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Ian Hickson edited this page Jan 14, 2022 · 42 revisions

This wiki is primarily aimed at engineers building or making contributions to Flutter.

If you are new to Flutter, then you will find more general information on the Flutter project, including tutorials and samples, on our Web site at flutter.dev. For specific information about Flutter's APIs, consider our API reference which can be found at the api.flutter.dev.

If you want to know what we're likely to do in the future, our roadmap may be of interest.

If you intend to contribute to Flutter, welcome! You are encouraged to start with our contributor guide, which helps onboard new team members. It points to the most relevant pages on this wiki. You are also invited to join our Discord server.

Index of notable sections

Flutter Wiki


Framework repo

The Flutter CLI Tool

Engine repo

Packages repo

Engineering Productivity

User documentation

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