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File metadata and controls

99 lines (78 loc) · 4.36 KB

Provided widgets

Default widgets for form fields

The first column represents the name of a django.forms field. FloppyForms aims to implement all the Django fields with the same class name, in the floppyforms namespace.

Fields Widgets Specificities
BooleanField CheckboxInput  
CharField TextInput  
ComboField TextInput  
ChoiceField Select  
TypedChoiceField Select  
FilePathField Select  
ModelChoiceField Select  
DateField DateInput <input type="date">
DateTimeField DateTimeInput <input type="datetime">
DecimalField NumberInput <input type="number">
EmailField EmailInput <input type="email">
FileField ClearableFileInput  
FloatField NumberInput <input type="number">
ImageField ClearableFileInput  
IntegerField NumberInput <input type="number">
MultipleChoiceField SelectMultiple  
TypedMultipleChoiceField SelectMultiple  
ModelMultipleChoiceField SelectMultiple  
NullBooleanField NullBooleanSelect  
TimeField TimeInput <input type="time">
URLField URLInput <input type="url">
SlugField SlugInput <input pattern="[-\w]+">
RegexField TextInput <input [pattern=...]>
IPAddressField IPAddressInput <input pattern=...>
GenericIPAddressField TextInput  
MultiValueField None (abstract)  
SplitDateTimeField SplitDateTimeWidget  



The Textarea widget renders a <textarea> HTML element and is available with django-floppyforms. It doesn't appear on the table above since no field has it as a default widget.



In Django, RegexField takes a required regex argument. The version shipped in floppyforms also takes an optional js_regex argument, for client-side validation of the regex. The js_regex must be a regex written in javascript syntax. Example:

class RegexForm(forms.Form):
    re_field = forms.RegexField(r'^\d{3}-[a-z]+$',  # regex
                                '\d{3}-[a-z]+')     # js_regex

If you don't provide the js_regex argument, there will be no client-side validation of the field. Although the the two versions of the regex may be identical, the distinction allows you to pass compiled regexes as a regex argument.

Extra widgets

Django provides "extra" widgets in django.forms.extras.widgets. In fact, a single extra widget is implemented: SelectDateWidget. The template-based version is available under the floppyforms.SelectDateWidget name.

By defaut, this widget with split the date into three select (year, month and day). You can overload the template so that it is displayed in a different order or with 3 inputs:

<input type="text" name="{{ day_field }}" value="{{ day_val|stringformat:"02d" }}" id="{{ day_id }}"{% for attr in attrs.items %} {{ attr.0 }}="{{ attr.1 }}"{% endfor %} />
<input type="text" name="{{ month_field }}" value="{{ month_val|stringformat:"02d" }}" id="{{ month_id }}"{% for attr in attrs.items %} {{ attr.0 }}="{{ attr.1 }}"{% endfor %}/>
<input type="text" name="{{ year_field }}" value="{{ year_val|stringformat:"04d" }}" id="{{ year_id }}"{% for attr in attrs.items %} {{ attr.0 }}="{{ attr.1 }}"{% endfor %}/>

Other (HTML5) widgets

Some HTML5 widgets are also provided, although browser support may not be there yet:

  • SearchInput: a widget that renders <input type="search">.
  • ColorInput: <input type="color"> (currently only supported by Chrome 20+ and Opera 11+).
  • RangeInput: <input type="range">, for sliders instead of spinboxes for numbers.
  • PhoneNumberInput: <input type="tel">. For phone numbers.

You can easily check browser support for the various (HTML5) input types on caniuse.com.