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An Empirical Evaluation of Federated Contextual Bandit Algorithms


Code for "An Empirical Evaluation of Federated Contextual Bandit Algorithms".


This code is implemented with TensorFlow Federated. See Using TFF for Federated Learning Research for more instructions on using TensorFlow Federated for research.

The following packages may need to be installed


Example usage

The following command can run an experiment on EMNIST from scratch with differential privacy for one of the settings in Figure 4.

bazel run run_federated -- \
    --task_type=emnist_chars --bandits_type=softmax  \
    --bandits_deploy_freq=200 \
    --bandits_temperature=0.05 \
    --server_optimizer=adam --client_optimizer=sgd \
    --client_learning_rate=0.2 --server_learning_rate=0.002 \
    --clients_per_round=64 \
    --client_batch_size=16 --eval_batch_size=256 \
    --max_concurrent_threads=16 \
    --rounds_per_eval=40 --total_rounds=800 \
    --aggregator_type=dpsgd \
    --clip_norm=0.1 --noise_multiplier=0.1

We can choose task_type from {emnist_chars, stackoverflow_tag} to reproduce the experiments in the paper. Additional tasks of {emnist_digits, emnist10_linear, emnist62_linear} can be explored, though these codepaths were not used in the experiments in the paper and are less tested.

We can choose bandits_type from {epsilon_greedy_unweight, falcon, softmax} to reproduce the experiments in the paper. Additional research exploration can use {epsilon_greedy, epsilon_greedy_ce, epsilon_greedy_ce_unw, supervised_mse, supervised_ce}, though these codepaths were not used in the experiments in the paper and are less tested.

bandits_epsilon is the hyperparamter for epsilon_greedy* algorithms; bandits_mu and bandits_gamma are hyperparameters for the falcon algorithm; bandits_temperature is the hyperparameter for the softmax algorithm. The greedy baseline can be achieved by setting bandits_epsilon=0 with epsilon_greedy*.

Leave aggregator_type empty for experiments without differential privacy. And choose from {dpsgd, dpftrl} for DP-FedAvg or DP-FTRL. Hyperparameters clip_norm and noise_multiplier can be tuned when DP is turned on. When DP is disabled, we would suggest --adaptive_clipping=True for stability.

We can use {init, bandits} for dist_shift_type to enable the init-shift scenario in the paper. Leave it empty for the scratch and init scenarios. population_client_selection is used to separate the pool for training the initial model and the followup training with bandit algorithms.

For the init scenario, we can train an initial model by supervised learning on a small set of clients

bazel run
run_federated -- \ --task_type=stackoverflow_tag --bandits_type=supervised_mse \
--bandits_deploy_freq=1 \ --server_optimizer=adam --client_optimizer=sgd \
--client_learning_rate=0.2 --server_learning_rate=0.05 \ --clients_per_round=64
\ --client_batch_size=16 --eval_batch_size=256 \ --max_concurrent_threads=16
--max_validation_samples=10000 \ --rounds_per_eval=10 --total_rounds=100 \
--population_client_selection=0-100 \ --root_output_dir='/tmp/'

For the init-shift scenario, we use an additional --dist_shift_type=init flag for pretraining.

Loading the pretrained initial model by initial_model_path, we can then run the bandit algorithms for the init scenario.

bazel run run_federated -- \ --task_type=stackoverflow_tag
--bandits_type=softmax \ --bandits_deploy_freq=200 \ --bandits_temperature=0.05
\ --server_optimizer=adam --client_optimizer=sgd \ --client_learning_rate=0.05
--server_learning_rate=0.005 \ --clients_per_round=64 \ --client_batch_size=16
--eval_batch_size=256 \ --max_concurrent_threads=16
--max_validation_samples=10000 \ --rounds_per_eval=100 --total_rounds=1500 \
--adaptive_clipping=True \ --population_client_selection=170000-342477 \

For the init-shift scenario, we use an additional --dist_shift_type=bandits flag for distribution shift when running bandit algorithms.

Hyperparameters for reproducibility

See Table 1-9 in the appendix of our paper.


  title={An Empirical Evaluation of Federated Contextual Bandit Algorithms},
  author={Agarwal, Alekh and McMahan, H Brendan and Xu, Zheng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10218},