[go: nahoru, domu]




While, in its simplest form, a fluent log statement takes slightly more characters to write, it permits a far greater functionality and will hopefully lead to more readable and expressive log statements.

When non-fluent loggings APIs add new functionality, it is often achieved by creating overloads of existing methods with additional parameters, or adding new methods with distinct names. In either case this tends to create a more complex API surface with more chance for confusion and misuse.

For example, the JDK logger has additional methods to facilitate passing in a Throwable cause, but those methods do not permit passing a separate parameter list, and are easily confused with the log method which takes a single parameter. The method:

logger.log(INFO, "message...", cause);

will behave very differently depending on whether cause is a Throwable or not. An analysis of Java logging code within Google showed many thousands of cases where complexity and ambiguity in logging APIs resulted in misuse.

Another problem with the simple log.info(...) form is that as soon as logging needs to be made conditional you are required to add an ‘if’ clause around it. This adds to code “clutter” and introduces more chance for simple errors.

Consider the difference between:

private static final AtomicInteger logCounter = new AtomicInteger();
if ((logCounter.incrementAndGet() % 100) == 0) {
  logger.info("My log message {0} [every 100]", arg);


logger.atInfo().every(100).log("My log message %s", arg);

This becomes especially clear when you realize that in the first example, a new counter (and associated field) would be required for each distinct throttled log statement.


Flogger has been designed and implemented for high performance logging. By building a set of carefully constructed APIs, both frontend and backend, Flogger permits multiple backend implementations to be seamlessly plugged in to provide the best possible performance.


While we expect that the core Flogger API would provide almost all commonly used functionality, there will always be cases where a team has a special requirement that is not covered. In this case it is possible to locally extend the logging API and add methods in the fluent chain.

For example, consider a mechanism for emitting per-user log statements which get written out separately from the main logs. Currently this requires a separate supporting class. With Flogger a UserLogger class could be written with an extended API:

logger.at(INFO).forUserId(id).log("Message: %s", param);

Reducing the cost of disabled log statements

The simple log.info(String, Object...) approach to logging is concise at the source code level, but can introduce surprising cost in bytecode. Vararg methods require a new Object[] to be allocated and filled before the method can be invoked. Additionally any fundamental types passed in must be auto-boxed. This all costs additional bytecode and latency at the call site and is particularly unfortunate if the log statement isn’t actually enabled.

There are ways to work around this but they would require hundreds of additional method overrides to be present. See anatomy of an API for more details.