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Instructions for deploying cncf/devstats.

Deploying on Kubernetes

We currently use


Setup the project with deployment manager.

gcloud deployment-manager --project=${PROJECT} deployments create devstats --config=devstats.yaml
gcloud deployment-manager --project=${PROJECT} deployments create devstats-gcfs --config=gcfs.yaml

This will create the resources

* GKE Cluster
* Static IP address for ingress
* A Cloud NFS file store
gcloud --project=${PROJECT} compute addresses list
  • We use Cloud NFS to store grafana and postgres data. This way its easily accessible on multiple pods

Create PVC for NVC

  • Modify k8s_manifests/nfs_pvc.yaml

    • Set IP address to ip address of cloud NFS
    • Set namespace to namespace of your components

Setup DNS

TODO(#228): Change host to devstats.kubeflow.org. We used the name devstats2.kubeflow.org while we setup a new instance running in the devstats project. Once its up and working we should turn down the existing instance in kubeflow-ci and change the hostname.

IPADDRESS=<..address from above...>
gcloud --project=kubeflow-dns dns record-sets transaction start -z=kubefloworg
gcloud --project=kubeflow-dns dns record-sets transaction add -z=kubefloworg \
    --name="${HOST}.kubeflow.org." \
   --type=A \
   --ttl=300 "${IPADDRESS}"
gcloud --project=kubeflow-dns dns record-sets transaction execute -z=kubefloworg
* This uses domain kubeflow.org which is managed by Cloud DNS zone kubefloworg

Create a secret with a GITHUB OAuth token

This token is only for rate quota so it doesn't need access to any services.

kubectl create secret generic github-oauth --from-literal=github-oauth=${GITHUB_TOKEN}

Create a secret for the Grafana admin password

GRAFANA_PASSWORD=`< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c14; echo`
kubectl create secret generic grafana --from-literal=admin_password=${GRAFANA_PASSWORD}

If you need the password to login

kubectl get secrets grafana -o json | jq -r .data.admin_password | base64 -d  && echo

** Important** Once created the password is stored in the database so changing the secret won't change the password.

Setup Devstats config Files

See config/README.md

Create the K8s resources

kubectl apply -f k8s_manifest/nfs_pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifest/cli_home_pvc.yaml
ks apply devstats2 -c cert-manager
ks apply devstats2 -c devstats
  • The postgres and grafana containers will likely be crashing because we need to setup the disk.

How it all works

  • Postgres has 3 databases

    • postgres This database is created by postgre-docker-entrypoint
      • I don't think this is used by devstats.
      • psql needs to connect to a database even when psql is being used to create/delete other databases. So we connect to the postgres database when executing commands to create/delete the kubeflow and devstats dbs.
    • kubeflow This is the DB where devstats data is actually stored.
    • devstats This DB is used for logs
  • List of environment variables used by devstats code

  • Grafana dashboards and datasources are defined in YAML files

    • These are stored in source control and checked out into a NFS volume.

Setup Postgres

  1. We use the devstats-cli-0 container to modify the NFS share; start a shell inside the container using the kubectl command below and then proceed to run the other steps in the container.

    kubectl exec -ti devstatsdb-0 -c postgres /bin/bash
  2. Checkout the various source repositories onto NFS to get the scripts

    mkdir /mount/data/src
    cd /mount/data/src
    git clone https://github.com/kubeflow/community.git git_kubeflow-community
  3. Run the following script to set permissions on the NFS share

  4. Set up the home directory for postgres in the CLI container

    • We use a home diretory backed by PD in CLI so we need to do a onetime setup
  5. Copy some binaries referenced by the scripts

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
    • TODO(jlewi): We should file a bug to get the devstats scripts updated to just assume the binaries are on the path. I hink if we don't set GHA2DB_LOCAL it will use path.
  6. Verify you can connect to the default database

    psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables order by tablename;"
    • The database postgres is created by the startup script postgre-docker-entrypoint.sh
    • The kubeflow database won't exist at this point which is why we test using hte default database
  7. Verify you can connect to the database and run queries.

    sudo -E -u postgres psql -d postgres -U postgres -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables order by tablename;"
    • If this doesn't work there might be a problem with the environment variables telling psql how to connect to the DB
    • If this doesn't succeed most of the commands run by the scripts won't work.
  8. Initialize the devstats DB

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
    PGUSER=postgres PGDATABASE=postgres PG_PASS=${PG_PASS} PG_PASS_RO=${PG_PASS} PG_PASS_TEAM=kubeflow ./devel/init_database.sh
    • We need to override PGUSER and PGDATABASE when running this command because the kubeflow database doesn't exist it.

