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πŸ‘‹ Puncc is a python library for predictive uncertainty quantification using conformal prediction.

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Predictive UNcertainty Calibration and Conformalization (PUNCC) is an open-source library that enables ad-hoc integration of AI models into a theoretically sound uncertainty estimation framework based on conformal prediction. Prediction sets are constructed with guaranteed coverage probability according to a nominal level of error $\alpha$.


Clone the repo

git clone ssh://git@forge.deel.ai:22012/statistic-guarantees/puncc.git

Install the virtual environment

First install virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv

Then create a virtual environment named puncc, and activate it:

virtualenv env-puncc
# Under Mac OS / Linux
source env-puncc/bin/activate

Install puncc

Install puncc and requirements

For users:

pip install -e .[interactive]

For developers:

pip install -e .[dev]

Jupyter notebook

To use the current virtual environment in jupyter notebook, make sure to add it:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=env-puncc


We propose two ways of defining and using conformal prediction wrappers:

  • A fast way based on preconfigured conformal prediction wrappers
  • A flexible way based of full customization of the prediction model, the residual computation and the fit/calibration data split plan

A comparison of both approaches is provided here for a simple regression problem. A showcase of basic uncertainty quantification features for the first approach is given hereafter.


import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets

# Load the diabetes dataset
diabetes_X, diabetes_y = datasets.load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)

# Use only one feature
diabetes_X = diabetes_X[:, np.newaxis, 2]

# Split the data into training/testing sets
X_train = diabetes_X[:-100]
X_test = diabetes_X[-100:]

# Split the targets into training/testing sets
y_train = diabetes_y[:-100]
y_test = diabetes_y[-100:]

# Split fit and calibration data
X_fit, X_calib = X_train[:-100], X_train[-100:]
y_fit, y_calib = y_train[:-100], y_train[-100:]

Linear regression model

from sklearn import linear_model

# Create linear regression model
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()

Split conformal prediction

from puncc.common.confomalizers import SplitCP

# Coverage target is 1-alpha = 90%
# Instanciate the split cp wrapper on the linear model
split_cp = SplitCP(regr)
# Train model on the fitting dataset and compute residuals on the calibration
# dataset
split_cp.fit(X_fit, y_fit, X_calib, y_calib)
# Estimate the prediction interval
y_pred, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper = split_cp.predict(X_test, alpha=alpha)


from puncc.utils import plot_prediction_interval

# Figure of the prediction bands

    X = X_test[:,0],
    size=(10, 6),
    loc="upper left")

90% Prediction Interval with the Split Conformal Prediction Method

Architecture Overview

As mentionned before, the present implementation enables a turnkey solution and a fully customized approach to conformal prediction. The former is as simple as calling the conformal prediction wrappers in puncc.common.conformalizers (as in here). The currently implemented wrappers are the following:

  • puncc.common.conformalizers.SplitCP: Split Conformal Prediction
  • puncc.common.conformalizers.LocallyAdaptiveCP: Locally Adaptive Conformal Prediction
  • puncc.common.conformalizers.CQR: Conformalized Quantile Regression
  • puncc.common.conformalizers.CvPlus: CV + (cross-validation)
  • puncc.common.conformalizers.EnbPI: Ensemble Batch Prediction Intervals method

Each of these wrappers conformalize point-based or interval-based models that are passed as argument in the object constructor. Such models need to implement the fit and predict methods and operate on numpy arrays. We will see later how to use models even when these requirements are not met (e.g., using pytorch and tensorflow on time series).

The fully customized approach offers more flexibility into defining conformal prediction wrappers. Let's say we want to fit/calibrate a neural-network interval-estimator with a cross-validation plan; or that we want to experiment different user-defined nonconformity scores. In such cases and others, the user can fully construct their wrappers using the proposed Predictor-Calibrator-Splitter paradigm. It boils down to assembling into puncc.conformalization.ConformalPredictor:

  1. Regression model(s)
  2. An estimator of nonconformity scores for construction/calibration of prediction intervals
  3. A strategy of data assignement into fitting and calibration sets.


puncc.conformalization.ConformalPredictor is the canvas of conformal prediction wrappers. An object instance is constructed by, as we will explain later, a predictor, a calibrator and a splitter:

# Imports
from sklearn import linear_model
from conformalization import ConformalPredictor
from predictor import MeanPredictor
from calibration import MeanCalibrator
from splitter import KFoldSplit

# Regression linear model
model = linear_model.LinearRegression()

# Definition of mean-based predictor, a mean-based calibrator and a K-fold splitter
# (This will be explained later)
mean_predictor = MeanPredictor(model) # Predictor
mean_calibrator = MeanCalibrator() # Calibrator
kfold_splitter = KFoldSplitter(K=20, random_state=42) # Splitter

