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Google Calendar and Google Drive for Atlassian HipChat

Guest post by Rich Manalang, Partner Engineering Lead at Atlassian. Posted by Wesley Chun, Developer Advocate, Google Apps.

Atlassian has been building collaboration software for over 14 years. With products that include JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, and HipChat, our organization has learned a lot about how teams work effectively.

HipChat launched the Connect API in November 2015, and since then we’ve continued to build upon our ecosystem of integrations and collaborations. A few months ago, our team looked at potential integrations that would be a perfect marriage with HipChat — and today, we’re excited to share the Google Calendar and Google Drive integration for HipChat.

Millions of people use Google’s products everyday, so we instantly knew this was the right opportunity. Many of HipChat’s customers are developers, and they told us that managing time and better access to files were two of the most important things in their day-to-day. Now with Google integrations available inside of HipChat, there’s no need to launch another browser tab or app.

By building Google Calendar directly into HipChat, we’re improving the signal-to-noise ratio on a daily basis. Before this integration, we all dealt with context-switching between apps and browser tabs. Now, customers can use HipChat to view and share various calendars, schedules and important dates in the right sidebar. Our customers spend their entire working day inside our HipChat app — unlike email, you don’t just fire it up and quit periodically. So naturally, having your calendar up-front is compelling. And what’s more, you can slice and dice which ones you see on a per-room basis. Say you’re a program manager — if you go into the Engineering HipChat “room,” you can see the Engineering and related calendars. Then, when you switch into the Marketing room, you may see different calendars depending on whom you’re collaborating with.

Having dual calendars front and center within HipChat is critical for staying on top of my work. I’m personally very excited about the Google Calendar integration because it’s one of the most important apps I use day-in and day-out. As a single parent with two kids busy at school, I need to know everything that's going on. My calendar is stacked, and I want to see it all at a glance. That urgency is similar when considering the most important documents in someone's daily workflow.

When we started working on the Google Drive integration, we wanted to focus on what was most important — accessibility, shareability, and ease of use.

There are many benefits to bringing third party integrations right into HipChat. The Google Drive integration allows teams to collaborate and work together while saving time and eliminating context switching. Being able to access documents, presentations, and files is critical whether a user is at the office or remote. It integrates nicely into the right side bar, enabling users to access, share to the room, and collaborate around important documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. We worked with third party developer Topdox, who was a tremendous partner in bringing this new feature into HipChat. We’re getting great feedback around the speed and simplicity of sharing files without ever having to leave the HipChat application.

Why would Google Developers be interested?

When we built these integrations, we wanted to give our users a nice balance between out-of-the-box usefulness but also ultimate flexibility in which calendars and accounts a user can view. To do that, we wanted one UI that can display multiple calendars from multiple Google accounts — similar to what most Calendar mobile apps do today, including Google’s own mobile Calendar app.

These new integrations were built entirely on top of Google’s API. Google’s Calendar API is a full featured API that gave us everything we needed to create a calendar experience fit for HipChat’s users. On top of that, the API was designed with efficiency in mind with push notifications for changes to resources and incremental syncing to improve performance and bandwidth use.

Building on top of Google APIs has allowed us to think of new ways to bring even tighter integrations with our products along with the myriad of add-ons built by Atlassian’s ecosystem. One idea under consideration is to link JIRA Software and Google Calendar so that all your JIRA issues are overlayed onto a Google Calendar. Then this calendar can be shared with the relevant HipChat room bringing it all together and enabling teams to get more done. We’d love to hear your feedback on this idea.

We think there are many opportunities to improve how teams work together by integrating with Google and Atlassian. You can find out more about Atlassian Connect on our developer’s site and the Google APIs on theirs.

Posted by Chris Han, Product Manager, Apps Developer Platform

For over 6 years, the Google Apps Marketplace has been the #1 destination for administrators and business users within Google Apps domains to find, discover and install third-party apps and integrations that extend what they can do with Google Apps.

We are happy to announce that over the next few weeks, we are opening up the Google Apps Marketplace to consumer end-users, and wanted to give you a heads up as well as some technical guidance should you wish to make any changes or tweaks to your app. Here is what you need to know if you are a technology partner or developer building for the Google Apps Marketplace:

First, this change only applies to apps which have opted in to “Enable Individual Install” on the Google Apps Marketplace SDK located in the Developer Console. Apps not enabled with individual install will not appear to consumers, nor will they be installable for them.

Second, as a general best practice, we recommend that you do not use a user’s email address as a unique identifier. Email addresses for both consumer and business accounts can be renamed or changed. Make sure to always use the Google Account ID. For more information on sign in and security, please read this.

If you have questions or have any feedback regarding this development, please let us know here. We look forward to exposing what you’ve built to our broader community.

Posted by Shashank Gupta, Product Manager, Google Apps for Work and Wesley Chun, Developer Advocate, Google Apps
Back in 2013, we launched the Google Apps Admin SDK, and later announced as a result that several outdated Apps Admin APIs would be deprecated and shut down in April 2015. Today, we are continuing this effort of removing older, less-used functionality by announcing the deprecation of the GData Admin Settings API. Some GData API functionality will find a replacement from an Admin SDK counterpart, while other features will be discontinued. The following table summarizes which features will be retained (and where to access replacement functionality) and which won’t:
Admin Settings API
Post-Deprecation Replacement (if any)
no replacement / discontinued
no replacement / discontinued
no replacement / discontinued
no replacement / discontinued
no replacement / discontinued
All endpoints
no replacement / discontinued
All endpoints
no replacement / discontinued
All endpoints
replacement API coming before Aug 2017
All endpoints
no replacement / discontinued
To summarize, the GData Admin Settings API is being deprecated today and will remain operational for until October 31, 2018, to give developers time to migrate. This means that on October 31, 2018, this deprecated API will be shut down.

