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File metadata and controls

113 lines (89 loc) · 2.77 KB


Netcoredbg test suite requires .NET SDK version 3.1, you can download it manually from here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1

How to launch MIExampleTest for tcp netcoredbg server

  • launch target and install netcoredbg;

  • launch netcoredbg as tcp server on target via sdb shell:

    $ sdb shell nohup <path-to-netcoredbg> --server
  • forward tcp port from target to host:
    $ sdb forward tcp:4712 tcp:4711
  • move to test-suite directory;

  • build MIExampleTest target assembly and TestRunner:

    $ dotnet build MIExampleTest
    $ dotnet build TestRunner

or you can build solution which consists of TestRunner and all tests:

    $ dotnet build
  • push dll and pdb files into target /tmp/ disrectory:
    $ sdb push MIExampleTest/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/MIExampleTest{pdb,dll} /tmp/
  • change smack permissions:
    $ sdb shell chsmack -a "_" /tmp/MIExampleTest.{pdb,dll}
  • launch TestRunner with tcp client (repsonses will be parsed only as GDB/MI outputs):
    $ dotnet run --project TestRunner -- \
        --tcp localhost 4712 \
        --dotnet /usr/share/dotnet/corerun \
        --test MIExampleTest \
        --sources MIExampleTest/Program.cs \
        --assembly /tmp/MIExampleTest.dll
  • expect successfull passing of test.

Also after preparing sdb target with netcoredbg you can run follow script to make all necessary steps.

  • On Linux:
    launch all tests:
    $ ./sdb_run_tests.sh
    $ ./sdb_run_tests.sh <test-name> [<test-name>]
  • On Windows:
    launch all tests:
    > powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File sdb_run_tests.ps1
    > powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File sdb_run_tests.ps1 <test-name> [<test-name>]

How to launch tests locally

  • On Linux:
    launch all tests:
    $ ./run_tests.sh
    $ ./run_tests.sh <test-name> [<test-name>]
    $ NETCOREDBG=<path-to-netcoredbg> ./run_tests.sh <test-name> [<test-name>]
  • On Windows:
    launch all tests:
    $ powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File run_tests.ps1
    $ powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File run_tests.ps1 <test-name> [<test-name>]

How to add new test

  • move to test-suite directory;

  • create new project in test-suite folder:

    $ dotnet new console -o NewTest --framework netcoreapp3.1
  • add reference to NetcoreDbgTest library:
    $ dotnet add NewTest/NewTest.csproj reference NetcoreDbgTest/NetcoreDbgTest.csproj
  • add project NewTest to solution:
    $ dotnet sln add NewTest/NewTest.csproj
  • add test name into ALL_TEST_NAMES list in "run_tests.sh", "run_tests.ps1", "sdb_run_tests.sh" and "sdb_run_tests.ps1" scripts;

  • in MIExampleTest implemented small scenario of NetCoreDbgTest library using.