    • So we connect to postgres using the database postgres and user postgres created by the postgres container on startup

    • Verify the devstats database exists

      psql -U postgres -d postgres -c 'select * from pg_database;'
      • devstats should be one of the listed databases.
    • The devststats db is used for logs

  9. Create the Kubeflow database

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
    PGUSER=postgres PGDATABASE=postgres PROJ=kubeflow PROJDB=kubeflow PDB=1 TSDB=1 SKIPTEMP=1 ./devel/create_databases.sh
    • This step creates the database table and backfills it based on the start date in projects.yaml

    • Since the kubeflow database doesn't exist yet we override PGUSER and PGDATABASE so that we connect to the postgres database in order to create the kubeflow database

    • Verify the kubeflow database exists

      psql -c 'select * from pg_database;'
      • kubeflow should be one of the databases
    • Check the gha_* tables were created

      psql -d kubeflow -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables order by tablename;"
      schemaname     |               tablename               | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers | rowsecurity 
      public             | gha_actors                            | gha_admin  |            | t          | f        | f           | f
      public             | gha_actors_affiliations               | gha_admin  |            | t          | f        | f           | f
      public             | gha_actors_emails                     | gha_admin  |            | t          | f        | f           | f
      public             | gha_actors_names                      | gha_admin  |            | t          | f        | f           | f
    • Note that the tables containing metrics won't be created until later when we run devstats.

    • import_affs.sh crashes see https://github.com/cncf/devstats/issues/166

      • This step is related to importing user affiliations to generate company statistics

      • For now I just skipped it and ran the next step manually

        GHA2DB_PROJECT=kubeflow PG_DB=kubeflow GHA2DB_LOCAL=1 ./vars 
  10. Create tags

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
  11. Run the following to create the annotations

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
    • This creates the time range selectors based on tags. So we need to run it along with previous step periodically to get new tags.

    • Verify that the table tquick_ranges now exists.

      psql -d kubeflow -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables where tablename='tquick_ranges';"
    • TODO(#230): Do we need to run this regularly?

  12. Run devstats

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
    • This should synchronize data and I think create metric and timeseries tables
    • It checks out source for repos so it can get tags
    • It should also be run as a cron job.
  13. Known issues

    • Looks like the relation tcountries wasn't created and some tables use this see #231


To access the admin ui port-forward to port 3000 and use the default admin account which has username admin and password admin.

kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000

Dashboards are defined in devstats/grafana/dashboards/kubeflow/

These are checked out from git onto the NFS volume mounted on all pods.

Troublehoosting Postgres

Check the databases using the following query

psql -c 'select * from pg_database;'
  • Do the DB's devstats and kubeflow exist?

Check Kubeflow tables exist

psql -c -d kubeflow -c  'SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables order by tablename;'
* There should be a bunch of tables named `gha_*`

Loading data into the db

Use the gha2db program that is part of cncf/devstats

If we run devstats regularly that will syncronize the latest changes. To backfill some range you can run gha2b directly

./gha2db 2018-04-16 00 2018-04-17 00 kubeflow
* Change the date range to the range you want

You can run this on K8s as a job by doing

ks param set backfill end_day 2018-01-01
ks param set backfill end_day 2018-04-17
ks apply default -c backfill

Sync data

We use a cron job to run devstats regularly to pull in the latest data.

ks apply ${ENV} -c syncronjob

Example running a query

After the backfill job completes you can run the following to verify data is in the SQL DB.

Run in the devstats-cli-0 container

./runq util_sql/top_unknowns.sql {{ago}} '1 month' {{lim}} 10


Using psql from the CLI container (although you can also run from the postgre container and then you don't have to do a remote connect)

psql -h ${PG_HOST} -U gha_admin -d gha

List tables

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables order by tablename;

A simple query to look at events

select created_at, type from gha_events;

Company Affilitations

We need to create a json file containing company affiliations for each user in order to get company stats.

These instructions are based on sync.md

All commands should be run in the devstats-cli-0 pod.

  1. Make sure the repos are checked out on NFS

    • Directory is set in ${GHA2DB_REPOS_DIR}

    • To manually update

      cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
      GHA2DB_PROCESS_REPOS=1 ./get_repos
  2. Generate a list of all repos and the command to generate the repo log

     cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
  3. Update /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src/repos.txt with the list of repos outputted by the previous command

  4. Setup gitdm

    cd /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src
    gem install pry
    gem install octokit
    • TODO(jlewi): Should we do gem install in the image?
  5. Generate a git log.

