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Generate videoconferencing datasets from youtube

Collecting the videos

First, for each person make a directory:

mkdir <ROOT_DIR>/speaker
cd <ROOT_DIR>/speaker

In speaker folder, you need to make two text files:

touch urls_train.txt
touch urls_train.txt

These files contain the youtube url and the start and stop time of the video in hour:minute:second format. Example of the content of these files is given in here:


Note that there is no extra space between elements in the text files and the files do not end with a new line. You can pick multiple start and stop times for a video. For the train videos, each of them will be treated as a separate video and cut into smaller sessions, but for the test videos they different sessions of the same video (same youtube_url) will be attached in the end to make a longer test video. Make sure to use the correct resolution when you are seaching for the videos.

The process of collecting the videos is time-consuming. We collected 5 test videos and about 15 train videos for each person. I also suggest to use private mode in the browser if you don't want to mess up with your feeds:) The list of the speakers that I used is:

"tucker", "xiran", "fancy_fueko", "seth_meyer", "kayleigh", "jen_psaki", "needle_drop", "trever_noah"

Downloading the videos

To download the train and test videos use:

cd dataset_scripts
./download.sh <ROOT_DIR> speaker

The output videos will be saved in <ROOT_DIR>/speaker/original_youtube/{train, test}.

Getting the average frame

Next, we generates the average frame for each video to find a crop box for each of the orignal videos. To get the average frames, run:

./get_average_frame.sh <ROOT_DIR> speaker

The output average frames will be saved in <ROOT_DIR>/speaker/averages/{train, test}.

Draw the bounding boxes

In this part, we draw the bounding boxes on the average frames and record the box coordinates:

./draw_bbox.sh <ROOT_DIR> speaker <resolution>

After running this, python will pop up the average frames of speaker both in the test and train folders, and you can choose the top-left corner of the box you want to crop. You can modify your box selection multiple times to capture most of the face. The title of the pop-up image will show the height and width of the box you have chosen. For a square box, you want both of these values to be equal to resolution, so be careful with choosing your box corners. After choosing your box, press 'a' to record the coordinates of the box.

All the coordinates will be saved in <ROOT_DIR>/speaker/speaker_{train, test}.pkl. Make sure this file does not exists if you want to rerun the draw_bbox.sh.

Crop the videos

Now, we crop the videos based on the useing the pickle file per speaker with annotations on what square to cut.

./spatially_crop.sh <ROOT_DIR> speaker <resolution>

Cropped videos will be saved in <ROOT_DIR>/speaker/spatially_cropped/{train, test}.

Shorten train videos

We divide each train video into 10-second clips. Run:

./shorten_train.sh <ROOT_DIR> speaker

The videos are saved in <ROOT_DIR>/speaker/speaker/train.

Combine test sessions into a video

We combine all sessions (clips) from the same url into a single video for test videos. Run:

./recombine_test.sh <ROOT_DIR> speaker

The videos are saved in <ROOT_DIR>/speaker/speaker/test.

Dataset clean up

After putting the dataset for all of the people in the same directory (for example /dataset_1024), you should use the clean_up script:


It currently points to my directory and datasets.

Re-encode videos to 30 fps

Some of the train or test videos could be encoded at fps other than 30. Currently, we use 30 fps in our pipeline. To re-encode videos use:

./reencode_at_30fps.sh DATASETs_PATH

Where DATASETs_PATH is where all datasets are stored (for example /dataset_1024).

Downsize 1024x1024 dataset

You can downsize 1024x1024 datasets using:

./resize1024_to_resolution.sh DATASETs_PATH speaker resolution

Get dataset information

To get the dataset information, use:

./get_our_dataset_info.sh SAVE_PREFIX

Where SAVE_PREFIX is where the output csv files are stored. The script currently points to my directory and datasets. The information contains speaker/phase, num_videos, width, height, min_num_frames, avg_num_frames, max_num_frames, min_frame_rate, avg_frame_rate, max_frame_rate, min_bit_rate, avg_bit_rate, max_bit_rate, min_duration, avg_duration, and max_duration.