: 2D spectral element implementations of the bickleyjet testcasecolumn/
: 1D column tests for finite difference operatorshybrid/
: 2D slice model testcases for the hybrid spectral / fd domainssphere/
: 2D dycore shallow water testcases on the cubed spheresphere3d/
: 3D dycore testcases on the hybrid spectral / fd cubed sphere domain
Instantiate the examples environment (this will download and install the necessary packages)
cd ClimaCore
julia --project=examples -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
The default Manifest.toml uses Pkg.develop
to track the current versions of ClimaCore.jl and subpackages in the lib
You can now execute the examples in the example projects, and ClimaCore changes will be tracked in the env:
julia --project=examples
julia> include("examples/bickleyjet/bickleyjet_cg.jl")
Or alternatively:
julia --project=examples examples/bickleyjet/bickleyjet_cg.jl