    ./all_repos_log.sh /mount/data/devstats_repos/kubeflow/*
    • This should create a git log /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src/git.log
  6. To run cncf/gitdm on a generated git.log file do:

    cd /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src 
    ./cncfdm.py -i git.log -r "^vendor/|/vendor/|^Godeps/" -R -n -b ./ -t -z -d -D -A -U -u -o all.txt -x all.csv -a all_affs.csv > all.out 	
  7. Generate actors

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats
    bash -x ./scripts/generate_actors.sh /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src/actors.txt 
    • TODO(jlewi): Should we store the actors file someplace other than git_cncf-gitdm? We currently put it there because all the gitdm scripts make assumptions about the locations of the files
  8. Create a secret containing

    • A GitHub OAuth API token
      • Can use the same token as before
    • A GitHub OAuth client secret
    • A GitHub client id
    kubectl create secret generic gitdm-github-oauth --from-literal=oauth=${GITDM_GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN} --from-literal=client_id=${GITDM_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}  --from-literal=client_secret=${GITDM_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET}
  9. Pull GitHub users

    cd /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src/
    echo [] > github_users.json
    ruby ghusers.rb
    ./encode_emails.rb github_users.json temp
    mv temp github_users.json
    • Ensure repos.txt doesn't include any repos that shouldn't count as contributors

    • TODO(jlewi): I'm not sure we want to zero out github_users.json on each successive run

      • I think we only wanted to do that once because github_users.json was originally for the CNCF projects
      • ghusers.rb has to make API requests for each user so if we don't cache results we hit API limits.
    • ghusers.rb appears to crash if github_users.json doesn't exist and doesn't have at least a json list

    • See also these instructions

    • The processing of repos.txt is very brittle

      • I had to modify the code ala Ran into cncf/gitdm#104
      • I also had to remove the quotes around the repo names
    • TODO(jlewi): Could we just use ghusesrs.sh? The reason I didn't was because it didn't seem to handle things like the file github_users.json not existing

  10. Update github_users.json

    cd /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src/
    • Output is

    Found 1, not found 420 from 425 additional actors Processed 425 users, enchanced: 306, not found in CSV: 4, unknowns not found in JSON: 13614.

    * I think this script sets affiliation field in `github_users.json`
    * Check in `github_users.json` to `kubeflow/community/devststats/data`
     * This makes it easy for people to check their affiliation.
  11. See https://github.com/cncf/gitdm/blob/master/SYNC.md; there are a whole bunhch of steps that seem like they might be semi optional

    • TODO(jlewi): We should create a script or something to run all the steps.
  12. Import affiliations

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config
    ./import_affs /mount/data/src/git_cncf-gitdm/src/github_users.json 
     2019-02-20 21:40:30 kubeflow/import_affs: Processing non-empty: 566 names, 707 emails lists and 116 affiliations lists
     2019-02-20 21:40:30 kubeflow/import_affs: Empty/Not found: names: 142, emails: 0, affiliations: 612
     2019-02-20 21:40:32 kubeflow/import_affs: 566 non-empty names, added actors: 0, updated actors: 314
     2019-02-20 21:40:34 kubeflow/import_affs: 707 emails lists, added actors: 0, all emails: 735
     2019-02-20 21:40:35 kubeflow/import_affs: 566 names lists, all names: 566
     2019-02-20 21:40:35 kubeflow/import_affs: 116 affiliations, unique: 112, non-unique: 4, all user-company connections: 153
     2019-02-20 21:40:35 kubeflow/import_affs: Processed 64 companies
     2019-02-20 21:40:36 kubeflow/import_affs: Processed 153 affiliations, added 0 actors, cache hit: 153, miss: 0
     2019-02-20 21:40:36 kubeflow/import_affs: Non-acquired companies: checked all regexp: 64, cache hit: 153
     2019-02-20 21:40:36 kubeflow/import_affs: Time: 5.621040111s
    • Verify there are companies

      psql -c "select * from gha_companies;"
  13. If affiliations are changed on a deployed setup, run

    cd /mount/data/src/git_kubeflow-community/devstats/config

    This will regenerate the precomputed data for grafana without altering GH tables data.

  14. TODO: Do we need to run devstats to compute various metrics?

Deleting the Kubeflow database

If you want to delete the kubeflow database in the devstats cli pod run

psql -d postgres -c "drop database kubeflow"
  • We need to set -d and change to a database other than kubeflow because we can't delete the current database