Ducktape is a helper module to extend other modules functionality, or to make them play together.
There's a variety of extensions, with a common background:
- Allow for creating module resources from a hiera hash - for modules that doesn't provide this funcionality
- Defines monit tests for services - integrates with sbitio/monit
- Defines munin plugins - integrates with sbitio/munin
Other more specific extensions are:
- Jenkins bootstrap
- Probably other things we did add and forgot
Every single functionality can be disabled by toggling its related
This module heavily relies on Puppet's defined()
function, so it must be
included last to take effect.
For example:
# manifests/00_globals.pp
lookup('classes', {merge => unique}).include
# The 'if defined' pattern requires ducktape class to be loaded
# after the classes it integrates with.
include ::ducktape
Those are the modules we work with at present:
- puppetlabs/apache
- puppetlabs/apt
- puppet/alternatives
- puppet/archive
- puppetlabs/corosync
- pcfens/filebeat
- puppetlabs/firewall
- alexharvey/firewall_multi
- puppet/gluster
- puppetlabs/haproxy
- puppetlabs/inifile
- puppet/jenkins
- elastic/kibana
- datacentred/ldap
- danzilio/letsencrypt
- sbitio/logcheck
- yo61/logrotate
- elasticsearch/logstash
- saz/memcached
- sbitio/monit
- sbitio/munin
- puppetlabs/mysql
- claranet/newrelic
- echocat/nfs
- puppetlabs/ntp
- bi4o4ek/opendkim
- camptocamp/openldap
- voxpupuli/openvpn
- voxpupuli/php
- puppet/posix_acl
- camptocamp/postfix
- puppetlabs/puppetdb
- camptocamp/puppetserver
- puppetlabs/rabbitmq
- arioch/redis
- saz/rsyslog
- saz/ssh
- saz/sudo
- camptocamp/systemd
- sbitio/tomcat
- pcfens/topbeat
- sbog/twemproxy
- claranet/varnish
- puppetlabs/vcsrepo
- Move out
- Add nagios integration
MIT License, see LICENSE file.
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