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Vert.x documentation

This directory is for the AsciiDoc source files of the Vert.x documentation. Run the following command to download the source files from Maven central and to compile them:

npm run update-docs

Please note that the recommended way to do this is, however, through running npm run update-docs in the root directory of this project!

Target directories

The script writes files to the following directories:

  • docs/download - the artifacts downloaded from Maven central
  • docs/extracted - AsciiDoc source files extracted from the artifacts
  • docs/compiled - compiled AsciiDoc files
  • public/docs/apidocs - extracted API docs

Release a new version

  1. Create a metadata file in the metadata directory for the version you want to release. For example, if you want to release version 4.2.0, create a file called metadata/4.2.0.jsx.

  2. Import docs from a previous version and create a clone. For example:

    import oldDocs from "./4.1.0"
    import { clone } from "./helpers"
    const docs = clone(oldDocs)
  3. Modify docs (insert, modify, remove modules). Refer to the section on utility methods for more information.

    Attention: Do not modify oldDocs directly! Always edit the cloned docs! Otherwise, you will modify the previous version, too.

  4. Export the modified docs:

    export default docs

Release a new version without modification

If the version you want to release should contain the exact same modules as a previous version, you can make use of a shortcut:

  1. Create a metadata file in the metadata directory for the version you want to release. For example, if you want to release version 4.2.0, create a file called metadata/4.2.0.jsx.

  2. Import the docs from the previous version but directly export them again without modifying them:

    export { default } from "./4.1.0"

Create a prerelease

Sometimes, you want to create a prerelease (a beta version or a release candidate) that will later be replaced by the actual version. For this, you can download a prerelease artifact (e.g. 4.2.0.Beta1) but publish it under the path of the final version (e.g. 4.2.0).

  1. Create a metadata file under docs/metadata for the final version you want to release. For example, if the final version is 4.2.0, create a file called docs/metadata/4.2.0.jsx.

  2. Import oldDocs from a previous version and modify it as described above.

    import oldDocs from "./4.1.0"
    import { clone } from "./helpers"
    const docs = clone(oldDocs)
  3. Set the prerelease flag and overwrite the artifact version:

    docs.prerelease = true
    docs.artifactVersion = "4.2.0.Beta1"
  4. Export the modified docs:

    export default docs

Data model


A list of objects representing Vert.x modules. Each object has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id A unique module identifier. Must match the name of the module's directory in the vertx-stack-docs artifact (e.g. "vertx-core" or "vertx-mongo-client").
name A human-readable module name (either a string or a JSX element)
description A human-readable description (either a string or a JSX element)
category The ID of the category to which this module belongs (see description of docs.categories below)
href The relative path to the module's doc page on the Vert.x website (e.g. "/vertx-core/java/" for vertx-core). Must begin and end with a slash. Must match the name of the module's directory in the vertx-stack-docs artifact.
repository A link to the module's source code repository (e.g. "https://github.com/eclipse-vertx/vert.x")
edit A link to the module's AsciiDoc source (e.g. "https://github.com/eclipse-vertx/vert.x/tree/master/src/main/asciidoc")
A link to example code showing how the module is used (e.g. "https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-examples/tree/3.x/core-examples")
A label that should be displayed next to the module's name on the Vert.x website (e.g. "Technical Preview")


A list of objects representing categories in which modules can be grouped. Each object has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id A unique category identifier
name A human-readable category name (either a string or a JSX element)
icon A JSX element representing the icon that should be displayed next to the category's name


A flag specifying if the version is a prerelease (true) or not (false). Prereleases are displayed in the version drop-down on the docs page but are not selected by default.

The default value is false.


An optional version string that is used when the docs artifact is downloaded from Maven Central. Can be used to implement prereleases that are later replaced by actual versions (see section on creating a prerelease).

By default, this attribute is undefined and the name of the metadata file will be used as the version.

Utility methods

The file helpers.js defines a few utility methods you can use to modify docs.


Create a deep clone of the given docs object.

find(docs, id)

Search docs.entries for a module with the given id.

findCategory(docs, id)

Search docs.categories for a category with the given id.

insert(docs, beforeEntryId, ...newEntries)

Insert one or more newEntries into docs.entries. Insert them before the module with the given id (beforeEntryId).

move(docs, entryId, beforeEntryId)

Search docs.entries, find an existing entry with the given id (entryId), and move it before the entry with the given id (beforeEntryId).

remove(docs, entryId)

Remove the entry with the given id (entryId) from docs.entries.