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Releases: googleapis/google-http-java-client


06 Jun 18:04
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06-06-2019 10:13 PDT

Implementation Changes

  • Fix method template signature broken in #639 (#700)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Bump next snapshot (#698)


04 Jun 15:32
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06-03-2019 16:12 PDT

Implementation Changes

  • Revert "Fix int type transformed as BigDecimal value when parsing as Map (#529)" (#662)
  • Remove deprecated google-http-client-jackson artifact. (#647)
  • Remove blocking ClassInfo.of (#643)
  • Fix deadlock caused by concurrent class loading (#639)

New Features

  • Republish the fixed apache extensions as google-http-client-apache-v2 (#637)


  • Update dependency dependency io.opencensus:opencensus-api to v0.21.0 (#692)
  • Update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin to v3 (#682)
  • Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin to v3 (#681)
  • Update dependency mysql:mysql-connector-java to v8 (#679)
  • Update dependency org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin to v1.6.8 (#678)
  • Update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin to v1.6.0 (#677)
  • Update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin to v1.12 (#676)
  • Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin to v2.4 (#674)
  • Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin to v3.1.2 (#673)
  • Update dependency org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient to v4.5.8 (#671)
  • Update dependency mysql:mysql-connector-java to v5.1.47 (#670)
  • Update dependency kr.motd.maven:os-maven-plugin to v1.6.2 (#669)
  • Update dependency com.google.j2objc:j2objc-annotations to v1.3 (#660)
  • Update dependency com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.generation2:android-maven-plugin to v3.8.2 (#666)
  • Update dependency com.google.truth:truth to v0.45 (#663)
  • Update dependency com.google.code.gson:gson to v2.8.5 (#657)
  • Update dependency com.coveo:fmt-maven-plugin to v2.9 (#652)
  • Update dependency com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core to v2.9.9 (#653)
  • Add renovate.json (#651)


  • Update links to javadoc to point to googleapis.dev (#636)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Add abstract JSON test and tests for Jackson2 and gson (#665)
  • Add Base64Test case for some base64 decoding edge cases (#644)
  • Linting cleanup (#645)
  • Fix a bunch of typos (#640)
  • Restore the ApacheHttpRequest implementation. (#641)


03 Jun 20:28
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06-03-2019 10:13 PDT

Implementation Changes

  • Revert "Fix int type transformed as BigDecimal value when parsing as Map (#529)" (#662)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Add abstract JSON test and tests for Jackson2 and gson (#665)
  • Bump next snapshot (#634)


25 Apr 21:29
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04-25-2019 11:31 PDT

Implementation Changes

  • Fix int type transformed as BigDecimal value when parsing as Map (#529)
  • Remove jdo artifact from BOM (#624)
  • Remove assembly artifact from BOM (#627)


  • Update opencensus to 0.19.2, remove jdo dependency (#628)


  • Add publish javadoc kokoro job (#631)
  • .classpath no longer seems to exist (#625)


25 Mar 18:22
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03-25-2019 10:40 PDT

Implementation Changes

  • avoid default locale (#617)
  • Revert change to return type of ApacheHttpTransport.newDefaultHttpClient() (#615)
  • move apache classes back into google-http-client (#614)
  • Implement equals and Hashcode on GenericData (#589)
  • 372: Changed SingleThreadExecutor to FixedThreadPool(1). (#588)
  • Add option to return raw stream from response (#579)
  • Fix handling interrupted uploads (#572)


  • Fix build issue for findbugs module. (#610)
  • depend directly on Apache httpclient (#591)
  • upgrade dependencies (#596)
  • more fixes for Java 7 minimum version (#592)
  • remove duplicate version definition (#594)
  • Remove old JDO artifact (#584)
  • remove datanucleus (#480)
  • Cleanup assembly process. (#565)
  • upgrade surefire plugin to fix SUREFIRE-1588 (#580)


  • Added Warning header and unit tests. (#601)
  • fix comment (#590)
  • Update README.md with Java 7 support (#577)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Used google-java-formatter and added plugin (#619)
  • Added unit tests for null enum and unknown enum. (#602)
  • remove Java 5 reference (#600)
  • update instructions (#598)
  • ignore Mac Finder metadata (#587)


15 Jan 20:31
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01-10-2019 10:14 PST

Breaking Changes

  • Java 6 support was dropped - (#542)
  • The Apache HttpClient adapter was extracted out of the primary google-http-client artifact into the google-http-client-apache artifact with 2 separate versions (#543):
    • Version 1.28.0 uses the exact same interface that was extracted from google-http-client and lives under the google-http-client-apache-legacy/ directory
    • Version 2.0.0 uses a simplified version of the code (breaking changes included), but allows you to actually use a modern version of Apache's HttpClient.

