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Duktape 1.4 release notes

Release overview

This release provides small feature and performance improvements (see RELEASES.rst for full details):

  • Error handling improvements: better error messages for e.g. property operations and function calls; improved .fileName and .lineNumber attribution; directly writable .fileName, .lineNumber, and .stack properties.
  • Stronger finalizer guarantees: a finalizer is called exactly once, unless the object is rescued in which case the finalizer is called exactly once per rescue cycle.
  • Typed array constructors now accept a plain buffer with the same semantics as a Duktape.Buffer argument.
  • Debugger improvements: Throw notify for error about to be thrown; option for automatically pausing on an uncaught error; Detaching notify; correct line number for "debugger" statement.
  • Initial support for using C++ exceptions instead of setjmp()/longjmp() for internal long control transfers. This change is minimally functional but still a work in progress.
  • Support indentation and JX/JC formats in the JSON.stringify() fast path. The fast path should now, when enabled, cover a much larger set of use cases.
  • Performance improvements affecting call handling, string handling, reference counting, hex and base64 encoding and decoding, JSON.stringify() fast and slow paths, and more.
  • Combined duktape.c without #line directives into the dist package.
  • Minor API improvements, bug fixes, and compilation warning fixes.

Upgrading from Duktape 1.3.x

No action (other than recompiling) should be needed for most users to upgrade from Duktape v1.3.x. Note the following:

  • Typed array constructors (like Uint16Array) now accept a plain buffer, with behavior matching a Duktape.Buffer argument: the argument is treated as an array of initialization values.

There are bug fixes and other minor behavioral changes which may affect some applications, see RELEASES.rst for details.

Known issues

This release has the following known issues worth noting.

ECMAScript features

  • Non-compliant behavior for array indices near 2G or 4G elements.
  • RegExp parser is strict and won't accept some real world RegExps which are technically not compliant with ECMAScript E5/E5.1 specification.
  • Final mantissa bit rounding issues in the internal number-to-string conversion.

Portability and platforms

  • On some older clang/llvm versions (e.g. Clang 3.3 on FreeBSD 10): when -m32 is used, Duktape will end up using the 8-byte packed value representation but clang will generate incorrect code for union assignment (see misc/clang_aliasing.c). The issue can be detected by defining DUK_OPT_SELF_TESTS. A workaround is to avoid packed types in this case by defining DUK_OPT_NO_PACKED_TVAL.
  • On some older clang/llvm versions (e.g. Clang 3.3 on FreeBSD 10): compilation may produce a warning "generic selections are a C11-specific feature". The warning should be harmless.
  • On some older clang/llvm versions (e.g. Clang 3.3 on FreeBSD 10): harmless compilation warning for "duk_repl_isinf" being unused.
  • On some GCC versions and compilation options you may get a warning "variable idx_func might be clobbered by longjmp or vfork [-Wclobbered]". This warning seems spurious and causes no known problems.
  • GCC -O4 may produce a warning "assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that (X - c) > X is always false" for some assertions. This warning seems spurious and causes no known problems.
  • GCC -pedantic without -std=c99 causes the unsigned long long type to be used by Duktape, and an associated warning about the type. This is harmless and most easily fixed by simply using -std=c99.
  • MSVC /Wp64 produces harmless warnings when compiling for x86. The warnings are caused by 64-bit incompatible code enabled for 32-bit targets; when you actually compile for a 64-bit target, those code paths are not used so the warnings are irrelevant.
  • MSVC /W4 produces a harmless "conditional expression is constant" warning caused by a sizeof() comparison.
  • MinGW produces harmless "visibility attribute not supported in this configuration" warnings when compiling from separate sources.
  • An older mixed endian ARM toolchain (based on gcc-3.x) produces "xxx declared inline after being called" warnings.
  • The JSON.stringify() fast path (DUK_USE_JSON_STRINGIFY_FASTPATH) assumes that "%lld" format specifier is correct for the "unsigned long long" type.

Raw issues from test runs

API tests

See testcase-known-issues.yaml:

test-to-number.c: fail; 15 diff lines; known issue: number parsing bug for strings containing NUL characters (e.g. '\u0000')

ECMAScript tests

See testcase-known-issues.yaml:

