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CLI Demos for C++ Vision Task APIs

This folder contains simple command-line tools for easily trying out the C++ Vision Task APIs.

Coral Integration

Task Library now supports fast TFLite inference delegated onto Coral Edge TPU devices on Linux and macOS. See the documentation for more details.

To run the demo on a Coral device, add --define darwinn_portable=1 to the bazel command.

Note the libusb package is required. It can be installed as follows:

# On Linux
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

# On macOS using MacPorts
port install libusb
# or Homebrew
brew install libusb

See the example commands in each task demo below.

You can also explore more pretrained Coral model and try them in the demo. All the models have populated with TFLite Model Metadata.

Image Classifier


You will need:

  • a TFLite image classification model (e.g. aiy/vision/classifier/birds_V1, a bird classification model available on TensorFlow Hub),
  • a PNG, JPEG or GIF image to run classification on, e.g.:



In the console, run:

# Download the model:
curl \
 -L 'https://tfhub.dev/google/lite-model/aiy/vision/classifier/birds_V1/3?lite-format=tflite' \
 -o /tmp/aiy_vision_classifier_birds_V1_3.tflite

# Run the classification tool:
bazel run -c opt \
 tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:image_classifier_demo -- \
 --model_path=/tmp/aiy_vision_classifier_birds_V1_3.tflite \
$(pwd)/tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop/g3doc/sparrow.jpg \

To run the demo on a Coral Edge TPU device, check Coral Integration section and then run:

# Download the Coral model:
curl \
 -L 'https://github.com/google-coral/test_data/raw/master/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_inat_bird_quant_edgetpu.tflite' \
 -o /tmp/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_inat_bird_quant_edgetpu.tflite

# Run the classification tool:
bazel run -c opt --define darwinn_portable=1 \
 tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:image_classifier_demo -- \
 --model_path=/tmp/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_inat_bird_quant_edgetpu.tflite \
$(pwd)/tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop/g3doc/sparrow.jpg \
 --max_results=3 \


In the console, you should get:

Time cost to classify the input image on CPU: 109ms
  Rank #0:
   index       : 671
   score       : 0.91406
   class name  : /m/01bwb9
   display name: Passer domesticus
  Rank #1:
   index       : 670
   score       : 0.00391
   class name  : /m/01bwbt
   display name: Passer montanus
  Rank #2:
   index       : 495
   score       : 0.00391
   class name  : /m/0bwm6m
   display name: Passer italiae

Object Detector


You will need:

  • a TFLite object detection model (e.g. ssd_mobilenet_v1, a generic object detection model available on TensorFlow Hub),
  • a PNG, JPEG or GIF image to run detection on, e.g.:



In the console, run:

# Download the model:
curl \
 -L 'https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/lite-model/ssd_mobilenet_v1/1/metadata/1?lite-format=tflite' \
 -o /tmp/ssd_mobilenet_v1_1_metadata_1.tflite

# Run the detection tool:
bazel run -c opt \
 tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:object_detector_demo -- \
 --model_path=/tmp/ssd_mobilenet_v1_1_metadata_1.tflite \
$(pwd)/tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop/g3doc/dogs.jpg \
 --output_png=/tmp/detection-output.png \

To run the demo on a Coral Edge TPU device, check Coral Integration section and then run:

# Download the model:
curl \
 -L 'https://github.com/google-coral/test_data/raw/master/ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite' \
 -o /tmp/ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite

# Run the detection tool:
bazel run -c opt --define darwinn_portable=1 \
 tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:object_detector_demo -- \
 --model_path=/tmp/ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite \
$(pwd)/tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop/g3doc/dogs.jpg \
 --output_png=/tmp/detection-output.png \
 --max_results=2 \


In the console, you should get:

Time cost to detect the input image on CPU: 123 ms
Results saved to: /tmp/detection-output.png
 Detection #0 (red):
  Box: (x: 355, y: 133, w: 190, h: 206)
  Top-1 class:
   index       : 17
   score       : 0.73828
   class name  : dog
 Detection #1 (green):
  Box: (x: 103, y: 15, w: 138, h: 369)
  Top-1 class:
   index       : 17
   score       : 0.73047
   class name  : dog

And /tmp/detection-output.jpg should contain:


