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Pose estimation and classification with TensorFlow Lite

See this blog post (TBD) for a full guide on doing pose estimation and classification using TensorFlow Lite.

  • Pose estimation: Detect keypoints, such as eye, ear, arm etc., from an input image.
    • Input: An image
    • Output: A list of keypoint coordinates and confidence score.
  • Pose classificaiton: Classify a human pose into predefined classes, such as different yoga poses. Pose classification internally use pose estimation to detect the keypoints, and use the keypoints to classify the pose.
    • Input: An image
    • Output: A list of predefined classes and their confidence score.

This sample can run on Raspberry Pi or any computer that has a camera. It uses OpenCV to capture images from the camera and TensorFlow Lite to run inference on the input image.

Install the dependencies

  • Run this script to install the Python dependencies, and download the TFLite models. sh setup.sh

Run the pose estimation sample

  • Use this command to run the pose estimation sample using the default movenet_lightning model.
python3 pose_estimation.py
  • You can optionally specify the model_name parameter to try other pose estimation models:
    • Use values:
      • Single-pose: posenet, movenet_lightning, movenet_thunder
      • Multi-poses: movenet_multipose
    • The default value is movenet_lightning.
python3 pose_estimation.py --model_name movenet_thunder

Run the pose classification sample

  • Use this command to run the pose estimation sample using the default movenet_lightning pose estimation model and the classifier.tflite yoga pose classification model.
python3 pose_estimation.py \
    --classifier classifier
    --label_file labels.txt
  • If you want to train a custom pose classification model, check out this tutorial.

Customization options

  • Here is the full list of parameters supported by the sample: python3 pose_classification.py
  • model: Name of the TFLite pose estimation model to be used. * One of these values: posenet, movenet_lightning, movenet_thunder, movenet_multipose * Default value is movenet_lightning.
  • tracker: Type of tracker to track poses across frames. * One of these values: bounding_box, keypoint * Only supported in multi-poses models. * Default value is bounding_box.
  • classifier: Name of the TFLite pose classification model to be used. * Default value is empty. * If no classification model specified, the sample will only run the pose estimation step.
  • camera_id: Specify the camera for OpenCV to capture images from. * Default value is 0.
  • frameWidth, frameHeight: Resolution of the image to be captured from the camera. * Default value is (640, 480).

Visualize pose estimation result of test data

  • Run this script to visualize the pose estimation on test data

python3 visualizer.py