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Firebase Auth Quickstart

The Firebase Auth Unity Sample demonstrates user authentication and user profile operations using Firebase Authentication with the Firebase Unity SDK.


  • Unity 5.3 or higher.
  • Xcode 9.4.1 or higher (when developing for iOS).
  • Android SDK (when developing for Android).

Building the Sample


  • Register your iOS app with Firebase.
    • Create a project in the Firebase console, and associate your iOS application.
      • You should use com.google.FirebaseUnityAuthTestApp.dev as the package name while you're testing.
        • If you do not use the prescribed package name you will need to update the bundle identifier as described in the Optional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier below.
    • Enable Authentication in the project.
      • Go to the Firebase console,
      • Select the Auth tab in the sidebar.
      • Select the Sign-In Method tab
      • Enable Email/Password and Anonymous sign-in providers.
    • Download the GoogleService-Info.plist file associated with your Firebase project from the console. This file identifies your iOS app to the Firebase backend, and will need to be included in the sample later.
    • For further details please refer to the general instructions which describes how to configure a Firebase application for iOS.
  • Download the Firebase Unity SDK and unzip it somewhere convenient.
  • Open the sample project in the Unity editor.
    • Select the File > Open Project menu item.
    • Click Open.
    • Navigate to the sample directory testapp in the file dialog and click Open.
  • Open the scene MainScene.
    • Navigate to Assets/Firebase/Sample/Auth in the Project window.
    • Double click on MainScene file to open.
  • Import the Firebase Auth plugin.
    • Select the Assets > Import Package > Custom Package menu item.
    • Import FirebaseAuth.unitypackage from the Firebase Unity SDK, downloaded previously.
    • Click the Import when the Import Unity Package window appears.
  • Add the GoogleService-Info.plist file to the project.
    • Navigate to the Assets/Firebase/Sample/Auth folder in the Project window.
    • Drag the GoogleService-Info.plist downloaded from the Firebase console into the folder.
      • NOTE: GoogleService-Info.plist can be placed anywhere under the Assets folder.
  • Optional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier
    • If you did not use com.google.FirebaseUnityAuthTestApp.dev as the project package name you will need to update the sample's Bundle Identifier.
      • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
      • Select iOS in the Platform list.
      • Click Player Settings
      • In the Player Settings panel scroll down to Bundle Identifier and update the value to the package name you provided when you registered your app with Firebase.
  • Build for iOS
    • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
    • Select iOS in the Platform list.
    • Click Switch Platform to select iOS as the target platform.
    • Wait for the spinner (compiling) icon to stop in the bottom right corner of the Unity status bar.
    • Click Build and Run, when Xcode opens stop the build.
    • Configure the Xcode project for push messaging.
      • Select the Unity-iPhone project from the Navigator area.
      • Select the Capabilities tab from the Editor area.
      • Switch Push Notifications to On.
    • Build the Xcode project by selecting Project->Run from the menu.
  • See the Using the Sample section below.


  • Register your Android app with Firebase.
    • Create a project in the Firebase console, and attach your Android app to it.
      • You should use com.google.FirebaseUnityAuthTestApp.dev as the package name while you're testing.

        • If you do not use the prescribed package name you will need to update the bundle identifier as described in the Optional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier below.
      • To generate a SHA1, first you will need to set the keystore in the Unity project.

        • Locate the Publishing Settings under Player Settings.
        • Select an existing keystore, or create a new keystore using the toggle.
        • Select an existing key, or create a new key using "Create a new key".
      • After setting the keystore and key, you can generate a SHA1 by running this command:

        keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias <key_name> -keystore <path_to_keystore>
    • Enable Authentication in the project.
      • Go to the Firebase console,
      • Select the Auth tab in the sidebar.
      • Select the Sign-In Method tab
      • Enable Email/Password and Anonymous sign-in providers.
    • Download the google-services.json file associated with your Firebase project from the console. This file identifies your Android app to the Firebase backend, and will need to be included in the sample later.
      • For further details please refer to the general instructions which describes how to configure a Firebase application for Android.
  • Download the Firebase Unity SDK and unzip it somewhere convenient.
  • Open the sample project in the Unity editor.
    • Select the File > Open Project menu item.
    • Click Open.
    • Navigate to the sample directory testapp in the file dialog and click Open.
  • Open the scene MainScene.
    • Navigate to Assets/Firebase/Sample/Auth in the Project window.
    • Double click on MainScene file to open.
  • Import the Firebase Auth plugin.
    • Select the Assets > Import Package > Custom Package menu item.
    • Import FirebaseAuth.unitypackage from the Firebase Unity SDK, downloaded previously.
    • Click the Import when the Import Unity Package window appears.
  • Add the google-services.json file to the project.
    • Navigate to the Assets/Firebase/Sample/Auth folder in the Project window.
    • Drag the google-services.json downloaded from the Firebase console into the folder.
      • NOTE: google-services.json can be placed anywhere under the Assets folder.
  • Optional: Update the Project Bundle Identifier
    • If you did not use com.google.FirebaseUnityAuthTestApp.dev as the project package name you will need to update the sample's Bundle Identifier.
      • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
      • Select Android in the Platform list.
      • Click Player Settings
      • In the Player Settings panel scroll down to Bundle Identifier and update the value to the package name you provided when you registered your app with Firebase.
  • Build for Android
    • Select the File > Build Settings menu option.
    • Select Android in the Platform list.
    • Click Switch Platform to select Android as the target platform.
    • Wait for the spinner (compiling) icon to stop in the bottom right corner of the Unity status bar.
    • Click Build and Run.
  • See the Using the Sample section below.

Using the Sample

You must enable Email/Password and Anonymous authentication sign-in method in your Firebase project in the Firebase console and also sign your application with the key registered with the Firebase project otherwise sign-in operations will fail.

The app provides email and password text input fields which control the user associated with the action performed by each of the following buttons:

  • The Create User button attempts to register a user with the specified email and password. If the user is already present an error will be reported.
  • The Sign In With Password button attempts to sign in the user with the specified email and password. If the user is already signed in the sign-in process will fail.
  • The Sign In With Credentials button creates an Auth credential from the specified email and password.
  • The Delete User button attempts to delete the user associated with the specified email address.

The user database can be viewed in the Firebase console. by:

  • Selecting the Auth sidebar.
  • Selecting the Users tab.




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