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Compose Layout library

[!IMPORTANT] All the examples on this page make use of imports from Horologist's compose-layout and compose-material. Add these dependencies and imports to ensure you are using the Horologist version of components with the same name in Wear Compose, for example Chip.

ScalingLazyColumn Responsive layout.

The rememberResponsiveColumnState() method will ensure that your ScalingLazyColumn is positioned correctly on all screen sizes.

Pass in a padding configuration based on your item types.

The overloaded ScalingLazyColumn composable with ScalingLazyColumnState param, when combined with rememberResponsiveColumnState() will handle all the following:

  • Position the first item near the top on all screen sizes.
  • Ensure the last item can be scrolled into view.
  • Handle RSB/Bezel scrolling with Fling.
  • Size side margins based on a percentage, adapting to different screen sizes.
val columnState = rememberResponsiveColumnState(
    contentPadding = ScalingLazyColumnDefaults.padding(
        first = ItemType.Text,
        last = ItemType.Chip

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    columnState = columnState,
) {
    item {
        ResponsiveListHeader(contentPadding = firstItemPadding()) {
            Text(text = "Main")
    items(10) {
        Chip("Item $it", onClick = {})

App/Screen Scaffold.

Syncs the TimeText, PositionIndicator and Scaffold to the current navigation destination state. The TimeText will scroll out of the way of content automatically.

AppScaffold {
        startDestination = "home",
        navController = navController
    ) {
        ) {
            val columnState = rememberResponsiveColumnState()
            ScreenScaffold(scrollState = columnState) {
                    modifier = Modifier
                    columnState = columnState
                ) {
                    items(100) {
                        Text("i = $it")

        ) {
            val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
            ScreenScaffold(scrollState = scrollState) {
                    modifier = Modifier
                        .rotaryWithScroll(scrollState, rememberActiveFocusRequester())
                    horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
                ) {
                    (1..100).forEach {
                        Text("i = $it")

Box Inset Layout.

Use as a break glass for simple layout to fit within a safe square.

    modifier = Modifier
) {
    // App Content here        

AmbientAware composable

AmbientAware allows your UI to react to ambient mode changes. For more information on how Ambient mode and Always-on work on Wear OS, see the developer guidance.

You should place this composable high up in your design, as it alters the behavior of the Activity.

fun WearApp() {
    AmbientAware { ambientStateUpdate ->
        // App Content here

If you need some screens to use always-on, and others not to, then you can use the additional argument supplied to AmbientAware.

For example, in a workout app, it is desirable that the main workout screen uses always-on, but the workout summary at the end does not. See the ExerciseClient guide and samples for more information on building a workout app.

fun WearApp() {
    // Hoist state here for your current screen logic

    AmbientAware(isAlwaysOnScreen = currentScreen.useAlwaysOn) { ambientStateUpdate ->
        // App Content here


repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.android.horologist:horologist-compose-layout:<version>"