test-bi-array-proto-push: fail; 30 diff lines; known issue: array length above 2^32-1 not supported
test-bi-array-push-maxlen: fail; 17 diff lines; known issue: array length above 2^32-1 not supported
test-bi-date-tzoffset-brute-fi: fail; 12 diff lines; known issue: year 1970 deviates from expected, Duktape uses equiv. year for 1970 on purpose at the moment; requires special feature options: test case has been written for Finnish locale
test-bi-function-nonstd-caller-prop: fail; 178 diff lines; requires special feature options: DUK_OPT_NONSTD_FUNC_CALLER_PROPERTY
test-bi-global-parseint: fail; 108 diff lines; known issue: rounding differences for parsing integers larger than 2^53
test-bi-json-dec-types: fail; 21 diff lines; known issue: '\x' should be allowed by eval() but not by JSON.parse(), Duktape rejects '\x' in both
test-bi-json-enc-proplist-dups: fail; 8 diff lines; known issue: JSON.stringify() can be given a property list to serialize; duplicates should be eliminated but Duktape (and other engines) will happily serialize a property multiple times
test-bi-json-enc-proxy: fail; 18 diff lines; known issue: JSON enumeration behavior for Proxy targets is incomplete and uses 'enumerate' trap instead of 'ownKeys' trap
test-bi-number-proto-toexponential: fail; 75 diff lines; known issue: corner case rounding errors in toExponential()
test-bi-number-proto-tostring: fail; 46 diff lines; known issue: expect strings to be checked, but probably Duktape rounding issues
test-bi-regexp-gh39: fail; 5 diff lines; known issue: requires leniency for non-standard regexps
test-bug-dataview-buffer-prop: fail; 20 diff lines; known issue: DataView .buffer property misleading when DataView argument is not an ArrayBuffer (custom behavior)
test-bug-date-timeval-edges: fail; 17 diff lines; known issue: test case depends on current timezone offset
test-bug-enum-shadow-nonenumerable: fail; 12 diff lines; known issue: corner case enumeration semantics, not sure what correct behavior is (test262 ch12/12.6/12.6.4/12.6.4-2)
test-bug-invalid-oct-as-dec: fail; 16 diff lines; known issue: V8/Rhino parse invalid octal constants as decimal values, Duktape doesn't at the moment
test-bug-json-parse-__proto__: fail; 18 diff lines; known issue: when ES6 __proto__ enabled, JSON.parse() parses '__proto__' property incorrectly when a specially crafted reviver is used
test-bug-numconv-1e23: fail; 10 diff lines; known issue: corner case in floating point parse rounding
test-bug-numconv-denorm-toprec: fail; 7 diff lines; known issue: in a denormal corner case toPrecision() can output a zero leading digit
test-bug-tonumber-u0000: fail; 7 diff lines; known issue: '\u0000' should ToNumber() coerce to NaN, but now coerces to zero like an empty string
test-dev-bound-thread-start-func: fail; 13 diff lines; known issue: initial function of a new coroutine cannot be bound
test-dev-func-cons-args: fail; 18 diff lines; known issue: corner cases for 'new Function()' when arguments and code are given as strings
test-dev-lightfunc-accessor: fail; 50 diff lines; requires special feature options: DUK_OPT_LIGHTFUNC_BUILTINS
test-dev-lightfunc-finalizer: fail; 8 diff lines; requires special feature options: DUK_OPT_LIGHTFUNC_BUILTINS
test-dev-lightfunc: fail; 462 diff lines; requires special feature options: DUK_OPT_LIGHTFUNC_BUILTINS
test-dev-yield-after-callapply: fail; 8 diff lines; known issue: yield() not allowed when function called via Function.prototype.(call|apply)()
test-lex-unterminated-hex-uni-escape: fail; 29 diff lines; known issue: unterminated hex escapes should be parsed leniently, e.g. '\uX' -> 'uX' but Duktape now refuses to parse them
test-numconv-parse-misc: fail; 12 diff lines; known issue: rounding corner case for 1e+23 (parses/prints as 1.0000000000000001e+23)
test-numconv-tostring-gen: fail; 257 diff lines; known issue: rounding corner cases in number-to-string coercion
test-numconv-tostring-misc: fail; 6 diff lines; known issue: rounding corner case, 1e+23 string coerces to 1.0000000000000001e+23
test-regexp-empty-quantified: fail; 15 diff lines; known issue: a suitable empty quantified (e.g. '(x*)*') causes regexp parsing to terminate due to step limit
test-regexp-invalid-charclass: fail; 7 diff lines; known issue: some invalid character classes are accepted (e.g. '[\d-z]' and '[z-x]')
test-regexp-nonstandard-patternchar: fail; 6 diff lines; known issue: other engines allow an unescaped brace to appear literally (e.g. /{/), Duktape does not (which seems correct but is against real world behavior)
test-stmt-for-in-lhs: fail; 29 diff lines; known issue: for-in allows some invalid left-hand-side expressions which cause a runtime ReferenceError instead of a compile-time SyntaxError (e.g. 'for (a+b in [0,1]) {...}')


See test262-status.rst and test262-known-issues.yaml. With ECMAScript 6 and Intl module tests removed:

ch12/12.6/12.6.4/12.6.4-2 in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: enumeration corner case issue, see test-bug-enum-shadow-nonenumerable.js
ch15/15.10/15.10.2/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: Duktape bug, matching /(a*)b\1+/ against 'baaaac' causes first capture to match the empty string; the '\1+' part will then use the '+' quantifier over the empty string.  As there is no handling to empty quantified now, Duktape bails out with a RangeError.
ch15/15.10/15.10.2/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: Duktape bug, matching /(a*)b\1+/ against 'baaac' causes first capture to be empty, the '\1+' part will then quantify over an empty string leading to Duktape RangeError (there is no proper handling for an empty quantified now)
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: probably Duktape bug related to long array corner cases or 'length' sign handling (C typing?)
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: probably Duktape bug related to long array corner cases or 'length' sign handling (C typing?)
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: Array length over 2G, not supported right now
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: Array length over 2G, not supported right now
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: a.indexOf(<n>,4294967290) returns -1 for all indices n=2,3,4,5 but is supposed to return 4294967294 for n=2.  The cause is long array corner case handling, possibly signed length handling (C typing?)
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: probably Duktape bug: long array corner cases (C typing?)
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: probably Duktape bug: long array corner cases (C typing?)
ch15/15.4/15.4.4/ in non-strict mode   // diagnosed: probably Duktape bug: long array corner cases (C typing?)