[go: nahoru, domu]

Running a Functions Server

This guide covers how to use the functions-framework-ruby executable to launch a functions server hosting Ruby functions written for the Functions Framework. For more information about the Framework as a whole, see the Overview Guide.

Running functions locally

The functions-framework-ruby command-line executable is used to run a functions server. This executable is installed with the functions_framework gem, and can be run with bundle exec. It wraps your function in a web server request handler, and runs it in the Puma web server.

Pass the name of the function to run in the --target option. By default, functions-framework-ruby will load functions from the file app.rb in the current directory. If you want to load functions from a different file, use the --source option.

bundle install
bundle exec functions-framework-ruby --source=foo.rb --target=hello

You can now send requests to your function. e.g.

curl http://localhost:8080/

The executable will write logs to the standard error stream while it is running. To stop the server, hit CTRL+C or otherwise send it an appropriate signal. The executable has no "background" or "daemon" mode. To run it in the background from a shell, use the shell's background syntax (such as appending & to the command).

By default, the executable will listen on the port specified by the $PORT environment variable, or port 8080 if the variable is not set. You can also override this by passing the --port option. A number of other options are also available. See the section below on configuring the server, or pass --help to the executable to display online help.

Running functions in Docker

The functions-framework-ruby executable is designed to be run in a Docker container. This is how it is run in some container-based hosting services such as Google Cloud Run, but you can also run it in Docker locally.

First, write a Dockerfile for your project. Following is a simple starting point; feel free to adjust it to the needs of your project:

FROM ruby:2.6
COPY . .
RUN gem install --no-document bundler \
    && bundle config --local frozen true \
    && bundle config --local without "development test" \
    && bundle install
ENTRYPOINT ["bundle", "exec", "functions-framework-ruby"]

Build an image for your project using the Dockerfile.

docker build --tag my-image .

Then, you can run the Docker container locally as follows:

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 my-image --source=foo.rb --target=hello

The arguments after the image name (e.g. --source and --target in the above example) are passed to the functions-framework-ruby executable.

Because the docker container above maps port 8080 internally to port 8080 externally, you can use that port to send requests to your function. e.g.

curl http://localhost:8080/

You can stop the running Docker container with CTRL+C or by sending an appropriate signal.

Configuring the server

The Ruby Functions Framework recognizes the following command line arguments to the functions-framework-ruby executable. Each argument also corresponds to an environment variable. If you specify both, the flag takes precedence.

Command-line flag Environment variable Description
--port PORT The port on which the Functions Framework listens for requests. Default: 8080.
--target FUNCTION_TARGET The name of the exported function to be invoked in response to requests. Default: function.
--source FUNCTION_SOURCE The path to the file containing your function. Default: app.rb (in the current working directory).
--signature-type FUNCTION_SIGNATURE_TYPE Verifies that the function has the expected signature. Allowed values: http, event, or cloudevent.
--environment RACK_ENV Sets the Rack environment.
--bind FUNCTION_BIND_ADDR Binds to the given address. Default:
--min-threads FUNCTION_MIN_THREADS Sets the minimum thread pool size, overriding Puma's default.
--max-threads FUNCTION_MAX_THREADS Sets the maximum thread pool size, overriding Puma's default.
--detailed-errors FUNCTION_DETAILED_ERRORS No value. If present, shows exception details in exception responses. Defaults to false.
--verbose FUNCTION_LOGGING_LEVEL No value. Increases log verbosity (e.g. from INFO to DEBUG). Can be given more than once.
--quiet FUNCTION_LOGGING_LEVEL No value. Decreases log verbosity (e.g. from INFO to WARN). Can be given more than once.

Detailed errors are enabled by default if the FUNCTION_DETAILED_ERRORS environment variable is set to a non-empty string. The exact value does not matter. Detailed errors are disabled if the variable is unset or empty.

The logging level defaults to the value of the FUNCTION_LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable, which can be one of the following values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or UNKNOWN, corresponding to Ruby's Logger::Severity constants. If FUNCTION_LOGGING_LEVEL is not set to one of those values, it defaults to INFO.