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254 lines (164 loc) · 8.4 KB

mlpack 1.1.0

  • Removed overclustering support from k-means because it is not well-tested, may be buggy, and is (I think) unused. If this was support you were using, open a bug or get in touch with us; it would not be hard for us to reimplement it.

  • Refactored KMeans to allow different types of Lloyd iterations.

  • Added implementations of k-means: Elkan's algorithm, Hamerly's algorithm, Pelleg-Moore's algorithm, and the DTNN (dual-tree nearest neighbor) algorithm.

  • Significant acceleration of LRSDP via the use of accu(a % b) instead of trace(a * b).

  • Added MatrixCompletion class (matrix_completion), which performs nuclear norm minimization to fill unknown values of an input matrix.

mlpack 1.0.11

  • Proper handling of dimension calculation in PCA.

  • Load parameter vectors properly for LinearRegression models.

  • Linker fixes for AugLagrangian specializations under Visual Studio.

  • Add support for observation weights to LinearRegression.

  • MahalanobisDistance<> now takes root of the distance by default and therefore satisfies the triangle inequality (TakeRoot now defaults to true).

  • Better handling of optional Armadillo HDF5 dependency.

  • Fixes for numerous intermittent test failures.

  • math::RandomSeed() now sets the random seed for recent (>=3.930) Armadillo versions.

  • Handle Newton method convergence better for SparseCoding::OptimizeDictionary() and make maximum iterations a parameter.

  • Known bug: CosineTree construction may fail in some cases on i386 systems. (#376)

mlpack 1.0.10

  • Bugfix for NeighborSearch regression which caused very slow allknn/allkfn. Speeds are now restored to approximately 1.0.8 speeds, with significant improvement for the cover tree.

  • Detect dependencies correctly when ARMA_USE_WRAPPER is not being defined (i.e., libarmadillo.so does not exist).

  • Bugfix for compilation under Visual Studio.

mlpack 1.0.9

  • GMM initialization is now safer and provides a working GMM when constructed with only the dimensionality and number of Gaussians (#314).

  • Check for division by 0 in Forward-Backward Algorithm in HMMs (#314).

  • Fix MaxVarianceNewCluster (used when re-initializing clusters for k-means) (#314).

  • Fixed implementation of Viterbi algorithm in HMM::Predict() (#316).

  • Significant speedups for dual-tree algorithms using the cover tree (#243, #329) including a faster implementation of FastMKS.

  • Fix for LRSDP optimizer so that it compiles and can be used (#325).

  • CF (collaborative filtering) now expects users and items to be zero-indexed, not one-indexed (#324).

  • CF::GetRecommendations() API change: now requires the number of recommendations as the first parameter. The number of users in the local neighborhood should be specified with CF::NumUsersForSimilarity().

  • Removed incorrect PeriodicHRectBound (#30).

  • Refactor LRSDP into LRSDP class and standalone function to be optimized (#318).

  • Fix for centering in kernel PCA (#355).

  • Added simulated annealing (SA) optimizer, contributed by Zhihao Lou.

  • HMMs now support initial state probabilities; these can be set in the constructor, trained, or set manually with HMM::Initial() (#315).

  • Added Nyström method for kernel matrix approximation by Marcus Edel.

  • Kernel PCA now supports using Nyström method for approximation.

  • Ball trees now work with dual-tree algorithms, via the BallBound<> bound structure (#320); fixed by Yash Vadalia.

  • The NMF class is now AMF<>, and supports far more types of factorizations, by Sumedh Ghaisas.

  • A QUIC-SVD implementation has returned, written by Siddharth Agrawal and based on older code from Mudit Gupta.

  • Added perceptron and decision stump by Udit Saxena (these are weak learners for an eventual AdaBoost class).

  • Sparse autoencoder added by Siddharth Agrawal.

mlpack 1.0.8

  • Memory leak in NeighborSearch index-mapping code fixed (#310).

  • GMMs can be trained using the existing model as a starting point by specifying an additional boolean parameter to GMM::Estimate() (#308).

