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MLPerf Inference Benchmarks for Natural Language Processing

This is the reference implementation for MLPerf Inference benchmarks for Natural Language Processing.

The chosen model is BERT-Large performing SQuAD v1.1 question answering task.


  • nvidia-docker
  • Any NVIDIA GPU supported by TensorFlow or PyTorch

Supported Models

model framework accuracy dataset model link model source precision notes
BERT-Large TensorFlow f1_score=90.874% SQuAD v1.1 validation set from zenodo from zenodo BERT-Large, trained with NVIDIA DeepLearningExamples fp32
BERT-Large PyTorch f1_score=90.874% SQuAD v1.1 validation set from zenodo BERT-Large, trained with NVIDIA DeepLearningExamples, converted with bert_tf_to_pytorch.py fp32
BERT-Large ONNX f1_score=90.874% SQuAD v1.1 validation set from zenodo BERT-Large, trained with NVIDIA DeepLearningExamples, converted with bert_tf_to_pytorch.py fp32
BERT-Large ONNX f1_score=90.067% SQuAD v1.1 validation set from zenodo Fine-tuned based on the PyTorch model and converted with bert_tf_to_pytorch.py int8, symetrically per-tensor quantized without bias See [MLPerf INT8 BERT Finetuning.pdf](MLPerf INT8 BERT Finetuning.pdf) for details about the fine-tuning process


This benchmark app is a reference implementation that is not meant to be the fastest implementation possible.


Please run the following commands:

  • make setup: initialize submodule, download datasets, and download models.
  • make build_docker: build docker image.
  • make launch_docker: launch docker container with an interaction session.
  • python3 run.py --backend=[tf|pytorch|onnxruntime|tf_estimator] --scenario=[Offline|SingleStream|MultiStream|Server] [--accuracy] [--quantized]: run the harness inside the docker container. Performance or Accuracy results will be printed in console.


  • SUT implementations are in tf_SUT.py, tf_estimator_SUT.py and pytorch_SUT.py. QSL implementation is in squad_QSL.py.
  • The script accuracy-squad.py parses LoadGen accuracy log, post-processes it, and computes the accuracy.
  • Tokenization and detokenization (post-processing) are not included in the timed path.
  • The inputs to the SUT are input_ids, input_make, and segment_ids. The output from SUT is start_logits and end_logits concatenated together.
  • max_seq_length is 384.
  • The script [tf_freeze_bert.py] freezes the TensorFlow model into pb file.
  • The script [bert_tf_to_pytorch.py] converts the TensorFlow model into the PyTorch BertForQuestionAnswering module in HuggingFace Transformers and also exports the model to ONNX format.


Apache License 2.0