Posted by Tom Holman, Product Manager, Google Sheets and Josh Danziger, Software Engineer, Google Sheets

At Google, we are always working to keep our users' information safe. As part of these ongoing efforts, we will begin requiring explicit authorization when third-party sites request access to Google Sheets content via the Google Visualization API or Google Query Language.

For many developers, this change will be transparent, but others may need to make changes in order to continue reading spreadsheet data. For more details on the technical changes required, please visit the Google Charts API Documentation. We will begin enforcing these requirements on September 14, 2016.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please follow up in the Google Docs forum or on Stack Overflow.

We know many of you consider your mobile device as your primary tool to consume business information, but what if you could use it to get more work done, from anywhere? We’re excited to introduce Android add-ons for Docs and Sheets, a new way for you to do just that—whether it’s readying a contract you have for e-signature from your phone, or pulling in CRM data on your tablet for some quick analysis while waiting for your morning coffee, Android add-ons can help you accomplish more.

Get more done with your favorite third-party apps, no matter where you are We’ve worked with eight integration partners who have created seamless integrations for Docs and Sheets. Here’s a preview of just a few of them:
  • DocuSign - Trigger or complete a signing process from Docs or Sheets, and save the executed document to Drive. Read more here.
DocuSign lets you easily create signature envelopes right from Google Docs
  • ProsperWorks - Import your CRM data to create and update advanced dashboards, reports and graphs on Sheets, right from your device. Read more here.
  • AppSheet - Create powerful mobile apps directly from your data in Sheets instantly — no coding required. Read more here.
  • Scanbot - Scan your business documents using built-in OCR, and insert their contents into Docs as editable text. Read more here.

You can find these add-ons and many more, including PandaDoc, ZohoCRM, Teacher Aide, EasyBib and Classroom in our Google Play collection as well as directly from the add-on menus in Docs or Sheets.

Try them out today, and see how much more you can do.

Calling all developers: try our developer preview today!

As you can see from above, Android add-ons offer a great opportunity to build innovative integrations and reach Docs and Sheets users around the world. They’re basically Android apps that connect with Google Apps Script projects on the server-side, allowing them to access and manipulate data from Google Docs or Sheets using standard Apps Script techniques. Check out our documentation which includes UI guidelines as well as sample code to get you started. We’ve also made it easy for you to publish your apps with the Apps Script editor.

Android add-ons are available today as a developer preview. We look forward to seeing what you build!

Posted by Hodie Meyers, Product Manager, Google Drive and Steve Bazyl, Developer Programs Engineer, Google Apps

Last year, we announced the deprecation of Google Drive web hosting for users and developers, and that the service will be shut down on August 31, 2016. We’d like to remind remaining users that websites hosted via googledrive.com/host/[id] will become unavailable from that date.

For those who haven’t switched yet, please consider the following alternatives.

  • Google Drive API: If you’re using the web hosting feature to provide logged-in users access to public Drive items, you can use the API instead.
  • Firebase Hosting: If you’re using the web hosting feature to provide users access to static web pages whose content lives on Drive, you can migrate to Firebase by uploading the content to Firebase and serving pages via Firebase-specific URLs. Please see this video to learn more!
  • Google Cloud Platform: If you’re already a Google Cloud Platform customer, we recommend migrating to Google Cloud Platform static-website hosting.

Posted by Brandon Jewett-Hall, Software Engineer, Gmail and Wesley Chun, Developer Advocate, Google Apps

If you've been pining for a way to update your users' email signatures with a different inspirational quote each day or enable "Out of Office" auto-replies when their calendars are marked as busy, then you're in luck. Today, we're extending the Gmail API with new endpoints for managing settings. These new endpoints cover the following features:

  • Filters
  • Forwarding addresses and auto-forwarding
  • IMAP and POP settings
  • Send-as aliases
  • Signatures
  • Vacation responder

With this update, we're equipping developers with some new tools that have never been available in any previous Google API. These include the ability to:

  • Retrieve and update signatures for send-as aliases
  • Configure forwarding to external addresses
  • Configure send-as aliases that send mail through external providers
  • Use HTML in vacation messages
  • Manipulate settings for gmail.com accounts

Over time we'll continue to expand the API with additional settings features such as support for managing mailbox delegates, so stay tuned for more announcements.

Get started now

Most of the settings endpoints are available for any Google Apps or Gmail account, but a few sensitive operations, such as modifying send-as aliases or forwarding, are restricted to service accounts with domain-wide authority. See the reference docs for more details and to get started.

What about the existing Email Settings API in the Admin SDK?

This update to the Gmail API effectively replaces the older Email Settings API, so we're also announcing its deprecation today and will turn it down fully on July 7, 2017. We've put together a migration guide to assist clients in porting their existing integrations over to their newer counterparts in the Gmail API. If you have any issues, check out the gmail-api tag on StackOverflow.

We look forward to seeing what you build with these new features in the Gmail API!