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Jetpack Compose Flow Layouts

Maven Central


This library is deprecated, with official FlowLayout support in androidx.compose.foundation. The migration guide and original documentation is below.

Migration Guide to the official FlowLayouts

The official androidx.compose.foundation FlowLayouts support is very similar to accompanist/flowlayouts, with a few changes.

  1. Replace import packages to point to Androidx.Compose
    import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.FlowColumn
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.FlowRow

For FlowColumn:

  1. Replace Modifier mainAxisAlignment with verticalArrangement

  2. Replace Modifier crossAxisAlignment with horizontalArrangement

For FlowRow

  1. mainAxisAlignment is now horizontalArrangement

  2. crossAxisAlignment is now verticalArrangement

    modifier = Modifier,
    verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Top,
    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Start,
    content = { // columns }
    modifier = Modifier,
    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Start,
    verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Top,
    content = { // rows }
  1. Replace mainAxisSpacing with HorizontalArrangement.spacedBy(50.dp, Alignment.*) in FlowRow and VerticalArrangement.spacedBy(50.dp, Alignment.*) in FlowColumn.

  2. Replace crossAxisSpacing with VerticalArrangement.spacedBy(50.dp, Alignment.*) in FlowRow and HorizontalArrangement.spacedBy(50.dp) in FlowColumn.

Here Alignment.* is the Alignment you wish to use such as Alignment.Start, Alignment.Top etc

    modifier = Modifier,
    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(50.dp, Alignment.Start),
    verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(50.dp, Alignment.Top),
    content = { // rows }
    modifier = Modifier,
    verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(50.dp, Alignment.Top),
    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(50.dp, Alignment.Start),
    content = { // columns }
  1. lastLineMainAxisAlignment is currently not supported in Compose Flow Layouts.

New Features:

Add weights to each child

To scale an item based on the size of its parent and the space available, adding weights is helpful. Adding a weight in FlowRow and FlowColumn is different than in Row and Column.

In FlowLayout, it is based on the number of items placed on the row it falls on and their weights. First we check to see if an item can fit in the current row or column based on its intrinsic size. If it fits and has a weight, its final size is expanded based on the available space and the number of items with weights placed on the row or column it falls on.

Because of the nature of FlowLayouts an item only expands and does not shrink in size. Its width in FlowRow or height in FlowColumn determines it minimum width or height, and then expands based on its weight and the available space remaining after row items' width/height have been determined.

FlowRow() { 
     repeat(20) { Box(Modifier.size(20.dp).weight(1f, true) } 

Create a maximum number of items in row or column

You may choose to limit the number of items that appear in each row in FlowRow or column in FlowColumn This can be configured using maxItemsInEachRow or maxItemsInEachColumn:

FlowRow(maxItemsInEachRow = 3) { 
     repeat(10) { Box(Modifier.size(20.dp).weight(1f, true) } 


For examples, refer to the Flow Row samples and the Flow Column samples.

Original Docs

It is most similar to Row and Column and shares similar modifiers and the scopes. Unlike the standard Row and Column composables, if it runs out of space on the current row, the children are placed in the next line, and this repeats until the children are fully placed.


FlowRow {
    // row contents

FlowColumn {
    // column contents


Maven Central

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-flowlayout:<version>"

Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository. These are updated on every commit.