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Deploy a policy definition, and assign the policy

Deploy two policy definition to your subscription. Use scripts 'New-PolicyStorageHttpsEnabled.ps1' and 'New-PolicyStorageNetworkAclsDeny.ps1':

  • Review the scripts
  • Run the scripts
  • Verify that your resource group is now subject to the policy


Recommendations for managing policies
The policies in this example are not grouped in an initiative, for simplicity. Please note that, unlike Powershell AZ 3.0.0 the Azure CLI allows to update an Initiative.

The policies folder on GitHub and in this exercise is structured 'by Azure resource'.

A policy definition can be added to a management group or to subscription.
A policy cannot be assigned 'above' it's location in the tree of management groups and subscriptions.

If you want to deploy a complete policy definition (combination of metadata, rule and parameter), then have a look at the ArmClient.

If you want deploy policies and initiatives using a pipeline, check out https://blog.tyang.org/2019/05/19/deploying-azure-policy-definitions-via-azure-devops-part-1/.