StyleTang
  • international -- Deploy by tcrow
  • layout/UI -- Deploy by tcrow
    • compress fe'resource
    • navigation bar can improve
    • write operation need confirm,action show the detail result || already have
    • layout/UI should improve
  • change to spring-boot -- Deploy by syzjava
  • change to bootstrap angularjs -- Deploy by tcrow
  • improve search message --StyleTang


  • query Message by topic and time is not accurate, will lost some message -- StyleTang (need test)
  • consumer can consume the message when topic has been deleted // offset be clear.if have problem,reopen it.
  • can't show producerList,we can only query a online producer use topic and groupName,not easy to use. need this issues
  • resetOffset should be improve,online consumer can return the reset result but offline's can't //this version(3.5.8) may be can't fix
  • we can't set clusterName when create topic or consumer -- StyleTang
  • when create a new consumer,if not be consumed,can't be found in consumerList //it Fixed,But this page is too slow,need improve --StyleTang
  • message view page,resend message (version >=3.5.8) have bug -- StyleTang


  • DashboardController -- Deploy by tcrow
    • rocketmq topic tps 5m line chart
    • rocketmq topic top10 table
    • broker load 5m line chart
    • broker load top10 table
    • topic exception table

Already Have (Deploy by StyleTang) But Can Improve


  • ClusterController
    • Cluster OverView
    • Broker Status
    • Broker Config


  • TopicController
    • TopicList
    • Topic Status
    • Topic Router
    • View Topic Config
    • Topci Add / Update
    • Send A Test Topic
    • Reset ConsumerGroup's Offset Under This Topic
    • Delete This Topic


  • ProducerController
    • Producer Client Info


  • ConsumerController
    • ConsumerList
    • Consumer Client Info
    • Topic Consume Status Under This Consumer Group
    • View Consumer Config
    • Consumer Add / Update
    • Delete This Consumer


  • MessageController
    • Query By Topic And Time
    • Query By Topic And Key
    • Query By MessageId(OffsetMessageId)
    • A Nice Message Detail View
    • Message Consume Status
    • Resend Message To A Consume Group


No description, website, or topics provided.






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