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Aiortc installation

Aiortc dependencies

brew install ffmpeg opus libvpx pkg-config

Setup conda for MAC. In the interactive installer, agree to the terms, pick a location and initialize conda

wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
rm Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh

Clone the repo and the model submodule

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/vibhaa/aiortc.git

Setup the conda environment and if need be, install some packages using pip because conda package doesn't work

conda create --name fom --file aiortc/nets_implementation/first_order_model/fom_mac.txt
conda activate fom
pip install av opencv-python face_alignment

If you only want to get the model working, skip the next few steps and go directly to the "FOM and Model" section

Compile aiortc

cd aiortc
sudo python setup.py install

To check that it actually works, we will run an example videostream command line program wherein a sender streams a video of Sundar Pichai and the receiver records it. First get a video of Sundar Pichai to use as sample.

pip install -U youtube-dl
youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v\=gEDChDOM1_U\&vl\=en -o examples/videostream-cli/sundar_pichai.mp4

Run the sender in one terminal (this opens a unix socket connection and waits for receiver to connect)

cd examples/videostream-cli
python cli.py offer --play-from sundar_pichai.mp4 --signaling-path /tmp/test.sock --signaling unix-socket --verbose 2>sender_output

Run the receiver in other terminal (this connects to the receiver's unix socket)

cd examples/videostream-cli
python cli.py answer --record-to sundar_pichai_recorded.mp4 --signaling-path /tmp/test.sock --signaling unix-socket --verbose 2>receiver_output

MODIFICATIONS: The expected output right now is just three lines corresponding to receiving video, audio and keypoints since there is a bug in the main branch (and no video is recorded).

If anything goes wrong, please look at the two output files for any obvious errors. If everything works as desired and the video is recorded to sundar_pichai_recorded.mp4, proceed below to setup the model and its dependencies.

FOM and model dependencies

From the home directory of the repo /path/to/aiortc, use your path to the repo and run,

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:"/path/to/aiortc/nets_implementation"

You might want to place this in your bashrc (or whichever terminal you use), so that the Python path always includes the nets_implementation submodule.

Test that the model and dependencies work. If it complains that it can't find first_order_model, your python path may not be configured in this shell.

MODIFICATIONS: The video_name variable in fom_api_test.py and the checkpoint_path field in config/api_sample.yaml both have to be changed to use your path to the video and checkpoint respectively.

cd nets_implementation/first_order_model
python fom_api_test.py

If all worked correctly, you will see a prediction.mp4 file in the directory that shows a botched prediction of my face.

Integrating FOM and Aiortc

In the main aiortc repo, checkout the api_integration branch (until it has been merged with master)

git checkout api_integration

MODIFICATIONS: Go into aiortc/src/aiortc/contrib/media.py and alter the config_path variable at the top to refer to the path on your machine to the aiortc repo.

Then, make sure the aiortc installed in the fom conda environment has the latest changes

conda activate fom
sudo python setup.py install

Now, repeat the steps to run the videostream-cli application but now with calls to the model to run prediction rather than use the default video stream. Run the sender in one terminal

cd examples/videostream-cli
conda activate fom
python cli.py offer --play-from vibhaa_smiling_modified.mp4 --signaling-path /tmp/test.sock --signaling unix-socket --verbose 2>sender_output

Run the receiver in other terminal after waiting for a couple of seconds (because the sender model initiation takes a bit and it may not be immediately ready to accept connections)

cd examples/videostream-cli
conda activate fom
python cli.py answer --record-to vibhaa_prediction_recorded.mp4 --signaling-path /tmp/test.sock --signaling unix-socket --verbose 2>receiver_output

If anything goes wrong, please look at the two output files for any obvious errors. NOTE that we expect some bugs and output such as "It is stopping in PlayerStreamTrack, error happens before this". We're working on addressing this.

Nevertheless, if everything works as desired and the video is recorded and playable at vibhaa_prediction_recorded.mp4, you're all set.