  • Logistic regression implementation added in methods/logistic_regression (see also #305).

  • L-BFGS optimizer now returns its function via Function().

  • Version information is now obtainable via mlpack::util::GetVersion() or the __MLPACK_VERSION_MAJOR, __MLPACK_VERSION_MINOR, and __MLPACK_VERSION_PATCH macros (#309).

  • Fix typos in allkfn and allkrann output.

mlpack 1.0.7

  • Cover tree support for range search (range_search), rank-approximate nearest neighbors (allkrann), minimum spanning tree calculation (emst), and FastMKS (fastmks).

  • Dual-tree FastMKS implementation added and tested.

  • Added collaborative filtering package (cf) that can provide recommendations when given users and items.

  • Fix for correctness of Kernel PCA (kernel_pca) (#280).

  • Speedups for PCA and Kernel PCA (#204).

  • Fix for correctness of Neighborhood Components Analysis (NCA) (#289).

  • Minor speedups for dual-tree algorithms.

  • Fix for Naive Bayes Classifier (nbc) (#279).

  • Added a ridge regression option to LinearRegression (linear_regression) (#298).

  • Gaussian Mixture Models (gmm::GMM<>) now support arbitrary covariance matrix constraints (#294).

  • MVU (mvu) removed because it is known to not work (#189).

  • Minor updates and fixes for kernels (in mlpack::kernel).

mlpack 1.0.6

  • Minor bugfix so that FastMKS gets built.

mlpack 1.0.5

  • Speedups of cover tree traversers (#243).

  • Addition of rank-approximate nearest neighbors (RANN), found in src/mlpack/methods/rann/.

  • Addition of fast exact max-kernel search (FastMKS), found in src/mlpack/methods/fastmks/.

  • Fix for EM covariance estimation; this should improve GMM training time.

  • More parameters for GMM estimation.

  • Force GMM and GaussianDistribution covariance matrices to be positive definite, so that training converges much more often.

  • Add parameter for the tolerance of the Baum-Welch algorithm for HMM training.

  • Fix for compilation with clang compiler.

  • Fix for k-furthest-neighbor-search.

mlpack 1.0.4

  • Force minimum Armadillo version to 2.4.2.

  • Better output of class types to streams; a class with a ToString() method implemented can be sent to a stream with operator<<. See #164.

  • Change return type of GMM::Estimate() to double (#266).

  • Style fixes for k-means and RADICAL.

  • Handle size_t support correctly with Armadillo 3.6.2 (#267).

  • Add locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), found in src/mlpack/methods/lsh/.

  • Better tests for SGD (stochastic gradient descent) and NCA (neighborhood components analysis).

mlpack 1.0.3

  • Remove internal sparse matrix support because Armadillo 3.4.0 now includes it. When using Armadillo versions older than 3.4.0, sparse matrix support is not available.

  • NCA (neighborhood components analysis) now support an arbitrary optimizer (#254), including stochastic gradient descent (#258).

mlpack 1.0.2

  • Added density estimation trees, found in src/mlpack/methods/det/.

  • Added non-negative matrix factorization, found in src/mlpack/methods/nmf/.

  • Added experimental cover tree implementation, found in src/mlpack/core/tree/cover_tree/ (#156).

  • Better reporting of boost::program_options errors (#231).

  • Fix for timers on Windows (#218, #217).

  • Fix for allknn and allkfn output (#210).

  • Sparse coding dictionary initialization is now a template parameter (#226).

mlpack 1.0.1

  • Added kernel principal components analysis (kernel PCA), found in src/mlpack/methods/kernel_pca/ (#47).

  • Fix for Lovasz-Theta AugLagrangian tests (#188).

  • Fixes for allknn output (#191, #192).

  • Added range search executable (#198).

  • Adapted citations in documentation to BiBTeX; no citations in -h output (#201).

  • Stop use of 'const char*' and prefer 'std::string' (#183).

  • Support seeds for random numbers (#182).

mlpack 1.0.0
