Package-level declarations
Default implementation of RotaryHapticHandler. It handles haptic feedback based on the scrollableState, scrolled pixels and hapticsThresholdPx. Haptic is not fired in this class, instead it's sent to hapticsChannel where it'll performed later.
Accumulator to trigger callbacks based on MotionEvent from rotary input.
Defaults for rotary modifiers
Interface for Rotary haptic feedback
Handles haptics for rotary usage
Rotary haptic types
An adapter which connects scrollableState to Rotary
A wrapper around VelocityTracker1D to provide support for rotary input.
An implementation of rotary scroll adapter for ScalingLazyColumn
Parameters used for snapping
Accumulates the scroll distances from RotaryScrollEvent and notifies changes with onValueChange once accumulated value is over the thresholds.
A focusable modifier that accumulates the scroll distances from RotaryScrollEvent and notifies changes with onValueChange once accumulated value is over the thresholds.
Remember disabled haptics handler
Remember rotary haptic handler.
A modifier which connects rotary events with scrollable. This modifier supports scroll with fling.
A modifier which connects rotary events with scrollable. This modifier supports snap.
An extension function for creating RotaryScrollAdapter from ScalingLazyListState