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README for apis.json

(While Json .NET allows comments in JSON, other parsers are stricter.)

apis.json lists all the APIs (and similar; some aren't strictly APIs) that we generate project files for.


  • id: Name of the main generated library; matches top-level directory name and solution file
  • version: library version, e.g. 1.0.0 or 1.0.0-alpha01
    • Special value "project" is used to indicate a project reference within this repository.
    • Special value "default" is used for external package references that are defaulted by the project generator. Currently valid for GAX and gRPC packages. The version number must be specified explicitly for stable projects.
  • description: Used for NuGet package description
  • tags: Any tags to use in NuGet in addition to Google and Cloud
  • type: "rest", "grpc" or "other":
    • rest = REST-based API; implicitly depends on Google.Api.Gax.Rest
    • grpc = GRPC-based API; implicitly depends on Google.Api.Gax.Grpc
  • metadataType: an optional override for the library_type field in .repo-metadata.json (can usually be omitted)
  • targetFrameworks: the frameworks to target in the production code; defaulted for rest and grpc projects
  • dependencies: Dependencies in addition to defaults, for the production code
  • testDependencies: Dependencies for all test projects. (This can lead to redundant dependencies, but it's simple.)
  • productName: Name of product to include when using doc templates
  • productUrl: Product home page URL to include when using doc templates
  • generator: The generator type to use: "micro", "proto", "protogrpc"
  • packageOwner: Overrides the default NuGet package owner (google-cloud or googe-apis-packages depending on package ID)
  • protoPath: The path within the googleapis repo to the API definition
  • shortDescription: Used when listing APIs (e.g. in README.md) if there's no productName and the description is too long
  • noVersionHistory: When set to true, the update-history release manager command skips the API. This is primarily used for libraries which are part of a bigger ecosystem, where another library typically has the version history (e.g. Spanner.Data for all Spanner libraries).
  • commonResourceConfig: Path to a file providing additional common resource configuration, augmenting the root CommonResourcesConfig.json file. Typically multiple APIs (e.g. all of the Spanner APIs) will refer to the same file in a common package, containing the resource names described in the config file.
  • forceOwlBotRegeneration: The reason why the OwlBot postprocessor should regenerate this API locally, for corner cases. (Custom resource configuration and pre/mid-processor tweaks are handled automatically.)
  • shortName: the value of the name field in the corresponding service config, if any
  • serviceConfigFile: the path the service config YAML file, relative to protoPath
  • transport: the value passed into the microgenerator transport option; defaults to "grpc"
  • blockRelease: a reason for prohibiting releases (and version number changes, e.g. breaking changes are expected)