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A Vim Window Animation Library
is a general window animation library for Vim, it provides the ability
to animate window height and width via:
from current sizepercent
of screenabsolute
To install Animate.vim
, use your plugin manager of choice, e.g:
Plug 'camspiers/animate.vim'
Given the general purpose nature of resizing windows Animate.vim
can be used in many contexts.
The following gives and example of using animate to more smoothly change window size using the directional keys:
nnoremap <silent> <Up> :call animate#window_delta_height(10)<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Down> :call animate#window_delta_height(-10)<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Left> :call animate#window_delta_width(10)<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Right> :call animate#window_delta_width(-10)<CR>
Here is an example that integrates Animate.vim
with Fuzzy Finder (FZF) to animate its opening:
let g:fzf_layout = {
\ 'window': 'new | wincmd J | resize 1 | call animate#window_percent_height(0.5)'
\ }
function! OpenAnimatedHtop() abort
" Open a htop in terminal
new term://htop
" Send window to bottom and start with small height
wincmd J | resize 1
" Animate height to 66%
call animate#window_percent_height(0.66)
By default Animate.vim
distributes space of non-animating windows while resizing
this can be destructive to intended window sizes when those sizes aren't fixed. To disable:
let g:animate#distribute_space = 0
Animation duration in milliseconds can be controlled via a global flag:
let g:animate#duration = 300.0
Animation easing can be controlled via a global flag:
let g:animate#easing_func = 'animate#ease_linear'
Currently there are 3 easing options available:
To set a custom easing function:
let g:animate#easing_func = 'animate#ease_out_cubic'
You can also set your own easing function using the following signature:
function! MyEasingFunction(elapsed, initial, delta, duration) abort
" return value
let g:animate#easing_func = 'MyEasingFunction'
Animate current window by delta:
animate#window_delta(width_delta, height_delta)
Animate current window by width delta:
Animate current window by height delta:
Animate current window by percent of screen:
animate#window_percent(width_percent, height_percent)
Animate current window by percent of screen width:
Animate current window by percent of screen height:
Animate current window to absolute size:
animate#window_absolute(width, height)
Animate current window by absolute width:
Animate current window by absolute height:
Focus window:
function! animate#window_focus(target_window) abort
Determines with target window is animating:
function! animate#window_is_animating(target_window) abort
Get the current time as a float in milliseconds:
Get the available height factoring in cmdheight and status line:
Linear easing function:
animate#ease_linear(elapsed, initial, delta, duration)
Out quad easing function:
animate#ease_out_quad(elapsed, initial, delta, duration)
Out cubic easing function:
animate#ease_out_cubic(elapsed, initial, delta, duration)
In out sine easing function:
animate#ease_in_out_sine(elapsed, initial, delta, duration)