[go: nahoru, domu]

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138 lines (95 loc) · 4.06 KB


File metadata and controls

138 lines (95 loc) · 4.06 KB


This project is based on the Rust on Nails architecture.

This project depends on k3s

We use k3s to run the services we depend on i.e. unstructured and various models.

sudo curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC='server --write-kubeconfig-mode="644"' sh -

Extract the kubeconfig for use by other K8's tools.

mkdir -p ~/.kube && cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config

Setup for Development

This project uses the Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension so we can define the runtime and development stack with code. The configuration is in the .devcontainer.

Make sure you have Docker Desktop installed and Visual Studio Code Remote. Make sure you have the Remote Containers extension installed.

After you have run git clone on this repository open the folder for the project in Visual Studio Code.

Then click on the green square in the bottom left hand corner of VSCode. (It's the gree square with < and > in the screenshot above). A menu pops down, choose Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container

It will take a while for the containers to download.

Sanity check your dev environment.

Open up the terminal using Use the View > Terminal menu command or CTRL/CMD `

You can type the following commands in the Linux command prompt.

  • rustc --version
  • npm -v
  • psql -V

Running Database Migrations

We use dbmate to manage database migrations.

$ dbmate status
[ ] 20220410155201_initial_setup.sql
[ ] 20220410155211_authentication.sql
[ ] 20220410155233_rbac_and_authorization.sql
[ ] 20220410155252_teams.sql
[ ] 20220728091159_rls_setup.sql
[ ] 20220808093939_auth_and_readonly_policies.sql
[ ] 20220808094314_tenancy_isolation.sql
[ ] 20230801121853_chats.sql
[ ] 20230804140530_documents_and_datasets.sql
[ ] 20230807094835_prompts.sql
[ ] 20230810114756_models.sql

Applied: 0
Pending: 11

Create all the database tables with

dbmate up

Update any of the git submodules

The website uses a zola theme. This will need to be loaded with

git submodule init


Expose port on k3s

Run the script in a terminal on the host (i.e. not in the devcontainer). This will open up ports so we can access the services from our devcontainer.

cat <<EOF > open-ports.sh
# Push commands in the background, when the script exits, the commands will exit too
kubectl -n bionic-gpt port-forward --address pod/bionic-db-cluster-1 5432 & \
kubectl -n bionic-gpt port-forward --address deployment/mailhog 8025 & \
kubectl -n bionic-gpt port-forward --address deployment/llm-api 11435:11434 & \

echo "Press CTRL-C to stop port forwarding and exit the script"
chmod +x ./open-ports.sh
rm ./open-ports.sh

Load and Serve a Model

  1. ollama pull llama2
  2. ollama run llama2 then /bye

Test the above with

curl http://localhost:11434/v1/chat/completions \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "model": "llama2",
        "messages": [
                "role": "system",
                "content": "You are a helpful assistant."
                "role": "user",
                "content": "Hello!"

Starting the services

We have created a .bash_alias file in the .devcontainer folder. Open up 3 consoles in visual studio code and run the following in each one.

  1. wp - Watch Pipeline - compiles the web assets such as typescript, scss and processes images.
  2. wt - Watch TailwindCSS - Runs tailwinf to create an output.css file.
  3. wa - Stands for watch application - compiles and runs the axum server and will recompile on file chnages.
  4. wz - Watch Zola - runs the static site generator.
  5. we - Watch Embeddings - runs the embeddings job.

Problems with permissions

If you get an error such as Permission Denied on the target folder run the following

sudo chmod 777 -R target

Accessing the web front end.
