This application extracts data from helium-programs via Solana RPC and serves it via HTTP. There are CLI commands meant to run and test the data extraction logic.
You only need to do this if you want to run the server locally and/or make changes. Otherwise, skip to the next section.
cargo run -- server
starts the server. By default, it will hit the public Solana RPC so this will probably error.
Use the environmental variable SOL_RPC_ENDPOINT
to set a different RPC endpoint (checkout Helius
for example).
I am currently hosting a public endpoint here: Prepend the paths below with the endpoint.
GET /v1/accounts/{account}
Provides balances of HNT, MOBILE, and IOT. This endpoint is aware of positions and delegated stakes and will provide
"locked" and "pending" amounts for balances. This endpoint is not aware of pending hotspot rewards (nor does it list
hotspot NFTs).
Legacy Helium pubkeys of type ed25519 will redirect to the Solana address.
GET /v1/accounts/vehnt/{dao}/top
Provides a list of the top 100 accounts in DAO voting weight. Possible DAO values are vehnt
, veiot
and vemobile
Params: limit
, start
, timestamp
Provides list of all positions for a given DAO. Possible DAO values are vehnt
, veiot
and vemobile
When no timestamp is provided, the latest pulled data is used, including timestamp.
Data is pulled every 5 minutes. Use the timestamp to maintain index on the same batch of data and start and limit to fetch more positions.
When no limit is provided, default of 500 items is used. limit is capped also at 500.
When no start is provided, default of 0 is used.
If using more than one parameter at a time, all parameters must be encapsulated in a string. For example:"timestamp=1682720623?start=500"
GET /v1/positions/{dao}/{position}
Provides data of a specific position from a specific DAO, including most recently derived voting weight (at most 5 minutes old). Shows pending rewards for veHNT positions.
Serves most recent list of all veHNT positions as a CSV file.
GET /v1/positions/vehnt/metadata
Provides information about veHNT positions, such as total HNT amount, avg/median per position, avg/median duration, etc.
GET /v1/epoch/info
Warning: these will be deprecated soon.
Params: limit
, start
, timestamp
Provides list of delegated stakes. When no timestamp is provided, the latest pulled data is used, including timestamp. Data is pulled every 5 minutes. Use the timestamp to maintain index on the same batch of data and start and limit to fetch more positions.
When no limit is provided, default of 500 items is used. limit is capped also at 500.
When no start is provided, default of 0 is used.
If using more than one parameter at a time, all parameters must be encapsulated in a string. For example:"timestamp=1682720623?start=500"
Serves most recent list of delegated stakes as a CSV file.
- Solana RPC URL (defaults to
- Port to listen on (defaults to3000
You can host this program on Heroku easily by creating an app and pushing the container to it. Just change the app name
below from hnt-explorer
to whatever your app name is.
Build the container:
heroku container:push web -a hnt-explorer
Release it:
heroku container:release web -a hnt-explorer
Check logs:
heroku logs --tail -a hnt-explorer