[go: nahoru, domu]

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Managing Bot Cycles

This repository contains the sample folder structure to organize bot configurations and scripts to run your all your bots at once.

For your context, this structure is only for bots running Pure Market Making strategy, for other strategy, please modify line 48 and 49 in init_and_run_bots.sh script to point to correct config file name and strategy.

Only support HB client version dev-1.7.0, will not work with older version, i.e. 1.6.0

└── manage-bot-cycles/
    ├── asd-eth-usdt_files/
    │   ├── hummingbot_conf/
    │   └── hummingbot_scripts/
    ├── bin-bnb-busd_files/
    ├── kucoin-btc-usdt_files/
    ├── bots_to_run
    ├── init_and_run_bots.sh
    ├── readme.md
    ├── remove_bots.sh
    ├── start.sh
    └── update.sh
  • manage-bot-cycles is the root folder
  • asd-eth-usdt_files folder or any *_files folder is the place to store bot configuration for any particular token pair
  • hummingbot_conf is the place to store bot main configuration files
  • hummingbot_scripts is the place to store scripts
  • bots_to_run text file to specify which pair to run bot
  • init_and_run_bots.sh bash script to init and run bots that are specified in bots_to_run file
  • readme.md this read me
  • remove_bots.sh stop and remove all bot instances, this will not cancel your trade orders
  • start.sh bash script to manually hook into your bot instance
  • update.sh bash script to manually update bot docker images

How To Use This

The purpose of this folder structure and scripts is to make it easier to manage multiple bots and launch them all at once on your computer or server.

In order to do that, you need to do two things:

  1. Organize your bot configurations into folders and manage it from there.
  2. Manage the launch of your bot by using bots_to_run file and init_and_run_bots.sh script.

Configuration Folders

For each of your bot or token pair, you should put your configuration as follow:

├── gateway_conf/
├── gateway_logs/
├── hummingbot_certs/
├── hummingbot_conf/
│   ├── connectors/
│   ├── strategies/
│   │   └── conf_pure_mm_asd-eth-usdt.yml
│   ├── .password_verification
│   ├── conf_client.yml
│   ├── conf_fee_overrides.yml
│   └── hummingbot_logs.yml
├── hummingbot_data/
├── hummingbot_logs/
├── hummingbot_pmm_scripts/
└── hummingbot_scripts/
  • Main folder should have the following naming convention: [exchange]-[token]-[quote]_files, in the above example, the folder is for the pair ETH/USDT on AscendEX exchange. This convention is for specifying which bot to run in bots_to_run file and lets init_and_run_bots.sh script to find the config folder correctly, also it lets you know which exchange the pair is on
  • connectors is where you store your exchange API keys
  • strategies is where you store your strategy config files
  • The strategy config file conf_pure_mm_asd-eth-usdt.yml follows the naming convention conf_pure_mm_[exchange]-[token]-[quote].yml
  • hummingbot_conf is the place to store bot main configuration files and encrypted keys
  • hummingbot_pmm_scripts is the place to store scripts, this is applicable only for Pure Market Making strategy
  • hummingbot_scripts is the place to store customized scripts, this is applicable only for the new script strategy available from bot client 1.6.0

Launching Bots

To launch bot you will need to specify what bot to run in bots_to_run file and set environment variables in init_and_run_bots.sh script, for example, this is the current content of the file:


This means only 2 bots (ETH/USDT and BNB/BUSD) will be launched.

After specifying bots in bots_to_run file, please set the following environment variables in init_and_run_bots.sh, line 48 -> 50, these configurations are required:

  export STRATEGY="pure_market_making" # Name of the strategy to auto run
  export CONFIG_FILE_NAME="conf_pure_mm_$1.yml" # Name of the config file to auto run, $1 is template for the name of the bots in bots_to_run file
  export CONFIG_PASSWORD='password' # Password to access your bot, it is for the login prompt when you first start the bot

ATTENTION: Please make sure that CONFIG_PASSWORD is set to your bot access password, without it the script will not be able to launch your bots properly and you will get "invalid password" error when trying to access the bot.

Then you can run init_and_run_bots.sh script to launch your bots:

bash init_and_run_bots.sh

The script will do the following steps:

  • Stop and remove all current bot instances
  • Read bots_to_run file to get the list of bots to launch
  • For each bot in the list, the script create new bot instance and run it, the bot instance will automatically start without any intervention
  • There is a slight delay of 30 seconds between bot creation, this is for avoiding getting socket ban from the exchange

Usage Check List

Please use this check list to make sure the script run properly:

  • Using development or bot version higher than 1.7.0
  • Setup your bot configurations using the format in How To Use This
  • Make sure that .password_verification is existing and valid
  • Make sure connector files are there
  • Make sure your naming convention for bot config folders is correct
  • Make sure you have set environment variables in init_and_run_bots.sh, line 48 -> 50, (STRATEGY, CONFIG_FILE_NAME, and CONFIG_PASSWORD)
  • Make sure you have rebalanced your bot budget
  • Make sure you have tested your bot strategy carefully
  • Run init_and_run_bots.sh to launch your bots
  • Verify that all your bots have launched successfully

Utility Scripts

  • remove_bots.sh stop and remove all bot instances, this will not cancel your trade orders
  • start.sh bash script to manually hook into your bot instance
  • update.sh bash script to manually update bot docker

Change Logs

  • 17 August 2022: Reworked the folder sturcture, updated init_and_run_bots.sh to support dev-1.7.0 version.
  • 5 October 2022: Edited README.md, added Usage Check List