Image Segmenter


You will need:

  • a TFLite image segmentation model (e.g. deeplab_v3, a generic segmentation model available on TensorFlow Hub),
  • a PNG, JPEG or GIF image to run segmentation on, e.g.:



In the console, run:

# Download the model:
curl \
 -L 'https://github.com/google-coral/test_data/raw/master/keras_post_training_unet_mv2_128_quant.tflite' \
 -o /tmp/keras_post_training_unet_mv2_128_quant.tflite

# Run the segmentation tool:
bazel run -c opt \
 tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:image_segmenter_demo -- \
 --model_path=/tmp/keras_post_training_unet_mv2_128_quant.tflite \
$(pwd)/tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop/g3doc/cat.jpg \

To run the demo on a Coral Edge TPU device, check Coral Integration section and then run:

# Download the model:
curl \
 -L 'https://github.com/google-coral/test_data/raw/master/keras_post_training_unet_mv2_128_quant_edgetpu.tflite' \
 -o /tmp/keras_post_training_unet_mv2_128_quant_edgetpu.tflite

# Run the segmentation tool:
bazel run -c opt --define darwinn_portable=1 \
 tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:image_segmenter_demo -- \
 --model_path=/tmp/keras_post_training_unet_mv2_128_quant_edgetpu.tflite \
$(pwd)/tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop/g3doc/cat.jpg \
 --output_mask_png=/tmp/segmentation-output.png \


In the console, you should get:

Time cost to segment the input image on CPU: 89.9316 ms
Category mask saved to: /tmp/segmentation-output.png
Color Legend:
 (r: 000, g: 000, b: 000):
  index       : 0
  class name  : pet
 (r: 128, g: 000, b: 000):
  index       : 1
  class name  : background
 (r: 000, g: 128, b: 000):
  index       : 2
  class name  : border
Tip: use a color picker on the output PNG file to inspect the output mask with
this legend.

And /tmp/segmentation-output.jpg should contain the segmentation mask:




You will need:

  • a TFLite image embedder model (e.g. mobilenet v3, a generic image embedder trained on ImageNet),
  • two PNG, JPEG or GIF image to extract embeddings from.


The ImageEmbedder demo tool takes two images as inputs, and outputs the cosine similarity between their embeddings.

In the console, run:

# Download the model:
curl \
 -L 'https://tfhub.dev/google/lite-model/imagenet/mobilenet_v3_small_100_224/feature_vector/5/metadata/1?lite-format=tflite' \
 -o /tmp/mobilenet_v3_embedder.tflite

# Run the embedder tool:
bazel run -c opt \
tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:image_embedder_demo -- \
--model_path=/tmp/mobilenet_v3_embedder.tflite \
--l2_normalize \
--first_image_path=$(pwd)/tensorflow_lite_support/cc/test/testdata/task/vision/burger.jpg \


In the console, you should get:

Cosine similarity: 0.932738



You will need:

  • a TFLite image embedder model (e.g. mobilenet v3, a generic image embedder trained on ImageNet),
  • an index built from that embedder model using Model Maker.

Model Maker also provides the ability to add the index directly to the embedder model metadata. The demo also supports this : just omit the --index_path argument.


In this example, we'll be using a test index built from the mobilenet v3 embedder model, which only contains 5 embeddings extracted from images of a burger, a cat, a dog, a bird and a car.

In the console, run:

# Download the model:
curl \
 -L 'https://tfhub.dev/google/lite-model/imagenet/mobilenet_v3_small_100_224/feature_vector/5/metadata/1?lite-format=tflite' \
 -o /tmp/mobilenet_v3_embedder.tflite

# Run the searcher tool:
bazel run -c opt \
tensorflow_lite_support/examples/task/vision/desktop:image_searcher_demo -- \
--model_path=/tmp/mobilenet_v3_embedder.tflite \
--l2_normalize \
--index_path=$(pwd)/third_party/tensorflow_lite_support/cc/test/testdata/task/vision/searcher_index.ldb \


In the console, you should get:

  metadata: burger
  distance: 0.13452
  metadata: car
  distance: 1.81935
  metadata: bird
  distance: 1.96617
  metadata: dog
  distance: 2.05610
  metadata: cat
  distance: 2.06347