[go: nahoru, domu]

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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 27, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Build Status

Dependencies (and the rest of the build process) are managed by Maven. To build:

  1. Install Maven.
  2. Clone repository. Navigate a command prompt to the folder.
  3. Run mvn clean install, which will build and install all three projects.

Useful Maven Commands:

  • Run mvn clean install from parent directory to do a full build.
  • Run mvn eclipse:eclipse to build an Eclipse project for one of the modules.
  • Run mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true to build an Eclipse project with javadocs and sources linked.
  • Run mvn clean compile assembly:single in one of the module folders to build a jar with dependencies included source

Travis CI Initially we configured our build to run on Travis CI

Jenkins Since Travis CI did not meet the project requirements, we created a Jenkins server running on a local vagrant machine. Here is a screenshot of the web interface:

As indicated above, Maven manages our dependencies and the Jenkins server uses Maven to run the build process using. Here is a screenshot of a successful build notification.


Because we are running this locally, that is, without a public ip address, we could not setup a git hook. However, we set up a Git poll that simply pings the GitHub repository every 15 minutes (this is adjustable) and makes a build if there are changes


We created a slave vm (also using vagrant) that the master connects to via SSH to setup and execute tasks:

Here is a screenshot of the log when "slave 3" picked up a build job: image

Our Jenkins config file and the config file for our job are found under jenkins/.


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