[go: nahoru, domu]

Thrown when there is a general failure using the AppIdentityService.
The AppIdentityService allows you to sign arbitrary byte array using per app private key maintained by App Engine. You can also retrieve a list of public certificates which can be used to verify the signature.
PublicCertificate contains an X509 public certificate in PEM format and a string which is used to identify this certificate.
Allows users to send mail to application admins using the App Engine mail APIs.
Abstract base class for sending mail using the App Engine mail APIs.
Allows users to send mail using the App Engine mail APIs.
An interface to the App Engine memory cache with an interface compatible with the "memcache" PHP extension (see http://php.net/manual/en/book.memcache.php)
Thrown when the current state was unexpected when starting/stopping a module.
Thrown when there is a failure using the Modules API.
Thrown when a temporary error occurred. Retry the operation.
Class to control the values returned from microtime().
A PushQueue executes PushTasks by sending the task back to the application in the form of an HTTP request to one of the application's handlers.
A PushTask encapsulates a unit of work that an application places onto a Push Queue for asynchronous execution. The queue executes that work by sending the task back to the application in the form of an HTTP request to one of the application's handlers.
Thrown when adding a task, but a task with the same name already exists in the queue.
Thrown when there is a failure using the Task Queue service.
Thrown when there is a transient failure using Task Queue service, i.e.
A user.
Base User exception type.
Remove direct interaction with Memcache object for ease of mocking in tests.
A session handler interface using the GAE Memcache API.
Thrown by APIProxy in the event of an application-level error.
Thrown by APIProxy calls if there is an error parsing the arguments.
Thrown by APIProxy calls when the requested method cannot be found.
Thrown by APIProxy calls if the call was cancelled, such as when the user's request is exiting.
Thrown by APIProxy when API calls are temporarily disabled.
Thrown by APIProxy calls if the call took too long to respond.
Base APIProxy error type.
Thrown by APIProxy when the app must enable a feature to use this call.
Thrown by APIProxy calls when they have been blocked due to a lack of available quota.
Thrown by APIProxy calls when the RPC to the application server fails.
ApiProxy implementation
Thrown by APIProxy calls if the request was too large.
Thrown by APIProxy calls if the response was too large.
Various PHP array related utility functions.
HTTP related Utilities.
Various PHP string related utility functions.
Class to decode protocol buffer from serialized form. Used by protocol buffer implementation.
Class to encode protocol buffer into serialized form. Used by protocol buffer implementation.
Exception thrown by protocol buffer decoder if the input is corrupted.
Exception thrown by protocol buffer encoder if the input protocol message is cannot be converted to serialized string.
The parent class of all protocol buffers.