[go: nahoru, domu]

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Croissant Editor

Start locally from the Docker image:

docker run -p 8501:8501 -v ~/.cache/croissant:/root/.cache/croissant -it mlcommons/croissant-editor

Navigate to http://localhost:8501.

Launch the end-to-end tests locally (after you started the application):

nvm use default  # We recommend managing NPM using NVM
npm install
npm run cypress:open  # Opens the Cypress application
npm run cypress:run  # Runs e2e tests in background

You can debug the tests in Github Actions because failed screenshots are uploaded as artifacts.

You may need to install libmagic.

Create a custom component

Custom components are in components/.

Launch the component locally

  • In components/tree/__init__.py, change the constant _RELEASE = False to _RELEASE = True.
  • Start the frontend with the newest version of Node:
cd components/tree/frontend
npm install
npm run start

Display the component for easy debugging

import streamlit as st

from components.tree import render_tree

nodes = [
    {"name": "data/splits.csv", "type": "FileObject", "parents": []},
    {"name": "data/cities.csv", "type": "FileObject", "parents": []},
    {"name": "github-repository", "type": "FileSet", "parents": []},
        "name": (
        "type": "FileObject",
        "parents": ["github-repository"],
        "name": "this-is-another-file-with-a-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-name",
        "type": "FileObject",
        "parents": [
    {"name": "huggingface-repository", "type": "FileSet", "parents": []},
        "name": "file_*.parquet",
        "type": "FileSet",
        "parents": ["huggingface-repository"],
        "name": "annotations.json",
        "type": "FileObject",
        "parents": ["huggingface-repository"],
        "name": "PASS1.tar",
        "type": "FileObject",
        "parents": [],
        "name": "PASS2.tar",
        "type": "FileObject",
        "parents": [],
        "name": "PASS3.tar",
        "type": "FileObject",
        "parents": [],
        "name": "images",
        "type": "FileSet",
        "parents": ["PASS1.tar", "PASS2.tar", "PASS3.tar"],
node = render_tree(nodes)

Build the component

  • Build the JavaScript locally.
cd components/tree/frontend/
npm run build
  • Don't forget to toggle _RELEASE = True back to _RELEASE = False.
  • Commit your changes.

Build the docker image

Change TAG below and execute the following commands:

docker build -t ${IMAGE} .
docker login
for tag in latest ${TAG}
  docker tag ${IMAGE} mlcommons/${IMAGE}:${TAG}
  docker image push mlcommons/${IMAGE}:${TAG}