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Google ML Structured Dialect

The gml_st dialect will contain a loop-like construct and subset operations that should allow support for fusion beyond rectangular tiles. This is necessary for operations like gather, scatter, concat and more.


Tiling and fusion

Tiling of an op is performed by creating a loop that computes subsets of the result. Usually the tiling is needed to enable vectorization or distribution.

Before tiling

%0 = op(%input)

After tiling

loop (%ivs)
  %1 = subset(%input, %ivs)
  %2 = op (%1)

Fusion of a producer op into a tiled consumer consists of two main parts: computing subsets of producer's operands and moving the producer op into the loop body so that it operates on the subsets of its original operands.

After consumer tiling

%0 = producer (%input)
loop (%ivs)
  %1 = subset(%0, %ivs)
  %2 = consumer(%1)

After producer fusion

loop (%ivs)
  %0 = subset(%input, %ivs)
  %1 = producer(%0)
  %2 = consumer (%1)

There is some duality between tiling and fusion. One can consider tiling as fusion of the op into a loop that partitions the iteration space and just returns identity for every subset. On the other hand, fusion can be seen as tiling of the producer and then merging of the loop bodies.

Subset operations

Linalg has support for hyperrectangular subsets (tiles) of tensor/memref operands. Currently, Linalg's fusion assumes that the tiling is performed only using tensor.extract_slice/tensor.insert_slice and memref.subview operations. There are several disadvantages to that approach:

If some of the operands are not affected by tiling, i.e. the tiling was performed along dimensions that are not present in the operand, then we cannot fuse anymore the producer of the operand. That can happen when linalg.generic broadcasts one of the operands or when the output is tiled, but not the reduction dimensions

Support for fusion with ops like gather, scatter, concat for some of the cases can only be done via TilingInterface (RFC).

Example of a tiled op

%sum = linalg.tiled_loop (%i, %j) = (%c0, %c0) to (%c80, %c60) step (%c4, %c4)
          ins (%in_ = %in: tensor<80x60xf32>, %cst_ = %cst: f32)
          outs (%out_ = %out: tensor<80xf32>)
          iterators["parallel", "reduction"] {
  %in_sub = tensor.extract_slice %in_[%i, %j] [4, 4] [1, 1]
      : tensor<80x60xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %out_sub = tensor.extract_slice %out_[%i] [4] [1]
      : tensor<80xf32> to tensor<4xf32>
  %reduction = linalg.generic {
      indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
                       affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
      iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
      ins(%in_sub : tensor<4x4xf32>)
      outs(%out_sub : tensor<4xf32>) {
    ^bb0(%a: f32, %b: f32):
      %0 = arith.addf %a, %b : f32
      linalg.yield %0 : f32
  } -> tensor<4xf32>
  %update = tensor.insert_slice %reduction into %out_[%i] [4] [1]
      : tensor<4xf32> into tensor<80xf32>
  linalg.yield %update : tensor<80xf32>

The body of this loop models read-modify-write of the output tensor. The tile that we extract from %out_ should have the same sizes/offsets/strides as the destination of tensor.insert_slice. The arguments of tensor.extract_slice and tensor.insert_slice are currently not required to encode the same tile.

We introduce new operations that define subsets on tensors/memrefs

  • subset.full %tensor - the subset spans the original tensor fully
  • subset.tile %tensor [%offsets][%sizes][%strides] - defines a rectangular tile
  • subset.filter %tensor[%indices] - the subset has the same shape as the original tensor, but only the values at %indices are populated. This can be a sparse tensor.
  • subset.point %tensor[%index] - the subset contains a single element

Structured loop

We introduce gml_st.loop that keeps the subset definition separately from the materialization.

linalg.generic has AffineMap attributes that specify the indexing maps and a region that models the computation on the element types of the operand tensors/memrefs. The region ends with linalg.yield terminator that yields the element of the output. The load and store ops in that case are implicit, so are extraction/insertion in gml_st.loop.

gml_st.loop has one region that contains subset operations to define the dense/sparse ranges that we are working with and also gml_st.materialize ops to convert subset spec to a tensor or memref.

gml_st.yield is the terminator for gml_st.loop that takes computed tensors and a subset specification for which the computation was done. Note that this way we don't have to explicitly write a destructive update with tensor.insert_slice and then yield a full tensor. Here, we yield values for a subset.

%sum = gml_st.loop (%i, %j) = (%c0, %c0) to (%c80, %c60) step (%c4, %c4)
           ins (%in_ = %in: tensor<80x60xf32>, %cst_ = %cst: f32)
           outs (%out_ = %out: tensor<80xf32>)
           iterators["parallel", "sequential"] {
  %in_tile = gml_st.tile %in_[%i, %j] [4, 4] [1, 1]
      : tensor<80x60xf32> to !gml_st.subset<4x4xf32>
  %out_tile = gml_st.tile %out_[%i] [4] [1]
      : tensor<80xf32> to !gml_st.subset<4xf32>

  %in_sub = gml_st.materialize %in_tile
      : !gml_st.subset<4x4xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %out_sub = gml_st.materialize %in_tile
      : !gml_st.subset<4xf32> to tensor<4xf32>
  %reduction = linalg.generic {
      indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
                       affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
      iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
      ins(%in_sub : tensor<4x4xf32>)
      outs(%out_sub : tensor<4xf32>) {
    ^bb0(%a: f32, %b: f32):
      %0 = arith.addf %a, %b : f32
      linalg.yield %0 : f32
  } -> tensor<4xf32>
  gml_st.yield %reduction to %out_tile
      : tensor<4xf32> to !gml_st.subset<4xf32>

Currently, tiling of the consumer and fusion of its producers are tightly coupled. If the fusion is happening not in the same pass, then some analysis is required to find the [consumer - tensor.extract_slice - producer] triple to perform the fusion. Keeping the subset computations separately from the "compute" ops not only improves readability but also simplifies fusion, since we have a subset computation per operand and we can just specify what argument of the loop we want to fuse.

It also simplifies the bufferization, since we don't need to introduce the additional operations in MemRef dialect for every subset operation in TensorOps.