# Conformal prediction canvas
conformal_predictor = ConformalPredictor(predictor=mean_predictor,

puncc.conformalization.ConformalPredictor implements two methods:

  • A fit method that fits the predictor model and computes nonconformity scores accodingly to the calibrator and to the data split strategy provided by the splitter
# X_train and y_train are the full training dataset
# The splitter passed as argument to ConformalPredictor assigns data
# to the fit and calibration sets based on the provided splitting strategy
conformal_predictor.fit(X_train, y_train)
  • a predict that estimates for new samples a 90% (1-alpha) coverage prediction interval [y_pred_low, y_pred_high] and point predictions if applicable (e.g., conditional mean and dispersion)
# Coverage target of 1-alpha = 90%
y_pred, y_pred_low, y_pred_high, sigma_pred = conformal_predictor.predict(X_new, alpha=.1)


The puncc.prediction.BasePredictor class is a wrapper for regression models that aims to standardize their interface and force compliance with the previously presented requirements:

  • The models have to implement the fit and predict methods
  • The models have to operate on datasets formated as numpy arrays (in _format)

Any specific preprocessing should be included in a subclass of puncc.prediction.BasePredictor.

A special attention is to be directed towards the predict method.

# Args:
#   X: new example features
# Returns:
#   A tuple composed of (y_pred, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper, sigma_pred)
predict(X: numpy.array) -> (numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array)

The tuple returned by the method contains four elements:

  • y_pred: point predictions
  • y_pred_lower: lower bound of the prediction intervals
  • y_pred_upper: upper bound of the prediction intervals
  • sigma_pred: variability estimations

If the model does not estimate some of these values, they are substituted by None at the right position. For example, a quantile regressor that returns upper and lower interval bounds is wrapped as follows:

class QuantilePredictor(BasePredictor):
    def __init__(self, q_lo_model, q_hi_model, is_trained=False):
            q_lo_model: lower quantile model
            q_hi_model: upper quantile model
        self.q_lo_model = q_lo_model
        self.q_hi_model = q_hi_model

    def fit(self, X, y, **kwargs):
        """Fit model to the training data.
            X: train features
            y: train labels
        self.q_lo_model.fit(X, y)
        self.q_hi_model.fit(X, y)
        self.is_trained = True

    def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
        """Compute predictions on new examples.
            X: new examples' features
            y_pred, y_lower, y_upper, sigma_pred
        y_pred_lower = self.q_lo_model.predict(X)
        y_pred_upper = self.q_hi_model.predict(X)
        return None, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper, None

To cover a large range of conformal prediction methods, three subclasses of puncc.prediction.BasePredictor have been implemented:

  • puncc.prediction.MeanPredictor: wrapper of point-based models
  • puncc.prediction.MeanVarPredictor: wrapper of point-based models that also estimates variability statistics (e.g., standard deviation)
  • puncc.prediction.QuantilePredictor: wrapper of specific interval-based models that estimate upper and lower quantiles of the data generating distribution

PS: User-defined predictors have to subclass puncc.prediction.BasePredictor and redefine its methods.


The puncc.calibration.Calibrator is meant to compute nonconformity scores (e.g., residuals) on the calibration dataset (puncc.calibration.Calibrator.estimate method) and uses them to construct and/or calibrate prediction intervals (puncc.calibration.Calibrator.calibrate method).

To cover a large range of conformal prediction methods, three subclasses of puncc.calibration.Calibrator have been implemented:

  • puncc.calibration.MeanCalibrator: constructs prediction intervals based on point predictions by adding and substracting quantiles of mean absolute deviations
  • puncc.calibration.MeanVarCalibrator: constructs prediction intervals based on point predictions and dispersion estimations by adding and substracting quantiles of scaled mean absolute deviations
  • puncc.calibration.QuantileCalibrator: calibrates quantile-based prediction intervals by shrinking or dialating them accordingly to the quantiles of nonconformity scores

PS: User-defined calibrators have to subclass puncc.calibration.Calibrator and redefine its methods.


In conformal prediction, the assignement of data to fitting and calibration sets is motivated by two criteria: data availability and computational resources. If quality data is abundant, we can split the training samples into disjoint subsets $D_{fit}$ and $D_{calib}$. When data is scarce, a cross-validation strategy is preferred but is more ressources consuming as different models are trained and nonconformity scores are computed for different disjoint folds.

The two plans are implemented in puncc.splitting module.

  • puncc.splitting.RandomSplitter: assignement of samples in $D_{fit}$ and $D_{calib}$
  • puncc.splitting.KFoldSplitter: assignement of samples into K disjoint folds. Note that if K equals the size of training set, the split is identified with the leave-one-out strategy

These methods produce iterables that are used by the ConformalPredictor instance.

Additionnaly, if the user already implemted a split plan, the obtained data asignement is wrapped in puncc.splitting.IdSplitter to produce iterables.