Implementation Changes

  • Allow users to override handleResponse on HttpBackOffUnsuccessfulResponseHandler (#560)
  • Fix iterable maps JSON serialization (#550)
  • Fixed MockBackOff#getMaxTries, returns maxTries (#548)
  • Implement Closeable & Flushable in JsonGenerator and JsonParser (#540)
  • Fix building HttpResponseException when charset is malformed (#535)
  • Fix UriTemplate.expand to properly escape value (#534)
  • GenericData can now overload setters (#538)
  • Make signature of com.google.api.client.util.Data#nullOf more type safe (#537)
  • Request charset defaults to UTF-8, Response charset defaults to ISO_8859_1 (#532)

New Features

  • Re-add OpenCensus integration (#545)
    • Annotation OpenCensusUtils as beta. (#570)
    • OpenCensusUtils does need to be public (#569)
    • Move OpenCensusUtils to com.google.api.client.http (#567)
    • Update OpenCensus deprecations (#556)
  • Update ApacheHttpTransport implementation (#558)
  • Re-add Apache PATCH request (#547)


  • Remove commons-codec dependency (#563)
  • Update guava to 26.0-android (#531)


  • Deprecate JdoDataStoreFactory (#553)
  • Deprecate AndroidHttp compatibility shim (#541)
  • Deprecate google-http-client-jackson (#539)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Code style cleanup (#571)
  • Provide STAGING_REPOSITORY_ID as an environment variable (#561)
  • Use maven enforcer plugin for maven version requirements (#555)
  • Need to specify versions for antrun-plugin or it doesn't run (#554)
  • Cleanup samples (#544)


12 Nov 16:47
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11-09-2018 09:27 PST

New Features

  • Allow Enums in DataMaps (#505)
  • Add write timeout for post/put requests (#485)
  • Add google-http-client-bom artifact (#517)


  • guava is not a regular dependency (#508)
  • Upgrade maven-javadoc-plugin to 3.0.1 (#519)
  • Set the version of the jarjar-maven-plugin in pluginManagement (#515)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Fix parameter of maven-javadoc-plugin (#522) (#523)
  • Skip Lint of JavaDoc (#525)
  • Fix broken snapshot and proto tests (#512)
  • Add Java 11 Kokoro config (#487)
  • Release improvements (#501)
  • Bump next snapshot (#500)


18 Oct 04:48
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10-16-2018 14:08 PDT

Implementation Changes

  • Fix test to run on environments with German locale (#473) (#474)
  • Fix throwIfFalseEOF if skip method was called before read (#447)
  • Fix arraymap iterator remove issue (#371)

New Features

  • XML Parsing: Enum as element type (#475) (#476)
  • Include Automatic-Module-Name in MANIFEST.MF (#400)


  • Update test library versions (#481)
  • Update app engine SDK (#467)


  • Add the ending Java 6 support notice to README (#483)
  • Fix API doc links (#479)
  • Fix code.google.com links. Fix maven version (#471)

Internal / Testing Changes

  • Enable releasetool for this project (#488)
  • Fix CODEOWNERS path
  • Kokoro release jobs (#472)
  • Add CODEOWNERS and issue/pr templates (#470)
  • Add Kokoro continuous integration config and badges (#465)
  • Remove obsolete files (#466)
  • Fix compilation for Java 10 (#454)
  • Add Kokoro CI config (#451)

Release v1.25.0

23 Aug 17:50
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  • Fix: Referential comparison on ClassInfo (#446)
  • New: HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_ACCEPTED constant added (#413)
  • Fix: AppEngineDataStoreFactory builder previously ignored options (#388)
  • New: j2objc annotations added (#427)
  • Fix: GenericUrl#equals static analysis fix (#440)
  • Fix: uses of String#toLower now use Locale.US instead of default system locale (#420)
  • Various documentation fixes

Release v1.24.1

31 Jul 23:10
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Note: Java 5 support has ended. From this release and on, we support Java 6 and forward.

  • Deps: The guava-jdk5 dependency has been removed and replaced with guava. This should reduce diamond dependency problems.
  • New: HTTPS proxy property support added.
  • New: NetHttpRequest will only set Content-Length if it's not set.
  • New: UrlEncodedParser allows '=' in parameter value.
  • New: AbstractMemoryDataStore is now publicly visible.
  • Fix: ArrayMap hashCode correctly works with null values.