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THE ACL RD-TEC 2.0: A dataset for evaluation of term and entity recognition in computational linguistics

#What this repository contains?

The dataset is organised in the following directories:
* readme.txt: this file.
* /documents: contains the annotation guidelines as well as a paper that describe the annotation process.
* /annotations_during_guideline_dev: Materials related to the development of guidelines; this includes the annotated files during this process as well as the guidelines used by the annotators. 
* /annoitation_files: contains all annotated files; these files are grouped per annotator; for ease of use, those annotations that are annotated by by both annotators are collected and again presented in the directory double_annotated_files. 
* /pos_tagged_vertical_files: Annotation files converted to the familiar vertical format (i.e., a token or annotation tag per line). These files contain automatically obtained part-of-speech tagged  and lemmas using the Stanford CoreNLP library. 
* /raw_abstract_txt: Contains abstract text files, segmented and corrected for OCR errors. These files do not contain any annotation.
* /licenses: license files.


ACL RD-TEC 2.0 is developed by Dr. Anne-Kathrin Schumann and Behrang QasemiZadeh. The dataset is developed as the second version of ACL RD-TEC in order to provide annotation of terms in context. 

#Other links and related materials
* More infomation about the ACL RD-TEC 2.0 is available at http://pars.ie/lr/acl_rd-tec
* You may also find materials distributed as ACL RD-TEC 1.0 (see http://atmykitchen.info/datasets/acl_rd_tec/) useful.
* Some codes or manipulating annotations files are available at https://github.com/languagerecipes/acl-rd-tec-2.0

#Contact us
If you have questions, or you would like to change or contribute to this resource, please contact Anne-Kathrin Schumann (ak47schumann at gmail.com ) or Behrang QasemiZadeh (zadeh at phil.hhu.de).


Behrang QasemiZadeh and  Anne-Kathrin Schumann. "The ACL RD-TEC 2.0: A Language Resource for Evaluating Term Extraction
and Entity Recognition Methods." In Proceedings of LREC, 2016.
Schumann, A.-K. and QasemiZadeh, B., (2015a). The ACL RD-TEC Annotation Guidelines. Saarland University and National University of Ireland, ver. 2.6 edition. Available from  http://fr46.uni-saarland.de/fileadmin/user_upload/lehrstuehle/Teich/Schumann/ALC_RD_TEC_version2_6.pdf.

Last edited by BQ, 05.03.2016