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Jetpack Navigation Compose Animation

Maven Central

A library which provides Compose Animation support for Jetpack Navigation Compose.


This library is deprecated, with official navigation-compose support in androidx.navigation.compose. The original documentation is below the migration guide.


The official androidx.navigation.compose version 2.7.0-alpha01+ offers all of the same functionality as Accompanist Navigation Animation.

  1. Make sure you are using Compose 1.5.0-beta01+ before migrating to androidx.navigation.compose.
  2. Replace dependency com.google.accompanist:accompanist-navigation-animation:<version> with androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:<version>
  3. Replace rememberAnimatedNavController with rememberNavController and change import to androidx.navigation.compose.rememberNavController
  4. Replace AnimatedNavHost with NavHost and change import to androidx.navigation.compose.NavHost
  5. Replace AnimatedComposeNavigator with ComposeNavigator and change import to androidx.navigation.compose.ComposeNavigator
  6. Replace AnimatedComposeNavigator() constructor with ComposeNavigator() constructor
  7. Replace AnimatedComposeNavigator.Destination with ComposeNavigator.Destination
  8. Change import for composable from com.google.accompanist.navigation.animation.composable to androidx.navigation.compose.composable
  9. Change import for navigation from com.google.accompanist.navigation.animation.navigation to androidx.navigation.compose.navigation

Migration Table

The following is a mapping of Navigation classes and functions from accompanist to androidx.compose:

accompanist navigation-animation androidx.navigation.compose
AnimatedNavHost NavHost
AnimatedComposeNavigator ComposeNavigator
AnimatedComposeNavigator.Destination ComposeNavigator.Destination
rememberAnimatedNavController() rememberNavController()
NavGraphBuilder.composable() NavGraphBuilder.composable()
NavGraphBuilder.navigation() NavGraphBuilder.navigation()

Of note, ComposeNavigation.Destination allows use of AnimatedContentScope instead of just AnimatedVisibilityScope.

Deprecated Guidance for Accompanist Navigation

The following is the deprecated guide for using Navigation in Accompanist. Please see above migration section for how to use the androidx.navigation.compose Navigation.


Maven Central

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-navigation-animation:<version>"

Follow the steps below to either add Jetpack Navigation Compose to your app, or to migrate an existing Jetpack Navigation Compose implementation.


The AnimatedNavHost composable offers a way to add custom transitions to composables in Navigation Compose via parameters that can be attached to either an individual composable destination, a navigation element, or to the AnimatedNavHost itself.

Each lambda has an AnimatedContentScope<NavBackStackEntry> receiver scope that allows you to use special transitions (such as slideIntoContainer and slideOutOfContainer) and gives you access to the initialState and targetState properties that let you customize what transitions are run based on what screen you are transitioning from (the initialState) and transitioning to (the targetState).

  • enterTransition controls what EnterTransition is run when the targetState NavBackStackEntry is appearing on the screen.
  • exitTransition controls what ExitTransition is run when the initialState NavBackStackEntry is disappearing from the screen.
  • popEnterTransition defaults to enterTransition, but can be overridden to provide a separate EnterTransition when the targetState NavBackStackEntry is appearing on the screen due to a pop operation (i.e., popBackStack()).
  • popExitTransition defaults to exitTransition, but can be overridden to provide a separate ExitTransition when the initialState NavBackStackEntry is disappearing from the screen due to a pop operation (i.e., popBackStack()).

For each transition, if a composable destination returns null, the parent navigation element's transition will be used, thus allowing you to set a global set of transitions at the navigation graph level that will apply to every composable in that graph. This continues up the hierarchy until you reach the root AnimatedNavHost, which controls the global transitions for all destinations and nested graphs that do not specify one.

Note: this means that if a destination wants to instantly jump cut between destinations, it should return EnterTransition.None or ExitTransition.None to signify that no transition should be run, rather than return null.

private fun ExperimentalAnimationNav() {
    val navController = rememberAnimatedNavController()
    AnimatedNavHost(navController, startDestination = "Blue") {
            enterTransition = {
                when (initialState.destination.route) {
                    "Red" ->
                        slideIntoContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Left, animationSpec = tween(700))
                    else -> null
            exitTransition = {
                when (targetState.destination.route) {
                    "Red" ->
                        slideOutOfContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Left, animationSpec = tween(700))
                     else -> null
            popEnterTransition = {
                            when (initialState.destination.route) {
                                "Red" ->
                                    slideIntoContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Right, animationSpec = tween(700))
                                else -> null
            popExitTransition = {
                when (targetState.destination.route) {
                    "Red" ->
                        slideOutOfContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Right, animationSpec = tween(700))
                    else -> null
        ) { BlueScreen(navController) }
            enterTransition = {
                when (initialState.destination.route) {
                    "Blue" ->
                        slideIntoContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Left, animationSpec = tween(700))
                    else -> null
            exitTransition = {
                when (targetState.destination.route) {
                    "Blue" ->
                        slideOutOfContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Left, animationSpec = tween(700))
                    else -> null
            popEnterTransition = {
                when (initialState.destination.route) {
                    "Blue" ->
                        slideIntoContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Right, animationSpec = tween(700))
                    else -> null
            popExitTransition = {
                when (targetState.destination.route) {
                    "Blue" ->
                        slideOutOfContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Right, animationSpec = tween(700))
                    else -> null
        ) { RedScreen(navController) }

For more examples, refer to the samples.


To migrate from using the Navigation Compose APIs do the following:

  • Replace rememberNavController() with rememberAnimatedNavController()
  • Replace NavHost with AnimatedNavHost
  • Replace import androidx.navigation.compose.navigation with import com.google.accompanist.navigation.animation.navigation
  • Replace import androidx.navigation.compose.composable with import com.google.accompanist.navigation.animation.composable

Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository. These are updated on every commit.

For more details see Animations in Navigation Compose